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Truth Matters

Truth Matters

The world defines truth as relative and subjective: “You have your truth, I have my truth.” It is customizable to one’s preferences and lifestyle. Definitive or absolute truth is considered ...
Why Do You Call Yourself a Christian?

Why Do You Call Yourself a Christian?

Have you ever heard the tale of the elderly woman who wanted to restore an old painting and… well, didn’t? Meet Potato Jesus. The woman’s intentions were noble. I certainly respect her heart. ...
Dismantling Doubt

Dismantling Doubt

Is God really there for me? God, do you see? Do you hear my prayer? Experiences such as job loss, broken relationships, mental illness, or any unyielding pain can stir up questions of doubt. ...
Here Comes the He Gets Us Campaign Again: Why Its Portrayal of Jesus is Still a Problem

Here Comes the He Gets Us Campaign Again: Why Its Portrayal of Jesus is Still a Problem

Last year, I wrote an article called “7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign,” in which I critically responded to the $100 million advertising campaign featuring a website, billboards in major ...
The Need for Cognitive Closure in Dealing with Doubts

The Need for Cognitive Closure in Dealing with Doubts

Over the years in my work as a public apologist, I have spoken with many dozens of ex-Christians who have renounced their faith and become atheists, as well as numerous individuals who still ...
Why We Are Not Best Judges of What Is Good

Why We Are Not Best Judges of What Is Good

"Avast yer jabberin, ya bunch a bilge rats!" The voice sounded strange as it reached into the hallway. The speaker was apparently trying to make a point. “Yer division a booty must be... “ he ...
Timothy’s Tale: Unveiling Undesigned Coincidences In Paul’s Journeys

Timothy’s Tale: Unveiling Undesigned Coincidences In Paul’s Journeys

Because Paul crisscrossed paths with many folks, some repeatedly, it’s quite enlightening to compare how these people are portrayed in the book of Acts with what Paul hints at in his own ...
Our Children: The Greatest Mission Field

Our Children: The Greatest Mission Field

Be assured that when the knock comes at your door, it will be unannounced, it will be warrantless, and it will come at the most inconvenient time. The social service worker will be polite, but ...
The Sense of Hearing is a Masterpiece of Engineering

The Sense of Hearing is a Masterpiece of Engineering

By Jonathan McLatchie The ear is responsible for two of our most fundamental senses — hearing and equilibrium — the receptors for which are all found inside the inner ear. For an incredible ...
The True Meaning of ‘Headship’ and ‘Head Coverings’ for Women: A Theological Perspective of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

The True Meaning of ‘Headship’ and ‘Head Coverings’ for Women: A Theological Perspective of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

In 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, the apostle Paul addresses the topic of head coverings for women, a subject that has sparked much debate, confusion, and substandard interpretations throughout history. ...
In the Image of God: The Battle for Human Identity

In the Image of God: The Battle for Human Identity

Introduction Human origins is a fascinating area of research today. With all the different models for the origins of humanity being proposed, I see an increase in the discussions, both ...
The Most Important Question

The Most Important Question

It wasn’t too long ago we finally finished putting the Christmas decorations away at our house. The process caused me to reminisce about the time we had enjoyed with family and celebrations with ...
A Christian Response to a Viral Deconversion Post

A Christian Response to a Viral Deconversion Post

By Natasha Crain Social media has been a popular place to share deconversion stories over the last few years, and sometimes so many people resonate with those posts that they go viral to some ...
Where Did Guilt Come From?

Where Did Guilt Come From?

As a prosecutor for many decades, I often found myself reflecting on the impact that feelings of guilt have, even upon criminals with lengthy records. Why was it that the guilty wanted to talk ...
The Satanic Temple Abortion Clinic: A Critical Assessment

The Satanic Temple Abortion Clinic: A Critical Assessment

The Satanic Temple (TST) is at it again. The atheistic left-wing activist group is already known for starting afterschool Satan clubs,[1] erecting unholy statues at government buildings,[2] and ...
Why Did God Allow Stoning?

Why Did God Allow Stoning?

When it comes to Bible reading, some passages are more challenging than others. Such is the case with the stoning passages (see Leviticus 20:27; 24:16; Numbers 15:32-36; Deuteronomy 13:6-11; ...
A Student is Not Greater Than His Teacher

A Student is Not Greater Than His Teacher

I still have nightmares about being in college. It usually has something to do with a math final and being unable to graduate without passing it. Why does it always have to be math? I wake up ...
Pronoun Mania

Pronoun Mania

If you haven’t had a chance to freshen up on the latest gender pronoun trend, be sure to do so by visiting a Starbucks near you. There you’ll be warmly greeted by your barista, who might be your ...
Why People Love a False Jesus

Why People Love a False Jesus

By Melissa Dougherty You know something I never see? I never see the average person say that Buddha was made up from stories of ancient pagan gods. Or that Gandhi was actually a Jewish mystic ...
Has God Warmed Up to Religious Pluralism?

Has God Warmed Up to Religious Pluralism?

We live in an age of a prevailing belief known as “Religious Pluralism”, which says no one religion (especially Christianity) holds the exclusive title to “absolute truth.” Religious pluralism ...

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