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A Compassionate Response to Alistair Begg’s ‘Bad Advice’ on LGBT Weddings

A Compassionate Response to Alistair Begg’s ‘Bad Advice’ on LGBT Weddings

Some time has passed since controversial advice resurfaced from popular preacher Alistair Begg on his radio program, "Truth for Life." The controversy revolves around Pastor Begg shocking a ...
Why the Best Explanation Can Be a Miracle

Why the Best Explanation Can Be a Miracle

By Al Serrato We all intuitively seek the best explanation for a set of facts or circumstances. It’s called abductive reasoning. Detectives make use of this method of reasoning when endeavoring ...
What Philosophy Is, And Why You Can’t Avoid It

What Philosophy Is, And Why You Can’t Avoid It

Many Christians believe that philosophy is a pagan discipline practiced either by ivory tower professors or Starbucks hippies. This belief has led some to object to the relevance of philosophy, ...
Why Is God’s Word So Hard To Understand?

Why Is God’s Word So Hard To Understand?

The following question comes from one our Crossexamined Community members. “Why did God allow the Bible to be written in a way that gives Christians an opportunity to misunderstand it?” – Vinnie ...
Andy Stanley’s Unbiblical ‘Affirming’ Stance

Andy Stanley’s Unbiblical ‘Affirming’ Stance

In the following piece, I will discuss the ongoing controversies surrounding Andy Stanley and the recent Unconditional Conference held at North Point Church — outlining clear departures from the ...
Church Matters

Church Matters

Gospel-centered churches are as important as ever, with powerful worldly forces at work actively competing with Christ for the souls of men.[1] The world buys our attention and convinces us ...
What is Woke?

What is Woke?

A recent Huffington Post article about homeschool moms left me flabbergasted. I know, it’s HuffPo. I shouldn’t be surprised anymore, but this article was truly shocking . . . because of the ...
How Apologetics Helps Through Times of Grief

How Apologetics Helps Through Times of Grief

If we live long enough, grief is something that we will all experience at one point or another. Grief is difficult. Some have even said that “grief is a challenging beast.” It impacts each ...
Recommended Books on Historical Apologetics for The Gospels & Acts

Recommended Books on Historical Apologetics for The Gospels & Acts

I am often asked which books I recommend for defending the reliability of the Gospels/Acts and Christianity in general, so here is my list. It is not exhaustive, but it will definitely give you ...
Pro-Life Apologetics from Scott Klusendorf’s The Case for Life

Pro-Life Apologetics from Scott Klusendorf’s The Case for Life

The debate over abortion remains one of society's most divisive issues. Pro-life advocates argue for the rights of the unborn, emphasizing the sanctity of life from conception and advocating for ...
Unconditional Love or Unconditional Affirmation?

Unconditional Love or Unconditional Affirmation?

Human origin is a fascinating area of research today. With all the different models for the origins of humanity being proposed, I see an increase in the discussions, both scientific and ...
Does the Bible Support Sexual Slavery? An Analysis of Numbers 31:15-18

Does the Bible Support Sexual Slavery? An Analysis of Numbers 31:15-18

More than two years ago, I participated in a debate in Oxford, England, with atheist YouTuber Alex O’Connor (who goes by the online alias Cosmic Skeptic). The subject was “Why I Am / Am Not a ...
Hope Matters

Hope Matters

Hope in the Promise Throughout Scripture, we acknowledge God as a promise-keeper. What he says will happen will always comes to pass in his perfect timing. Because of this truth about God’s ...
How To Keep Your Job Without Losing Your Soul: A Survival Guide For Diversity Training

How To Keep Your Job Without Losing Your Soul: A Survival Guide For Diversity Training

You’ve been at your job for almost a year. You enjoy your work. You’re planting roots. Soon you’ll qualify for a pay raise and new benefits. Things are looking up. Except, at today’s business ...
Atheists’ Faith in Science is Misplaced

Atheists’ Faith in Science is Misplaced

Most atheists I have encountered demonstrate an amazing “faith” in the power of science. They will often accuse believers of wishful thinking – or outright foolishness – when believers conclude ...
Evidence for the Book of Esther

Evidence for the Book of Esther

My family recently took the opportunity to attend a live theater production of The Book of Esther in Branson, Missouri. The Sight and Sound Theater production was riveting, and I was not ...
The Suffering Christian

The Suffering Christian

We live in a troubled world, plagued by sin which leads to pain and suffering. This state of the world is nothing new, it has gone on since the fall of man. The entirety of humankind from Adam ...
Show Us A Sign: The Cross And The Death Of Blind Faith

Show Us A Sign: The Cross And The Death Of Blind Faith

Each Easter season, approximately 400,000 churches across the U.S. gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus: one story portraying the faith of over two billion people globally. But have we ...
Critical Thinking: The Secret Weapon of Confident Christians

Critical Thinking: The Secret Weapon of Confident Christians

As Christians, developing critical thinking skills and maintaining an informed understanding of our faith is crucial. The world is full of misinformation and uncertainty, making it difficult to ...
Post-Christianity… What’s That?

Post-Christianity… What’s That?

There has been a new term floating around the Evangelisphere (if that’s a word, if it’s not, let’s coin it) in the last few years: “post-Christian.” FreeThinking Ministries[i] recently changed ...

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