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Can Science Explain Everything? Featuring Dr. John Lennox

Can science explain everything? Is science an unstoppable force in human development?  Will it provide for all of our needs? How can a scientist believe in God? Are Christians committing the God of the Gaps fallacy when we say the universe, and certain designs in the...

Faith and Doubt – How to Honor God in the Midst of Your Doubts

By Mikel Del Rosario [This publication although it was not written recently, its content seems to us to be current and necessary to continue sharing, so we are publishing it on our site today] Today, I’m pleased to feature an exclusive guest post by my friend, Dena...

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

By Alex McElroy I’ve never been much of an artist. I do, however, have great respect for those that possess the skill and patience to create a masterpiece. In fact, I admire anyone that can draw anything beyond a stick figure. I remember when I was growing up, my...

Siete aspectos de la vida de Jesús que son históricamente ciertos

Por Brian Chilton Cuando llegué a tener dificultades con mi fe, no las tuve en el área de la ciencia. He creído que la ciencia y la fe pueden coexistir, y aún lo creo. El Dios que dio la revelación especial de la Biblia, es también el mismo Dios que creó los cielos y...

Dr. Norman Geisler’s Greatest Hits

Join Frank as he describes more than 50 important truths that his mentor, Dr. Norman Geisler, taught him over the years.  All of these insights— some of them were profound quips— will help you defend the faith and make you a better disciple. You better get ready to...

No, the argument from miracles has not been debunked (Pt. 1)

By Erik Manning Is the argument from miracles full of fallacies? Popular atheist YouTuber 'Rationality Rules' argues that’s the case. Rather than examining miracles on a report-by-report basis, he opts to say that the case for miracles is doomed from the start. This...

Unseen Realm Part 2

How many spiritual beings are there? How can we discern what comes from God and what comes from dark forces? How do we explain two Yahwehs in the Old Testament? Join Frank for Part 2 as he interviews Dr. Michael Heiser about his book Unseen Realm: Recovering the...

Don’t Buy “The Science Guy”

By Bob Perry Bill Nye, “The Science Guy” used to host an enjoyable and informative TV program for kids. In the last few years, however, Bill Nye has entered into a different realm. Apparently, he fancies himself an arbiter of all truth; the man who can quite literally...

The Unseen Realm

Join Frank as he interviews Dr. Michael Heiser about his book Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. But beware: your view of the Bible may be rocked as a result of this interview! This is only Part 1. Part 2 is next week. Check out Dr....

The Problem with Christian Celebrity

By Robby Hall The backlash against Lauren Daigle for her comments on homosexuality sparked debate amongst Christians who both defend and critique her. John Crist, a Christian comedian, recently posted a video on his Instagram feed condemning those who judged her for...

Blinded by Science?

By Terrell Clemmons Don't Be; That's Just the New Atheists Masking Their Faith Choice In the November 2006 cover story of Wired magazine, Gary Wolf thoughtfully gave ear to some of atheism's most aggressive voices and labeled the movement that they lead “New Atheism.”...

7 Independent Lines of Evidence for God’s Existence

By Luke Nix Introduction- Why Is God's Existence So Important? One of the most heated debates in any setting is the existence of God. If God exists, then He is the foundation for objective morality. One's view of morality governs their thinking in everything from...

El argumento epistemológico en contra del materialismo

Por Maverick Christian Para comenzar citaré a Alvin Plantinga: El argumento, en esencia, es el siguiente: que ordinariamente pensamos que el contenido de una creencia, o una intención, o una acción es relevante para las acciones causadas por creencias, intenciones y...

Mama Bear Apologetics

If you get between a mama bear and her cubs, you’ll be in big trouble. Frank interviews Hillary Morgan Ferrer, who joined up with other mama bears, to show you how you can protect your cubs from the trouble generated by the false ideas that are celebrated in our...

Should You Raise Your Kids in a Christian Bubble?

By Natasha Crain If you read my “About Me” page, you’ll see that my mission as a mom is to raise my kids in a home where faith means more than going to church on Sunday.  Indeed, that is the whole purpose of this blog – to help inspire others to think deeply about...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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