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La Verdad Proposicional—¿Quién La Necesita?

Por William Lane Craig RESUMEN En una visión deflacionista de la verdad, el predicado de verdad no atribuye una propiedad de significado explicativo a las aseveraciones. El predicado de verdad es simplemente un dispositivo de ascenso semántico, por medio del cual...

The Problem of Evil

By Al Serrato One of the most common challenges to the Christian worldview is the problem of evil. We see evil all around us; we need to do little more than pick up a newspaper or watch the nightly news to have our sensibilities assaulted with countless acts of...

The Elephant in the Room isn’t Trump

A couple of listeners wrote emails to express their disagreement with some of what Frank said in the show “Why Did Evangelicals Vote for Trump?” In this show Frank responds by investigating Jesus’s rebuke of the Pharisees (the politicians of Israel) in Matthew 23:23...

What is the Bible all About?

What is the Bible all about?  Sometimes we get too close to it and can’t see the big picture. Join Frank as he takes you on a grand overview of the Bible using the acronym CRIME:  Creation, Rebellion, Intervention, Mission, Eternity.  This will help you see how the...

The Christmas Story – Beyond Apologetics

By Mikel Del Rosario Experiencing the Christmas Story Every December, I see a couple of approaches to Jesus’ birth on Christian blogs: Articles that approach the Christmas story from the perspective of “How Jesus came to Earth,” looking at it in light of what the...

Top Ten Ways to Advance the Gospel

Are you dreading those awkward family dinners this Christmas season?  Unsure about how to tactfully bring up the real reason for Christmas?  Join Frank as he reveals the Top Ten Ways to Advance the Gospel, not only at Holiday dinners but at any event.   These are some...

The Genuine Saint Nicholas

By Brian Chilton It may surprise you to discover that there really is a Santa Claus! The Santa Claus figure was taken from a genuine person of history. His name was Saint Nicholas of Myra. Earlier on, I posted an article on this issue. However, I...

7 Legit Reasons Why So Many Kids are Bored by Church

By Natasha Crain  Last Sunday, our church did its annual multilingual service, with three congregations—Mandarin-speaking, Spanish-speaking, and English-speaking—all coming together for worship. We had readings in multiple languages, and a sermon was given in Spanish...

Was the Deity of Christ A Legendary Development?

By Ryan Leasure Skeptics of all stripes vehemently deny the deity of Christ. Besides their a priori commitment to philosophical naturalism, a major argument they put forth is that the earliest Christians didn’t believe Jesus was divine. Rather, this belief in his...

Un caso contra el teísmo (Parte 4)

En esta publicación abordaré un último argumento de esta serie de objeciones de parte de Randy.  Pueden encontrar la parte 1 aquí, parte 2 aquí y parte 3 aquí. Randy presenta un argumento ateológico el cual llama “la versión completa del Argumento del Mal” y dice así:...

Was Jesus Married?

By Mikel Del Rosario Every Christmas and Easter, I tend to get into conversations about Jesus with people who see Christianity differently. But I’ve also found that even Christians can ask questions raised by skeptics in the public square like, “Was Jesus married?”...

Money, Greed and God with Dr. Jay Richards

Many people seem confused about what socialism is and whether or not it would be better than America’s capitalistic system.  If there’s one book you should read on this—in fact, it’s one of the best books on economics you’ll read anywhere—is the new edition of Money,...

20 Things Christians Can Create to Share Truth With Others

By Jeremy Linn The Apologetics world is filled with truth-infused books and lectures, many of which have made a lasting impact on people. But in a culture that's dominated by entertainment platforms like YouTube, Netflix, and Disney+, not everyone is drawn to read a...

Bethlehem To Bedlam

By Bob Perry If Christmas is supposed to be about "Peace on Earth," why all the chaos and stress at this time of year? It started when we, through an ironic accident of language, warped Bethlehem into bedlam. But the history of that change is incidental to what we've...

Un caso contra el teísmo (Parte 3)

En una publicación anterior abordé una objeción de parte de Randy, un ateo de Cuba, quien presentó un caso contra el teísmo. En este escrito abordaré la segunda objeción. Randy dice que las propiedades de Dios, al ser metafísicas, nos pone otro problema: ¿cómo sabemos...

A Neglected Proof for the Resurrection – The Sign of Jonah

By Erik Manning When arguing for the resurrection of Jesus, Christian apologists often make a historical case for the empty tomb and the appearances of Jesus that occurred after his death. I’d certainly never say that isn’t a legitimate way to argue, but there’s an...

Why did Evangelicals Vote for Trump?

Frank attended two meetings with candidate Donald Trump in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election. The first meeting in Trump Tower is the subject of the new article in RollingStone Magazine in which Frank is quoted twice. This podcast is Frank’s response to that...

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