By Brian Chilton NOTE: We recently received a question related to this topic so we decided to reblog this entry. We believe this is an extremely important issue we need to deal with as a Christian...
The MAVEN Experience
By Tim Stratton The primary goal of FreeThinking Ministries is to equip the church to engage the culture. In my opinion, no one is doing that better than Brett Kunkle. Kunkle became well-known in...
A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World
Do you feel like you are fighting a losing battle for the hearts and minds of your kids? Something has changed. We all sense it. The cultural pressure is increasing, especially on our kids. But even...
How Do I Explain Abortion To My Children?
By Michael Sherrard These kinds of questions keep you awake at night. Knowing how and when to talk to your children about sensitive issues isn't an exact science. But we better figure it out quick....
Would A World Without Satan Lack Evil?
By Rajkumar Richard The question, “Would there be less evil in a world without Satan?” could be relevant, for if the answer to this question is a yes, then we could plausibly ask, “Why did God...
Lógica 04: 10 reglas de inferencia lógica
REGLAS DE INFERENCIA Una vez visto a grandes rasgos sobre argumentación y lógica proposicional, ahora es tiempo de ver aquello que le da validez formal a un buen argumento: las reglas de inferencia....
Juego de herramientas apologéticas
Por Bryan Auten Una pregunta frecuente e importante hecha en la Christian Apologetics Alliance (Alianza Apologética Cristiana) es acerca de cómo los apologistas aspirantes deben utilizar su tiempo y...
¿Qué es apologética cristiana?
¿Por qué alguien quisiera o debería convertirse en cristiano? ¿Por qué debería alguien poner su fe en Jesús –un hombre que vivió hace más de dos mil años? Ciertamente, se han tenido diversas...
A Call To An Intellectual Faith
By J. Brian Huffling I would venture that if you asked people what is meant by ‘faith,’ they would likely say “believing something in spite of the evidence or in the absence of evidence.” However,...
Pastors Get Scared Sharing Their Faith Too!
By Ryan Leasure We’ve all felt it. The sense of guilt overwhelmed us. The pastor brings his sermon to a close, but before he concludes, he gives the congregation one final exhortation. Go tell...
Are Christians too judgmental? & Did Jesus promise us anything we ask in faith?
At CrossExamined our goal is to try and answer your questions the best we can and this is exactly what Frank does in this podcast. He answers questions from YOU (our audience). In this episode he...
How The Discovery Of The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Falsified Atheism
By Wintery Knight Prior to certain scientific discoveries, most people thought that the universe had always been here, and no need to ask who or what may have caused it. But today, that’s all...
Was Jesus’ Death and Resurrection Copied from Krishna?
By Mikel Del Rosario Copied From Krishna? What would you say if someone told you the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ death and resurrection were copied from earlier pagan stories? Over 100 years ago, a...
La mecánica cuántica y la mente
Por Steven Dunn La concepción de la realidad objetiva de las partículas elementales no se ha evaporado en la nube de un nuevo concepto de la realidad, sino en la claridad transparente de las...
Ciencia y religión: donde el conflicto realmente se encuentra
Por Alvin Plantinga Discurso pronunciado por Alvin Plantinga en 2009 en la American Philosophical Association Central Division Conference. INTRODUCCIÓN "Ciencia y religión: donde el conflicto...
Los siete errores fatales del relativismo moral
Por Wintery Knight El relativismo moral es la opinión de que no existen valores morales ni los deberes morales en la realidad, sino que solo existen opiniones en las mentes de las personas. Cuando...
Unfashionable History: The Untold Story Behind The Rise Of Western Civilization
By Terrell Clemmons Unfashionable History A Review of How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity by Rodney Stark Americans are becoming increasingly ignorant of how the modern...
Is There Meaning To Life?
By Luke Nix Introduction An interesting TED Talk came across my Facebook feed a few weeks ago. The talk focused on finding meaning in life. More and more people are discovering that pursuing...
Sharing the Good News with Mormons
Someone you know is a Mormon—a family member, a coworker, a friend, or a neighbor—and you long to present the truth about Jesus and what God's Word teaches. But where do you start? How can you...
Securing a Seat in a Secular Society
By Brian Chilton On this episode of the Bellator Christi Podcast, Brian Chilton discusses what needs to be in a person’s message as one shares the gospel to those who know very little about God,...