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Truth and Tone in Cultural Engagement

Truth and Tone in Cultural Engagement

By Darrell L. Bock and Mikel Del Rosario INTRODUCTION Over the past few decades, some evangelicals have seen cultural engagement as fighting a culture war for Christ. But the landscape ...
The Wounded Healer: Finding Ultimate Purpose in Your Suffering

The Wounded Healer: Finding Ultimate Purpose in Your Suffering

By Luke Nix Introduction The other day, I heard a podcast that I want to highlight for anyone who is a victim of the evil and suffering of life and questions God's purposes, His love, or even ...
How to Get Men to Church

How to Get Men to Church

By Timothy Fox There’s a critical gender gap problem in America: Christianity’s gender gap. Men attend church far less than women. Why? There are many reasons, from weak, whiny worship to ...
A Parent’s Guide to the 5 Skeptics Who Want to Shame Your Kids for Being Christian

A Parent’s Guide to the 5 Skeptics Who Want to Shame Your Kids for Being Christian

By Natasha Crain  Having blogged for over six years now, I’ve received hundreds (and hundreds) of comments and emails from skeptics of Christianity. Once in a while, I receive one from a ...
Don’t Be Overcome by Statistics, Overcome Statistics with the Gospel

Don’t Be Overcome by Statistics, Overcome Statistics with the Gospel

By Brian Chilton Let’s be honest. We in the Christian world are inundated with bad news. We are bombarded with news about how the Millennial Generation is far more unbelieving than Generation ...
The Goodness of God

The Goodness of God

By J. Brian Huffling My last post on God and morality brought up the issue of if and how God is moral. My main point was to reject the notion that God is moral in the sense that humans are ...
Why Being Comfortable Makes You A Bad Leader

Why Being Comfortable Makes You A Bad Leader

By Alex McElroy We live in a result-oriented society. I suppose it’s better than living in a status-quo oriented society. The mantra of the day is “what have you done for me lately?” Harsh as ...
The Evidence For Jesus’ Resurrection, Part 10: Conclusion

The Evidence For Jesus’ Resurrection, Part 10: Conclusion

by Evan Minton  If you've taken the time to read through this entire series, I commend you. The resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in human history. If it occurred, the Christian ...
An Encounter With Jehovah’s Witnesses

An Encounter With Jehovah’s Witnesses

By Terrell Clemmons It was a bright and cold December morning, and I was up to my elbows in bread dough when my doorbell rang. The dog barked at full volume, and my preschool daughter zipped ...
5 Keys To A Respectful And Persuasive Conversation

5 Keys To A Respectful And Persuasive Conversation

By Michael C. Sherrard You can have respectful and persuasive conversations about controversial issues like politics, morality, and even religion if you check your P.U.L.S.E. When you feel ...
Exclusivity Claims Of Major World Religions

Exclusivity Claims Of Major World Religions

by Rajkumar Richard You may have encountered and engaged these claims, “Christianity is intolerant!” and “Christianity is exclusive!” The other religions are allegedly tolerant and hence, ...
The Evidence For Jesus’ Resurrection, Part 9: Probabilities and Plagarism

The Evidence For Jesus’ Resurrection, Part 9: Probabilities and Plagarism

By Evan Minton This is part 9 in a blog post series on the historical evidence for Jesus' resurrection. In parts 3, 4, 5, and 6, we've seen powerful historical evidence that (1) Jesus died by ...
Robin Collins And Atheist Peter Millican Discuss The Fine-Tuning Of The Universe For Life

Robin Collins And Atheist Peter Millican Discuss The Fine-Tuning Of The Universe For Life

By Wintery Knight You might remember Peter Millican from the debate he had with William Lane Craig. I ranked that debate as one of the 3 best I have ever seen, along with the first Craig vs. ...
Your Kids Will Likely Have No Idea How to Choose Their Own Christian Church as Adults… and That’s a Problem

Your Kids Will Likely Have No Idea How to Choose Their Own Christian Church as Adults… and That’s a Problem

by Natasha Crain  I grew up mostly in non-denominational churches, with a Baptist church or two thrown in. For all intents and purposes, my understanding of the world was that there were two ...
The Case For Miracles Book Review

The Case For Miracles Book Review

by Ryan Leasure I can still hear Al Michael’s voice in the background, “Do you believe in miracles?!?!” The United States victory over the heavily favored Russian hockey team in the 1980 Winter ...
God Is Not A Moral Being and the Moral Argument Is Often Wrongheaded

God Is Not A Moral Being and the Moral Argument Is Often Wrongheaded

By J. Brian Huffling God is not a moral being and often the way the moral argument is used is just wrong. What I mean by the former is that God does not abide by moral commands, nor does he ...
God’s Origin Story

God’s Origin Story

By Timothy Fox In my last article, I compared superhero origin stories to the beginning of the universe. Every superhero needs an origin story, and so does the universe. We need a reason why it ...
Comics and Cosmic Origins

Comics and Cosmic Origins

By Timothy Fox Every superhero has an origin story. Spider-man was bitten by a radioactive spider. Batman’s parents were murdered before his very eyes as a child. Superman’s parents sent him on ...
Are You Good Enough For Heaven?

Are You Good Enough For Heaven?

by Al Serrato “Avast yer jabberin, ya bunch a bilge rats!” The voice sounded strange as it reached into the hallway. The speaker was apparently trying to make a point. “Yer division a booty ...
The Evidence For Jesus’ Resurrection, Part 8: Some Unanswered Questions

The Evidence For Jesus’ Resurrection, Part 8: Some Unanswered Questions

by Evan Minton  This is part 8 in a blog post series on the historical evidence for Jesus' resurrection. In parts 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this series, we've seen powerful historical evidence that (1) ...

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