Mistaken Objections that Seek to Trivialize Fine-Tuning
This is my third blog in a series on fine-tuning as evidence for God. Here are the first and second blogs, which deal with the philosophical background. Before I share the evidence I want to ...

How Does Fine-tuning Provide Evidence for God?
In my previous blog, I defined the following fine-tuning claim:
“In the set of possible physical laws, parameters and initial conditions, the subset that permits rational conscious life is very ...

If You Don’t Want God, You Better Have a Multiverse!
Such is the advice from Bernard Carr in grappling with the fascinating discovery that the physics of the universe had to be fine-tuned if it were to support life. Carr views the only viable ...

The Wisdom Chronicle
The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year in all genres. Each week, I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The ...

The Jewish Temple that may Prevent World War III
Israel is the most contested piece of real estate in the world. And the most contested piece of real estate within Israel is the temple mount in the old city of Jerusalem. Nearly every Jew ...

The Wisdom Chronicle
The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year in all genres. Each week, I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The ...

Do Ideas Have Consequences? Indeed They Do!
In 1948 an English professor at the University of Chicago penned a book whose main idea resonates well into the modern world and into today’s news headlines. The professor was Richard Weaver and ...

The Wisdom Chronicle
The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year in all genres. Each week, I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The ...

Five Archaeology Books Every Christian Should Read
The Bible is not just one book, but sixty-six books composed over a period of around fifteen hundred years. The stories recorded in the Bible are not a myth, but real events recorded by real ...

The Wisdom Chronicle
151. YOU RETIRING? "Don't put a period where God is putting a comma. Let Him punctuate your life story as He sees fit." -- Unknown
152. TAKE ACTION “Our grand business is not to see what lies ...

Philosophical Arguments that the Universe had a Beginning
This is my last blog dealing with the origin of the universe as an argument for the existence of God. I’ll examine the issue of whether new physics might be discovered to enable the universe to ...

Footsteps of Jesus: Our First Day
At this very moment I am sitting at a small wooden desk. To my left is a window that looks out onto a body of water. It’s no ordinary body of water. Mountains surround it on almost all sides. As ...

Much Ado About Nothing
In my blog series on scientific evidence for God, I’ve initially focused on the origin of the universe. I defended the Kalam cosmological argument and argued that since currently known physics ...

Has Joshua’s Ai Been Discovered?
Last year Christianity Today named their top ten archaeological discoveries of 2013. On the top of the list was an object that looks like a small insignificant amulet carved from stone. As it ...

Objection to Premise 1 of the Kalam: Doesn’t Quantum Mechanics Violate the Causal Principle?
It depends on what you mean by causality. A philosophically-informed physicist would say Quantum Mechanics (QM) doesn’t do away with causality:
“In fact, QFT[Quantum Field Theory] is ...

Does The Origin of the Universe Point to God?
A logical starting place for consideration of scientific data that may serve as evidence for God is the origin of the universe. William Lane Craig has made famous the following ancient argument ...

The Wisdom Chronicle
141. MEN IN CHURCH “The church has to drag men kicking and screaming out of their lethargy. Men sit bored in church for years avoiding the vortex of the gospel’s “edge of your seat” drama. It’s ...

What Counts as Evidence for God from Science?
Some might say that science leaves no room for the supernatural and therefore it’s impossible for science to ever provide any evidence for God. Note that if such a claim is made then science ...

Can Science Disprove God?
Suppose that there were no scientific evidence whatsoever for the existence of God, would that disprove God? Or would that necessarily make it irrational to believe in God?
I argue that it ...
The Culture Chronicle
The following list of events is a representative sample lifted from recent headlines and compiled in this format to offer some perspective concerning the current trends in our ...