By Wintery Knight In the summer, a couple of Jehovah’s Witness ladies were going door-to-door, and they stopped by my house while I was out mowing. I decided to talk to them. They asked me why I was...
Major Moral Argument Mistakes (Part 2)
How good is the moral argument? A retired attorney wrote Frank asserting that we don’t need God for objective morality. Some of his challenges can be summarized in the following questions: Does...
Ambassador at Work – Faith, Vocation, and Apologetics
By Mikel Del Rosario How do people see you at work? I’ve been thinking about the relationship of your vocational work to spiritual conversations, especially as I reflect on collaborative events I’ve...
Clearing Up Cosmos: Fact and Fiction in Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Landmark Series
By Terrell Clemmons Douglas Ell became an atheist as a youth because of misinformation handed down to him in the name of science. It took him thirty years "to climb out of the atheist hole." Sadly,...
La participación del creyente en el proceso político, parte II
Por David L. Rogers Parte I: Un libro, una Ilustración de los Gobiernos. El cristiano y el mundo: El mundo está mal por muchos motivos, algo parecido a lo que vivió Lot (Génesis 19:1-29 con 2a Pedro...
The Idea That Faith is Caught and Not Taught is False…and It’s Hurting the Next Generation
By Natasha Crain As Christians, we have all kinds of pithy sayings that make their way through churches and establish themselves as generally accepted truths. Some end up on bumper stickers, some on...
Major Moral Argument Mistakes (Part 1)
How good is the moral argument? A retired attorney wrote Frank asserting that we don’t need God for objective morality. Some of his challenges can be summarized in the following questions: Does...
What is Truth? A Description of the Nature of Truth in the Gospel of John
By Brian Chilton “What is truth?’ said Pilate” (John 18:38). This classic question was asked by Pilate to Jesus during Jesus’s trial. This question does not resonate with Pilate only. In fact,...
4 Critical Tips for New Apologists
By Timothy Fox I’m no professional apologist by any means, but I’ve been around the scene long enough to have witnessed plenty of apologetics presentations. I’ve also seen many of the same mistakes...
La participación del creyente en el proceso político, parte I
Por David L. Rogers Un libro, una Ilustración de los Gobiernos Los libros, que tanto nos enriquecen la vida, son una invención del siglo XVI. Antes todos los escritos fueron en rollos o pergaminos o...
Forgery in the Bible: Were 1 and 2 Timothy really forged? Part II
By Erik Manning In his letter to the Romans, we learn that Paul was accused of lying in order to bring more glory to God. Some slanderously claimed that Paul would say, "let us do evil that good may...
Do atheists just lack a belief in God?
In recent presentations at Fresno State and the University of Arizona, atheists insisted that they just "lack a belief in God", while at the same time rejecting God because they think He is...
Materialism Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on Earth
By Bob Perry As I’ve discussed elsewhere, Darwinian Evolution tells a great story. But that story is wholly disconnected from the actual evidence of life on Earth. That’s especially true when it...
¿Están realmente dejando el cristianismo los jóvenes?
Mucho se ha escrito sobre el analfabetismo bíblico de los creyentes adolescentes y la huida de los jóvenes de la Iglesia. Muchos han observado esta tendencia, y yo también la he visto...
The two kinds of skeptics and how to deal with both
By Erik Manning We can gain knowledge about the subject of Christian apologetics until our eyes bug out of our heads. But knowing how to apply that information in our everyday lives is another...
Las citas de San Pablo: evidencia de la datación temprana de los evangelios
Por Lidia Mcgrew La sabiduría popular del mundo de la erudición del Nuevo Testamento sabe que, si uno es muy conservador, se fechan todos los evangelios entre 60 DC y 100 DC. No antes. El único...
Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses
By J. Brian Huffling “There are some Jehovah’s Witnesses in the neighborhood if you want to talk them,” my wife said. I was excited. I have had numerous and long-standing discussions with Mormons,...
What is “Social Justice”? with J. Warner Wallace
J. Warner Wallace guest hosts the show this week and answers a listener email about the nature of “social justice”. What is the definition of this term and how do people typically interpret it? Is...
Tacitus — Ancient Roman Historian — Reports on Jesus
By Ryan Leasure Most of what happened in the ancient world went unrecorded. Think about it. People from bygone eras didn’t have technology like YouTube, TV, or the internet — much less the printing...
Apologetics as Conversation
By Mikel Del Rosario Hey, Can We Talk? Seeing apologetics as a conversational ministry There’s an Indian proverb that says, “You don’t cut off a man’s nose and give him a rose to smell.” I first...