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The Deity of Christ in the Old Testament

The Deity of Christ in the Old Testament

By Ryan Leasure Most readers of the Bible affirm that the New Testament unequivocally proclaims the deity of Christ. It’s hard to read texts such as John 1:1-4, John 8:58, Romans 9:5, or ...
Seven Aspects of Jesus’s Life that are Historically Certain

Seven Aspects of Jesus’s Life that are Historically Certain

By Brian Chilton When I had struggled with my faith, it was not in the area of science. I believed that science and faith can coexist, and I still do. The God who gave the special revelation of ...
Knowledge and Certainty: Can You Know that God Exists?

Knowledge and Certainty: Can You Know that God Exists?

Mikel Del Rosario Do you have to be absolutely certain about something like “God exists” before you can say that you actually know it? Christians who talk about the evidence for God sometimes ...
Book Review: The Beauty of Intolerance

Book Review: The Beauty of Intolerance

By Luke Nix Introduction A few years ago, Sean McDowell gave a talk at the AMP Conference called "The Beauty of Intolerance." In the talk, he spoke of two different views on tolerance that ...
Cashed Out: Feminism

Cashed Out: Feminism

By Terrell Clemmons The War Against Sexual Order Has Young Men in Full Retreat Beware of the sperm-jacker, warns Dean Cardell on the men's website She's "all about getting ...
Reconciling a God of Love with the Problem of Evil

Reconciling a God of Love with the Problem of Evil

By Daniel Merritt Theologians and philosophers when engaged in explaining the mysteries of life, wrestle with two mysteries that challenge the mind and the soul. Those mysteries have to do with ...
If Christianity is True, Why Do So Many Kids Have Doubts Today?

If Christianity is True, Why Do So Many Kids Have Doubts Today?

By Natasha Crain Christianity Today recently featured an article titled, “The Biggest Hindrance to Your Kids’ Faith Isn’t Doubt. It’s Silence.” The article summarized the findings of ...
Is There a Difference Between Apologetics and Evangelism?

Is There a Difference Between Apologetics and Evangelism?

By Robby Hall Many have an idea that the discipline of Apologetics is limited to showing some esoteric point to be true or getting into long debates with atheists. The truth is, apologetics is ...
Responding to Sam Burke’s Argument That Christianity Entails Anti-Natalism

Responding to Sam Burke’s Argument That Christianity Entails Anti-Natalism

By Evan Minton  In the comment section of one of the posts on the Cerebral Faith facebook page, Sam Burke commented "If I found out Christianity was true, I would do everything in my power to ...
Rays of Hope

Rays of Hope

By Matthew Slama I was recently thinking about how we view God and how he interacts with us in this world. I was also reflecting about the verse about us being light unto the world. As I ...
Atheism: The Old Vs. the New

Atheism: The Old Vs. the New

By J. Brian Huffling Introduction Ever since humans have walked the earth, they have been plagued with many and various questions. Perhaps the most vexing question one can ask is, “How did ...
Sickness and the Annihilator

Sickness and the Annihilator

By Roby Hall [We consider this publication important even though it was written more than 1 year ago, the reflection written here remains valid and valuable]. A year ago, my wife ...
Who Was Jesus? God? Man? Or Both?

Who Was Jesus? God? Man? Or Both?

By Ryan Leasure Who was Jesus? Can you think of a more important question? After all, it’s hardly controversial to suggest that he’s the most significant figure in history. And, I dare say, ...
Christopher Hitchens Debates William Lane Craig at Biola U: Does God Exist?

Christopher Hitchens Debates William Lane Craig at Biola U: Does God Exist?

By Wintery Knight Here is the video of the debate: TOPIC: DOES GOD EXIST? MY NOTES ON THE DEBATE: (WC = William Lane Craig, CH = Christopher Hitchens) WC opening ...
Why Would God Make Me a Lesbian?

Why Would God Make Me a Lesbian?

Could there be any more sensitive and provocative question in our culture today?  (Since we posted this video on YouTube two days ago it has averaged nearly 2,000 views per hour.)  A student ...
Fighting Human Trafficking in the Digital Age

Fighting Human Trafficking in the Digital Age

By Mikel Del Rosario Technology for Good Using Artificial Intelligence for the Common Good When I began teaching in Northern California, I met a remarkable young woman named Emily ...
Do I Have to Be Absolutely Certain Before I Can Say Christianity Is True?

Do I Have to Be Absolutely Certain Before I Can Say Christianity Is True?

By Robby Hall Recently here in my state, a man was acquitted of manslaughter in the death of his girlfriend.  In response to the loss, the District Attorney who prosecuted the case ...
Civilization & Its Malcontents

Civilization & Its Malcontents

By Terrell Clemmons How Soviet Disinformation Infected the West & What the West Can Do About It On Tuesday, July 25, 1978, Romanian-born Ion Mihai Pacepa ('e-YOHN MEE-hai pa-CHEP-a') ...
What Is The Intellectual Cost of The Pro-Choice Position?

What Is The Intellectual Cost of The Pro-Choice Position?

By Luke Nix Introduction In recent months a major political and moral shift has been underway across America. The legality and morality of both infanticide and murder are actually being ...
Abortion and the Theology of a Purposeless Life

Abortion and the Theology of a Purposeless Life

By Brian Chilton While I am intentionally not one of the political voices of the day, I do find that many times politics crosses over into theology and vice versa. One of the more troubling ...

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