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How Not Letting Your Children Ask a Question Leads Them to Atheism

How Not Letting Your Children Ask a Question Leads Them to Atheism

By Michael C. Sherrard Time and time again, I hear the story of one who has left their belief in God in the bin of their childhood memories alongside Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. And more ...
When Does Personhood Begin? Part I

When Does Personhood Begin? Part I

By Clinton Wilcox Once you have established that the unborn are human from fertilization, the next step is to ask when we should assign basic human rights to a human individual [1]. The right ...
What is the Unborn?

What is the Unborn?

By Clinton Wilcox Before you can even answer the question of whether or not abortion is moral, you must first decide what the unborn is. For as Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason observes, if the ...
How to Leverage Moral Outrage for the Gospel

How to Leverage Moral Outrage for the Gospel

By Michael C Sherrard It is good to acknowledge the appropriateness of ones anger in the midst of evil and pain. It is right to be angry over injustice. It is right to be sick at crimes against ...
Why Is There Even A Jesus Myth Theory?

Why Is There Even A Jesus Myth Theory?

By Stephen Bedard I have spent much of my apologetics activity responding to the Jesus myth theory. My first book (co-authored with Stanley Porter) Unmasking the Pagan Christ and my first ...
8 Major Worldviews (Part 2)

8 Major Worldviews (Part 2)

By Bryan Chilton In our last article, we presented the first four of the eight major worldviews. As we noted, this is a revision to a previous article that only listed six. The first article in ...
8 Major Worldviews (Part 1)

8 Major Worldviews (Part 1)

By: Brian Chilton Before the website transferred from to, I had written an article on the major worldviews across the globe. I presented six ...
The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies ...
Book Review: The Story of Reality by Greg Koukl

Book Review: The Story of Reality by Greg Koukl

By Timothy Fox I’ve waited for this book for a long time. I’ve been listening to Greg Koukl – one of my personal apologetics heroes – on the Stand to Reason podcast for years and he would ...
Necessary Existence of God

Necessary Existence of God

By Prayson Daniel Judeo-Christians understand God as a being that is perfect in knowledge (Ps. 147:5), power (Job 42:2), presence (Ps. 139), acts (Ps. 18:30) and has none greater (Heb. 6:13) ...
One Fewer God?

One Fewer God?

By Derrick Stokes There’s a popular quote by atheist Steven F. Roberts that many nonbelievers cite or paraphrase when debating Christians that says, “I contend we are both atheists. I just ...
Can Science Answer All Questions?

Can Science Answer All Questions?

By Paul Rezkalla In the movie Contact? Ellie told her father that she loved him, but she couldn’t prove it scientifically. That’s because science can’t do that sort of thing. Science can’t show ...
5 Attitude Changes That Will Transform Your Christian Parenting in the New Year

5 Attitude Changes That Will Transform Your Christian Parenting in the New Year

By Natasha Crain It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been able to write a post because my nose has been buried in writing my new book (if you’re new to the blog or missed what I’m working on, you ...
How do I explain abortion to my children?

How do I explain abortion to my children?

By Michael C. Sherrard These kinds of questions keep you awake at night. Knowing how and when to talk to your children about sensitive issues isn't an exact science. But we better figure it out ...
Did Messianic prophecy inspire the Christmas story?

Did Messianic prophecy inspire the Christmas story?

By Tim McGrew One of the favorite targets of destructive biblical criticism is the narrative of Jesus’ birth in the first two chapters of Matthew. One distinctive feature of Matthew’s account ...
A Logical Christmas Message

A Logical Christmas Message

By Tim Stratton John 1:1-14 states “In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, ...
Jesus’ Birth: How undesigned coincidences give evidence for the truth of the Gospel accounts

Jesus’ Birth: How undesigned coincidences give evidence for the truth of the Gospel accounts

By J.W. Wartick There are many charges raised against the historicity of the birth narratives of Jesus Christ. These run the gamut from objections based upon alleged contradictions to ...
5 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Should Learn How to Answer: Christmas Edition

5 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Should Learn How to Answer: Christmas Edition

By Alisa Childers In a previous post, I offered quick answers to 5 apologetics questions that I think every Christian should be familiar with. With many misconceptions and misunderstandings ...
The Case for the Pre-Existence of Christ: The Birthday that was Not the Beginning

The Case for the Pre-Existence of Christ: The Birthday that was Not the Beginning

By Brian Chilton Recently, we celebrated my wife’s birthday. As we reach a certain age, we remember the date, but the year begins to become foggy (intentionally, of course). When one celebrates ...
Incoherent Questions

Incoherent Questions

By Tim Stratton It has been said that there is no such thing as a stupid question. Consider the following: How much does the color purple weigh? Can God create something that is not ...

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