The Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye “Post-Debate” Round Up
Just as expected, the much anticipated and hyped debate between Kan Ham (CEO of Answers in Genesis) & Bill Nye (the “Science” Guy) sparked a “mini-blizzard” of blogs and articles from people ...
Christians in the Super Bowl
Here's a compilation of comments from Seahawks and Broncos who are Christians (or at least believers in God). Thought some of you might find this inspiring. (The major media only seems to ...
How to Reach Your Non-Christian Relatives this Christmas
It’s going to happen again this year. You’re going to get together with a bunch of people who would rather talk about anything but Jesus. What can you do to reach them?
Face it. You’re ...
Does Causality Apply Outside of Space and Time?
During a radio debate I had with an atheist recently, I pointed out that the universe had a beginning and thus needs a cause. He responded by claiming that since there was no space or time ...
“Eternity Has the Floor:” Another Look at Pascal’s Wager
Silent you stand before the altar of death! Life here and life after constitute an eternal conundrum; but its expiring spark awakens us to holy devotion and quiets every other voice except ...
Human Design Blindly Echoes Design in Nature
Scientists continually tell us that certain features found in nature are not "designed" but are the product of unguided evolutionary development. In his book The Blind Watchmaker biologist ...
A Universe from Nothing? Dr. Krauss Explains Nothing
If Dr. Richard Dawkins is the atheist’s rock star of biology, Dr. Lawrence Krauss is the atheist’s rock star of physics (maybe only second to Stephen Hawking). An engaging speaker and winsome ...
A Titanic Failure: Never Learning from Our Past
Rulers, Statesmen, Nations, are wont to be emphatically commended to the teaching which experience offers in history. But what experience and history teach is this, - that peoples and ...
A Not So Bright Future: Technology, Atheism & the Death of Man
It is widely believed that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche ushered in the twentieth century with his famous phrase, “God is dead…”[1] Nietzsche himself died in 1900. Obviously, ...
Three Apologetics Conferences Coming Soon
You have three outstanding opportunities to participate in apologetics conferences over the next several weeks.
Your first opportunity is to join me, Doug Groothuis and Mary Jo Sharp online ...
Archaeology, the Bible & the Great Dating Debate
An article posted by the Biblical Archaeology Society cites a recent report published in BASOR (the Bulletin for the American Schools of Oriental Research) which calls into question the dating ...
How Will Same Sex Marriage Hurt You?
If you think that push for same sex marriage and so-called "non-discrimination" laws are all about love and tolerance, you couldn't be more wrong. A decision out of the New Mexico Supreme Court ...
Does God Exist? Craig vs. Millican
Dr. William Lane Craig is probably the best debater for evangelical Christianity today. Rarely do Craig's opponents address his arguments, much less provide coherent refutations. Dr. Peter ...
Evolution vs. God
Ray Comfort has recently put out several provocative, informative and entertaining half hour videos. His latest called Evolution vs. God asks some top evolutionists to offer evidence for their ...
Darwin’s Doubt
Darwin’s Doubt, the brand new New York Times bestseller by Cambridge-trained Ph.D., Stephen Meyer, is creating a major scientific controversy. Darwinists don’t like it.
Meyer writes about ...
Top 100 Universities Go with Liberal Graduation Speakers
Most of our top universities continue their liberal learning right through the graduation ceremony. Todd Starnes provides a complete listing of university graduation speakers from Harvard on ...
Playing Fast and Loose with the Facts: How Ken Miller Misrepresented Phil Johnson
An old debate, featuring Dr. Kenneth Miller and Dr. Paul Nelson, has found its way onto YouTube. The debate took place at the time of the Kitzmiller v. Dover trial in Pennsylvania in 2005. ...
An Atheist Asks About Morality, Cosmology and Hell
At the University of Dallas last month, a polite atheist (Carter) had four major questions/objections to my "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" presentation. Our nine minute exchange ...
Why Do the Innocent Suffer?
The only completely innocent person in the history of humanity suffered for a greater good-- the salvation of you and me. Trust in Him this resurrection day. If you never choose to do so, God ...
Did the Disciples Lie about Jesus’ Resurrection?
Easter season is upon us and it is almost certain that some newspapers, magazine articles, documentaries, etc…will seek to discredit the resurrection of Christ or imply that Jesus’ disciples ...