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9 Famous Thinkers Who Said They’d Rather Go To Hell Than Worship God

9 Famous Thinkers Who Said They’d Rather Go To Hell Than Worship God

By Erik Manning C.S. Lewis famously remarked that “the gates of hell are locked from the inside.” In other words, the residents of the damned are there based on personal ...
How Should Christians Disagree About Important Things?

How Should Christians Disagree About Important Things?

By Richard Land   This past week the Evangelical world has reverberated with a debate by two of Evangelicaldom’s most illustrious, influential, and popular theologians: John Piper and ...
Bonhoeffer’s Modern Message For a Postmodern World

Bonhoeffer’s Modern Message For a Postmodern World

By Alex McElroy As long as there have been humans living in groups, there has been conflict. At times, this conflict has escalated to the level of the Holocaust or wars. Without guidance, ...
Should Christians Use the Argument from Martyrdom? A Reply to Bart Ehrman

Should Christians Use the Argument from Martyrdom? A Reply to Bart Ehrman

In a recent post on his blog, UNC-Chapel Hill professor Bart Ehrman re-posted a 2012 article of his on the argument, popular among many apologists, that the willingness of the apostles to ...
Dealing with two arguments against Kalam

Dealing with two arguments against Kalam

As I was reviewing one of the many emails we received, one of them raised two objections against the Kalam cosmological argument, specifically the argument offered for God as the cause of the ...
Got Faith?

Got Faith?

By Al Serrato Sitting in traffic the other day, I saw once again the bumper sticker “Got Faith?”   It’s catchy, in a way, and in this age of sound bites, I can guess why people ...
God Is Greater Than Us. Always.

God Is Greater Than Us. Always.

By Bob Perry Every year at Thanksgiving, we can count on seeing lists of things people are thankful for. I understand the desire to be grateful for all our blessings. There is no doubt about ...
Gratitude is Easy…Contentment is Hard

Gratitude is Easy…Contentment is Hard

By Natasha Crain Every year between Halloween and Thanksgiving, I feel a little uneasy about the countdown of blessings so many people do. Something seems slightly “off” about it, but ...
Why Celebrate Thanksgiving?

Why Celebrate Thanksgiving?

By Bernard Mauser Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 Thanksgiving ...
How Should Christians Think About The Transgender Movement?

How Should Christians Think About The Transgender Movement?

By Ryan Leasure In this post, we’re asking the question: How should Christians think about the Transgender Movement? In many respects, this is a difficult question to answer because the ...
Divine Impassibility: God As Our Unaffected Fortress

Divine Impassibility: God As Our Unaffected Fortress

By Brian Huffling Several of my previous blogs have dealt with divine simplicity and some objections to the doctrine. As I have written, it is the most important divine ...
The Separation of Church and State Deception

The Separation of Church and State Deception

By Josh Klein We’ve been duped. I cannot think of another way to put it.  The Christian right has been duped. Deceived by what?  You may ask. The separation ...
Would Abolishing The Police Bring Us More Peace?

Would Abolishing The Police Bring Us More Peace?

By Jason Jimenez  What will the aftermath be after disbanding or abolishing the police in our country? What will be the collateral damage? You see, my friend, when we fail to ...
The Necessity of a Cosmic Mind

The Necessity of a Cosmic Mind

By Brian Chilton Anyone who is anyone in apologetics has heard of the kalam cosmological argument. Short, concise, and powerful; the kalam argument notes the causal agency ...
The Fire-Breathing Dragon in The Garage vs God

The Fire-Breathing Dragon in The Garage vs God

In the year 2018 the debate “What Best Explains Reality: Theism or Atheism? (Frank Turek vs. Michael Shermer)” took place. Frank presented his case for the existence of God as the best ...
How Do I Know that I Know?

How Do I Know that I Know?

By Richard Howe In 2013, I had the privilege of participating in both a written and panel dialog/debate with K. Scott Oliphint of Westminster Seminary and Jason Lisle founder of the Biblical ...
Does The Big Bang Require An Absolute Beginning To The Universe?

Does The Big Bang Require An Absolute Beginning To The Universe?

By Luke Nix Has Dr. Sean Carroll escaped the theistic implications of the Big Bang? Does The Universe Have A Cause? One of the most popular arguments for God's ...
Does Archaeological Evidence Confirm Names, Dates, And Places In The Bible?

Does Archaeological Evidence Confirm Names, Dates, And Places In The Bible?

By Wintery Knight I spotted this post on Be Thinking by UK apologist Peter S. Williams. (H/T Eric Chabot at Think Apologetics) So let me pick the ones I liked most for this ...
Are The Accounts Of Jesus’s Ascension Contradictory?

Are The Accounts Of Jesus’s Ascension Contradictory?

By Erik Manning Bart Ehrman says that the author of Luke can’t seem to get the story of the Ascension of Jesus right. In his Gospel, Luke says that Jesus ascended into heaven the day ...
Evidence in the Flesh for Apologetics

Evidence in the Flesh for Apologetics

By Dawn Simon I was raised in a family and a community where religious beliefs were considered personal and virtually never discussed. I attended a Catholic grade school and continued ...

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