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On the Origin of Protein Folds

A common objection to the theory of intelligent design (ID) is that it has no power to make testable predictions, and thus there is no basis for calling it science at all. While recognising ...

Here Comes McBride (Again): The Debate on Junk DNA Continues

Over at his Still Monkeys blog, Paul McBride has offered a rebuttal to my defense of Casey Luskin's chapter on junk DNA in the new book Science and Human Origins. Similar to Larry Moran (whom I ...

"Junk DNA," "Non-Coding DNA," and Larry Moran’s Hyper-Pedantry

Earlier this week, David Klinghoffer posted an article responding to Larry Moran's claim of contradiction between myself and Jonathan Wells on "junk DNA." Larry Moran has now posted a follow-up ...

A Response to Paul McBride on Junk DNA

We have recently been discussing a series of critical reviews of Science and Human Origins published by PhD student Paul McBride on his blog Still Monkeys. I am going to respond now to McBride's ...

On the Evolution of the Mammalian Middle Ear

A correspondent recently asked me about the evolution of the mammalian middle ear in relation to the fossil record. Based on data gathered from embryology, it is widely thought that the bones of ...

An Incontrovertible Case of Intelligent Design: Artificial Jellyfish Made from Silicone and Rat Heart Muscle

The popular science media are abuzz over the creation by scientists of a synthetic jellyfish, called a medusoid, using silicone and a rat's heart muscle cells (Nawroth et al., 2012). Explains ...

The Moral Argument for the Existence of God

The moral argument for the existence of God refers to the claim that God is needed to provide a coherent ontological foundation for the existence of objective moral values and duties. The ...

The End of Moral Relativism: A Chain of Perverts

If you are not familiar with the name Alfred Kinsey, you might want to look him up, and you might want to start with Judith Reisman's, Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague ...

When Was John's Gospel Written?

A number of significant events occurred in the life of the church in the decade of the A.D. 60's. Among them was the great fire of Rome which broke out in A.D. 64, resulting in Nero cracking ...

Science and Human Origins: A Review

ENV editor David Klinghoffer has already drawn our attention to the new book by Ann Gauger, Douglas Axe and Casey Luskin on Science and Human Origins.Although intelligent design is not committed ...

The Nativity Defended

The Nativity and, in particular, the virgin birth has increasingly come under attack from liberal scholarship in recent years. Those committed to a naturalistic worldview dismiss the virgin ...
What Really Happened at Nicea?

What Really Happened at Nicea?

For many years, the council of Nicea has been the subject of much confusion among laypeople. The misapprehensions which have come to be associated with the council of Nicea have, in part, been ...
The Speeches in Acts: Are They Authentic?

The Speeches in Acts: Are They Authentic?

Much of the book of Acts -- about 50% -- is comprised of speeches, discourses and letters. Among them, a total of eight speeches are given by Peter; a total of nine speeches delivered by Paul; ...

What’s in a Name? New Evidence for Eyewitness Testimony in the New Testament

What's in a name?  More than you might imagine when it comes to establishing the credibility of historical accounts.  Since names change dramatically over a relatively short period of time, ...

The Molecular Flagellar Clutch of Bacillus Subtilis

I have previously outlined a few of the key mechanisms undergirding flagellar assembly, and the remarkable process of bacterial chemotaxis by which bacteria change direction in response to ...

In Explaining the Cambrian Explosion, Has the TalkOrigins Archive Resolved Darwin's Dilemma?

A correspondent recently referred me to an article in the TalkOrigins Archive responding to the argument that "Complex life forms appear suddenly in the Cambrian explosion, with no ancestral ...

New Paper Reveals a "Novel Insight into the Non-Coding Repertoire"

On an almost weekly basis, new research floods in documenting previously unidentified functionality of many different classes of non-coding DNA elements. This consistent trend renders untenable ...

Apologetics Resources for Kids

I often get asked to recommend apologetics resources for kids.  Our friends at Ratio Christi have put together a list of recommendations by age group, all the way down to elementary school.  ...

Evidences Jesus is ALIVE

My guest on the radio program today was Dr. Tim McGrew, Professor of Philosophy at Western Michigan University.  He provided five lines of evidence that Jesus is ALIVE:  A         Appearances to ...

A New Study Adds Further Depth to the Information Story

Previously on ENV, I have described several remarkable features -- and the finely tuned characteristics -- of the genetic code found in nature. A new study, published in the journal Nature and ...

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