While it’s impossible to review and endorse everything on the following sites, we think that generally they provide some of the best apologetics and news
resources on the internet. Please let us know if any of them were helpful to you, or if you think there are other sites we ought to add.

The Official Website of Jonathan McLatchie

The mission of FIRE is to defend and sustain individual rights at America’s colleges and universities.

J. Warner Wallace is a cold-case homicide detective, a Christian case maker and an author.

Great conservative columns, including those by Frank Turek, Mike Adams and David Limbaugh.

Great Christian radio, including CrossExamined with Frank Turek.

Find a Christian club or roommate on your campus.

Science and Faith think tank with astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross.

Connect with college ministries, churches, and Christian ministries before you leave home.

Stay in touch with political opinion, and, at a glance, see who’s winning the horse race in the polls.

Site of Intelligent Design pioneer William Dembski.

Daily news from a Christian perspective.

Apologetics resources from Probe Ministries, host of Mind Games Conferences.

Daily news from a Christian perspective.

A student apologetics alliance sponsored by Southern Evangelical Seminary.

Hear about it first from Matt Drudge.

The best place to learn apologetics at the college and seminary level.

Site from Focus on the Family offering advice on many personal relationship issues from a Christain perspective.

The best place to get young people Christian worldview training in the summer.

Answering the main theistic competitor to Christianity: Islam.

Apologetics research, resources and the Bible Answerman show hosted by Hank Hannegraaff.

Daily apologetics resources including MP3 audio, debates, podcasts, book reviews, quotes, and more.

Lots of articles on apologetics topics from Matt Slick.

Lots of articles from apologist J.P. Holding.

Watch answers at Lee Strobel’s site. It’s filled with short apologetics videos.

Educational materials and more presenting the Christian worldview.

Site of Dr. William Lane Craig, one of the best Christian debaters.

For the adventurer in you: site of Christian explorer Bob Cornuke.

The research findings of Josh McDowell for free!

Blog with a Christian perspective on current events. Hundreds of great articles. Led by Greg Koukl.

Over 15,000 pages of Answers!