How do you take power from the people and consolidate it in a dictator or government? There are known tactics to do this, and they have been demonstrated since the time of Plato. Historian Bill...
¿Se está desvaneciendo Dios?
Por Mia Langford Los "omnis" de la teología –omnipresencia, omnisciencia, omnipotencia, etc.– están siendo atacados con mayor frecuencia, y no solo desde los conocidos campos teológicamente más...
Are Christians the New Extremists? Yes, and That’s Okay
By Natasha Crain My blog and podcast have been quiet since April because I was finishing writing my new book, Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture. Faithfully...
Why People Hate Being Judged
By Al Serrato "Don't judge me" seems to be an increasingly uttered, and accepted, refrain in our society, reflecting what appears to be a universal and deep-seated human tendency. Even Christians,...
Proving Jesus without the Bible
Suppose none of the New Testament survived to this day. Would we know anything about Jesus and his teachings? Yes, much of what we know today about Jesus and his teachings we would know even without...
Lo que nos dice nuestra lucha perpetua con la entropía
Por Al Serrato Hace muchos años, cuando era más joven y mucho menos sabio, decidí que sería un buen proyecto de padre e hijo invertir en un coche antiguo que pudiera restaurar. (Nota para los...
What did Jesus think about the Old Testament?
By Ryan Leasure It’s not uncommon for Christians to throw shade on the Old Testament. These Christians say they love Jesus, but they could do without those primitive Jewish texts. In fact, many...
The Three Fatal Flaws of Equity
By Jason Jimenez All this talk about more equity in our institutions seems like a good thing, right? Not so fast. On the surface, equity seems to be fair, just, and impartial. But upon further...
What’s the Solution to the Identity Crisis?
Why are people denying that there are differences between men and women? Why are people struggling with their identity? What’s the solution to all this? Join Frank as he addresses these questions...
Dos tipos de personas que han tratado de avergonzarme para que me aleje del cristianismo
Por Wintery Knight En mi último trabajo, tuve dos encuentros interesantes, el primero con un hombre judío de izquierda y el segundo con una mujer cristiana feminista del evangelio de la prosperidad...
Is All Reasoning Circular Reasoning?
By David Pallman Circular reasoning is generally understood to be fallacious. The reason for this is that circular arguments assume what they purport to prove. At least one premise in a circular...
The Gospels Are Embarrassing for The Apostles
By Erik Manning If you want people to trust their leaders, you usually would try to paint them in the best light possible. You don’t go out of your way to undermine their authority. But that isn’t...
A Scientific Way to Show that God Exists
What do you say when someone says, “What evidence do you have that God exists?” Frank believes the answer to that question is a philosophical principle that is the ground of all science: the law of...
¿Puede la historia de Jesús seguir sorprendiéndote?
Por Bob Perry La historia demuestra que la prudencia y la sabiduría rara vez están del lado de las nuevas formas de ver la Escritura. Esto es especialmente cierto en el caso de la tendencia...
Contradictions In The Life of a Christian
By Luke Nix Introduction The Christian Church is no stranger to hypocrisy. The Church is comprised of sinners who do not always practice what they preach, and sometimes such practice is in stark...
Five Tips for Teaching Christian Apologetics
By Doug Potter I have taught Christian apologetics to seventh graders through seminary students. I have done this in a Christian school, church, home, and graduate school; in-person and online. I...
Has God Failed You?
What kind of God would allow evil and suffering to good people? Didn’t God promise that your faith could move mountains? Then why haven’t your prayers been answered? And isn’t the Bible a bigoted...
¿Es la Biblia nuestra principal autoridad?
Por David Pallmann Muchos cristianos opinan que es incorrecto mostrar a los no creyentes evidencias de la verdad que hay en el cristianismo.[1] Estos cristianos consideran, que el método apologético...
The Historicity of the Feeding of the Five Thousand: An Appraisal of the Evidence
It is one of the most iconic incidents in Jesus’ life. We are all familiar with the famous story of Jesus miraculously feeding the five thousand from five loaves and two fish, with no fewer than...
What if MY truth contradicts YOUR truth?
Where do rights come from? Why are people claiming, “I have a right to live MY truth”? And why are they insisting that you have to live their truth? What can you say to such people? How can you show...