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Liberals Flunk Econ 101

John Zogby recently interviewed nearly 5,000 American adults and asked them eight basic questions about economics.  The eight questions have easily provable answers. Here are the bottom line ...

Is God Good? (A Short Film)

Here is animated short film called, "Is God Good?"  In less than two minutes, it succinctly addresses how human freedom relates to the problem of evil (with some brilliant animated ...

Dennis Prager on American Exceptionalism

With wit, passion and clarity, radio talk show host Dennis Prager unearths one of the root problems in America today-- the failure of our schools and parents to teach why America is ...

The Bible: Embarrassing and True (Part 2)

  Do the New Testament documents tell the truth about what really happened in the first century?  As I wrote in my last column, authors claiming to write history are unlikely to ...

The Bible: Embarrassing and True (Part 1)

What are your most embarrassing moments?  You don’t want to admit them. And if you do admit them, you certainly won’t add to your shame by inventing embarrassing moments about yourself to make ...

God and Birth Defects

As recorded in John Chapter 9, Jesus saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" "Neither this man nor his ...

TV Show Moving to Wednesday Night

Our I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist TV show is moving to Wednesday night at 9 pm ET and 1 am ET (which is 6 pm and 10 pm Pacific), DirecTV channel 378.  May 10th is our first showing ...
Christians and Atheists Seeking the Same Thing?

Christians and Atheists Seeking the Same Thing?

Evangelical author Skye Jethani makes the insightful observation that some so-called Christians and some atheists have quite a bit in common when it comes to control.  While some atheists (like ...

Ethics, a fad?

Recently I posted a book review on "O God" which talks about Oprah's spirituality. Like most of my apologetics conversations lately, the discussion quickly turned to morality. I find this ...

"O God"-Effectively Critiques Oprah-ology.

In the new book “O” God: A Dialogue on Truth and Oprah’s Spirituality. (CA: WND, 2009; 128pg) renowned Christian apologist Josh McDowell and up-and-comer Dave Sterrett offer a brief popular ...

The Birch Tree Challenge

I've issued a challenge at Plumb Bob Blog, my political/social blog, to progressives and atheists to see which of them can answer cogently. I'm giving away the secret up front: this is about the ...

It’s the Culture Stupid

Jack Cashill makes an interesting case at the American Thinker today that the mortgage crisis and much of the faltering economy can be traced back to the breakdown of the family.  Minority ...
In ancient wall, scholar sees proof for Bible

In ancient wall, scholar sees proof for Bible

Back in 1993, archaeologists found an inscription in the Israeli town of Dan bearing the name of the Hebrew King David.  This put to rest the theory that the David of the Bible was just a myth.  ...

The Three Faces of ID

At a conference on Intelligent Design (ID) last semester I was sitting in the audience listening to some lively panel discussion when it occurred to me that many of the insights people were ...

Gay Rights: Don’t Ask, Don’t Think

The following column created quite a long discussion when it was posed on last week.  I'm sure it will here too (though I won't be part of the discussion for at least a week).  ...

Richard Dawkins on the Wonder of the World

In this well produced and narrated video, atheist Richard Dawkins marvels at the fine-tuned wonder of the world. What does it all point to? Raw data cannot tell us because all data must be ...

"Church Dropout" Trailer for January 19th

This Tuesday, January 19th I'll be hosting a live radio and internet simulcast event called Church Dropout: Overcoming the Youth Exodus. The producers at the American Family Association tell ...

Church Dropouts: Overcoming the Youth Exodus

Why are 75% of youth leaving the church after high school? What can you do about it? Get answers January 19th from Dr. Frank Turek, co-author of "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" ...

Should Tiger Woods Become a Christian?

Brit Hume boldly suggests Tiger Woods, who considers himself more of a Buddhist, become a Christian because Christianity offers forgiveness. Some Buddhists object. Here's what Stephen Prothero, ...

Everyone Believes Something Unbelievable

Virgin birth. Abiogenesis. Resurrection from the dead. Random mutations producing the raw material for new organs. Intelligent creation ex nihilo. Eternal matter. Eternal mind. Heaven. ...

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