The Surprising Way Tinkerbell Shows the Flaw in the Transgender Identity Crisis
I know what you might be thinking. “Tinkerbell, Melissa? Seriously?” But stay with me here. The pre-woke movie era had some good stuff in it that’s surprisingly relevant and counter-cultural ...
Where Rebellion Against God Leads
Imagine a time in the not-too-distant future. Trying to compensate for a declining population, scientists use advanced technology to build a “race” of robots, giving them not only human ...
The Danger of Promising Universal Salvation
If you’re going to contend that universalism is true, i.e., the belief that everyone will eventually end up in heaven, then you best beware of the consequences of doing so.
Evacuating a ...
The Shocking Effects of Grace
In his book Rumors of Another World, Philip Yancey shares how Nelson Mandela, after coming into power as president of South Africa, took drastic measures to heal his apartheid-torn ...
Dangerous Homefront, part 3: Correcting Prooftexts
In part 1 of this series we looked at prooftexts from the Old Testament. In part 2 we looked at prooftexts from the New Testament. At this point you may be wondering, “So what’s the big deal?” ...
Meet Robot Jesus
Have you talked with Jesus yet today? No, I’m not talking about your morning prayers. I’m talking about the new Text-With-Jesus app. This is a downloadable smartphone app that will put you ...
Is teaching kids about God child abuse?
People always tell me not to look at the comment section of a social media post. I didn’t listen.
We just promoted the new kid’s curriculum Let’s Get Real: Examining the Evidence for God, ...
Dangerous Homefront, part 2: NT Prooftexts we Know and Love
In part 1 of this series, we looked at a few Old Testament passages that people often misinterpret. In part 2 we shift to the New Testament. It’s worth noting that sometimes the error is just an ...
Why God Can’t Be the Universe
Most people believe in God. The question is, which God? Who is this God? Is He personal? Impersonal? An “it”? A vague source or amorphous energy? It’s important to think this through because if ...
Dangerous Homefront, part 1: OT Prooftexts we Know and Love
Years ago, on a trip to Washington DC I found myself going through a few different airports and learning a life lesson along the way. The flights led me through several security checks. I had no ...
Why We Praise God
Christian apologists are accustomed to dealing with the “straw man” fallacy. This is where the skeptic paints a false picture of a theistic position, making it easier to ridicule or defeat, and ...
A Crash Course in How to Study the Bible, Part 2
NT Greek Scholar, Dan Wallace stated, “As a Protestant I cherish the NT teaching on the priesthood of believers—that each Christian has the right to his own interpretation, but also that ...
A Crash Course in How to Study the Bible, Part 1
Imagine arriving at the lake each Sunday at 10AM to capture the mad skills of a gifted fisherman as he captures your lunch for the day. In doing so, do you think you’d learn to fish for yourself ...
Yes, There is a Difference Between New Age and New Thought
When people hear the word “New Age,” they might think of the hippie generation of the ’60s. When people hear “New Thought,” however, most people have no idea what it means.I believe New Thought ...
A Trendy New Breathing and Meditation Technique… and it’s Odd.
I was scrolling through the Gram one day, and since I look up a lot of New Age things, the almighty algorithm put in front of my face something it thought I would enjoy. My eyes fell upon ...
5 Fatal Flaws in Transgender Ideology
Many people who support transgender surgery and cross-sex hormones may be well-intentioned, but the transgender ideology behind those intentions is fraught with fatal flaws. Here are just five ...
As Long as It Doesn’t Hurt Anyone Or does it?
Watching classic TV recently I ran across one of my favorite episodes of the Twilight Zone series. Fans of that show will probably remember the classic episode “To Serve Man.” In the story, ...
Ever Heard of the Kezazah Ceremony?
We’ve all heard the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. The boy cashes in early on his inheritance only to squander it all away. Eventually he comes to his senses and returns home. And yet, ...
Is Scientology Compatible with Christianity?
By Bobby Conway
I’m often surprised to hear some of the beliefs that Christians contend are compatible with Christianity. One such belief is Scientology. As Christians we are expected to remain ...
Why is God’s Word so Hard to Understand?
The following question comes from one our Crossexamined Community members.
“Why did God allow the Bible to be written in a way that gives Christians an opportunity to misunderstand it?”
This ...