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The Argument From Cosmic Fine Tuning

The Argument From Cosmic Fine Tuning

The concept of cosmic fine tuning relates to a unique property of our universe whereby the physical constants and laws are observed to be balanced on a ‘razor’s edge’ for permitting the ...

This Saturday on the National Mall in Washington, It's the Unreasonable Rally

This Saturday, March 24, on the National Mall in Washington D.C., atheists and secularists from all over the world will gather for a day of entertainment from guest speakers, comedians and ...

British Geneticist Robert Saunders Weighs in on Signature in the Cell

Readers may recall my exchange with British geneticist Robert Saunders (here and here) following Stephen Meyer's lecture at the Lord McKay dinner in London (which you can now watch here). At the ...

The Intolerance of those Fighting for "Tolerance"

This is an article on my I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist presentation that a homosexual group protested last night at Ohio University. Notice one student said that I shouldn't be ...

Who is the Angel of the Lord?

Throughout the Old Testament, we routinely encounter the mysterious character who goes by the title "The angel of the Lord." By looking at the numerous appearances of this individual, we can ...

The GULO Pseudogene and Its Implications for Common Descent

L-gulonolactone oxidase (GULO), the final enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), is a subject that comes up often in discussions of common ancestry. The functioning ...
Did They Really Exist? A Biblical and Scientific Defence of Adam and Eve

Did They Really Exist? A Biblical and Scientific Defence of Adam and Eve

The historicity of Adam and Eve is a question which strikes at the heart of the Christian faith. If the primordial pair did not exist, then the historical and Biblical doctrine of the fall ...

Mr. Bonhoeffer Goes to Washington

My friend and best-selling "Bonhoeffer" biographer Eric Metaxas brilliantly wove wit and humor through a speech against dead religion at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday.  Calling on ...

Is Banning Same Sex Marriage Discrimination?

[Note: This is an exchange which took place between myself and an anonymous correspondant regarding a recent article I published on (and also posted here). The correspondant's ...

Joining the Conversation: Perspectives on the Discussion with James Shapiro

I have followed with interest the discussion ("Is James Shapiro a Design Theorist?") initiated by Bill Dembski and now involving James Shapiro, Ann Gauger and Douglas Axe. The nub of the ...

British Free Schools that Teach Intelligent Design as Science Will Lose Funding

The British Guardian newspaper reports on recent developments in UK governmental policy on teaching evolution in free schools (which, though state funded, are normally not required to follow ...

On the Origin of Mitochondria: Reasons for Skepticism on the Endosymbiotic Story

With regret, ENV recently noted the passing of biologist Lynn Margulis. Margulis, a scientist whom I admired greatly, was never a stranger to controversy, going so far as to call neo-Darwinism ...

Turek & Cornuke to Lead Footsteps of Paul Cruise, July 2012

Frank Turek and Bob Cornuke (the REAL Indiana Jones) will be leading a "Footsteps of Paul" cruise in July 2012!  Our ship will be Oceania's beautiful "Regatta."  We'll present evidence and ...

The Universe Had a Beginning

Cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin wrote a book in 2006 (Many Worlds in One) in which he refers to a theorem he developed with Alan Guth and Arvind Borde. Although not a believer in God but the ...

The Year in Review: Intelligent Design in the UK

An often-heard criticism of intelligent design claims that it is exclusively an American phenomenon, since presumably the rest of the world is too smart to fall for the stuff. Of course this ...

John Lennox vs. Richard Dawkins

This is an excellent conversational debate between two Oxford professors, Dr. John Lennox and Dr. Richard Dawkins. Hope you enjoy it!

Larry Moran Defends "Junk DNA"

Earlier, I responded to remarks made by PZ Myers at the recent Skepticon 4 conference. His subject: "Junk DNA." On his Sandwalk blog, University of Toronto biochemist Larry Moran has posted a ...

Animation Reveals Engineering Elegance of RNA Interference

Nature Reviews Genetics features an excellent high quality computer visualization (including an associated slideshow) of the elegant mechanism of RNA interference. RNA interference is a ...

Treasure in the Genetic Goldmine: PZ Myers Fails on "Junk DNA"

Readers may recall my encounter with developmental biology professor PZ Myers earlier this year. In that brief interaction, I came to appreciate Myers's ability to charm his adoring fans and ...
Christopher Hitchens: Evidence of a Divine Being

Christopher Hitchens: Evidence of a Divine Being

I am greatly saddened that Christopher Hitchens is gone.  There is no one with whom I disagreed more who I admired so much. I emailed Christopher several times since his diagnosis with ...

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