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Gay Animals: An Albatross of an Argument

In a lame attempt to justify same-sex marriage, Google News linked to this story from an LA Times blog.   According to the story, some female albatrosses may be coupling and caring for offspring ...

The Religion in Science

If current Big Bang cosmology is correct (and the evidence is very good that it is) then the entire space-time universe exploded into being out of nothing (see previous posts God and the ...

Gay Marriage: Even Liberals Know It’s Bad

This is my column that is running today at I’ll post more on this later because 800 words is not enough to cover this very controversial topic. Why not legalize same-sex ...

The Altar of Freedom

As we remember those who have paid the ultimate price to defend our country, I think a letter from President Abraham Lincoln will help us feel the impact of what Memorial Day really means to ...

Why Does the State Endorse Marriage?

Following the California Supreme Court decision last week, I posed four questions about Same-Sex Marriage that have generated quite a lot of discussion.  It seems many people are operating on ...

Four Questions about Same-Sex Marriage

Now that the California Supreme Court has usurped the will of the people by striking down their democratically-decided law,  there is sure to be a debate over the next few months about the ...

CIA: Your Chance to Make an Impact with Christian Apologetics

If you have some expertise in the area of Christian Apologetics, we are looking for instructors to help us take I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist to students and churches around the ...

Atheists: What kind of God would you accept?

Recently I posed a question to our fellow truth seekers who are atheists, and we had a great response and good dialog. It let us understand a lot of the feelings and reasons for either ...

Suffering and Evil: Can God do anything?

Can God do Anything? Can he create a stone so big that he cannot move it? Part 1 In a response to one of our readers, I said that God cannot do anything. The reader responded? “Then ...
Why Trust Reason if You’re an Atheist?

Why Trust Reason if You’re an Atheist?

If you read the threads of several of the blog entries on this site, you will see both atheists and Christians charging one another with committing “logical fallacies.”  The assumption both ...

Is the Problem of Evil and Suffering Insurmountable?

So how do Christians respond to this Epicurean question? Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, ...

What if the God of the Christians was real?

Frank will be back in the US anytime soon, so he'll be taking back the helm shortly. So as he returns, I'd like to ask our Atheist fellow travelers in search of truth this question: Atheist ...

Is the Supernatural Impossible?

Is the Supernatural Impossible? (Arthur C.) Clarke's Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.  When I talk to individuals who do not believe in God or ...

Does our Morality come from our DNA?

Does our Morality come from our DNA? Frank, is out of town for a week and has honored me by asking me to post a few blogs in his absence. My name is Neil Mammen, I consider myself a ...

Berlinski: An argument against Religion is an argument against Math

David Berlinski, a secular Jew and author of The Devil’s Delusion (a great read, I might add), interviewed himself a couple of years ago here, and had this exchange with himself: … But why ...

Atheists: What Evidence Would You Need To See?

There are several intelligents atheists and skeptics who have responded to posts on this blog in recent weeks.  I appreciate the spirited and mostly respectful debate, as well as the ...
Who Really Commits the “God of the Gaps” Fallacy?

Who Really Commits the “God of the Gaps” Fallacy?

The following is adapted from chapter 6 of I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist: The God-of-the-Gaps fallacy occurs when someone falsely believes that God caused the event when it really ...

Obscuring Clear Statements with "Clarifications"

Thomas Sowell continues his brilliant insights into the current presidential campaign.  Speaking of Barack Obama's comments on how average folk in small towns are "bitter" and "cling to guns or ...

Forward this Column or Get Stuck on Stupid

Dr. Mike Adams is at it again talking about the work we're doing here at  Forward this Column or Get Stuck on Stupid.  Thanks Mike for making Christian Apologetics mainstream!

Is Intelligent Design Science? If not, Neither is Darwinism

The discussion on this blog has lately turned to the question of whether or not Intelligent Design is science (see comments on recent posts).  To generate some more discussion, I offer ...

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