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Why Yahweh? Why Not Zeus? Why Not Thor? Why Not Zoidberg?

By Evan Minton One common question atheists often ask Christians like me is why we believe in the God of The Bible as opposed to all of these other gods in all of these made up religions. They will ask “You believe in only one God? Why don’t you believe in Thor, or...

The Evidence For Jesus’ Resurrection, Part 1: Why This Matters

By Evan Minton Did Jesus really rise from the dead? How can we know? Most people, both Christians, and non-Christians alike, will tell you that if you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, it has to be on either the basis of a religious experience (for example, you...

Reflecting On “The Divine Council”

By Evan Minton Recently, I read Michael Heiser's book The Unseen Realm: Recovering The Supernatural Worldview Of The Bible.  I mentally wrestled with his prospect of "the divine council". Heiser talks about this in this lecture as well btw. Sometimes I do a soliloquy...

3 Syllogistic Arguments For Jesus’ Deity

By Evan Minton The Bible teaches in a variety of ways that Jesus Christ is God incarnate. In some places, The Bible couldn't possibly be more explicit, and it boggles the mind how anyone who takes scripture as the inspired word of God could avoid any conclusion other...

Is The Universe A Computer Simulation?

Por Evan Minton Some atheists, in an attempt to avoid the conclusion that The Big Bang origin of our universe was caused by a spaceless, timeless, immaterial, uncaused, powerful, supernatural Being (i.e God), have posited that perhaps our universe and everything in it...

¿Es el universo una simulación computarizada?

Por Evan Minton Algunos ateos, en un intento de evitar la conclusión de que el origen del Big Bang de nuestro universo fue causado por un ser sin espacio, intemporal, inmaterial, sin causa, poderoso, sobrenatural (es decir, Dios), han postulado que tal vez nuestro...

The Identity Argument for the Soul

By Evan Minton C.S Lewis once wrote "You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body".[1] Most Christians believe that we are not merely physical bodies, but that we are immaterial entities that live inside our bodies. We are embodied spirits. This view is...

If Evolution Were True, What Would Happen To Adam And Eve?

By Evan Minton If evolution were true, what would we Christians do about the Bible's teachings on Adam and Eve, their relationship with sin's entrance into the world, and the doctrine of original sin? As I've argued in several blog posts on this website, I believe...

Why Can’t God Just Forgive Us?

By Evan Minton Some non-Christians, mainly Muslims, ask why Jesus had to die on the cross in order for us to be saved. "Why does God need a blood sacrifice?" They'll ask, "Why can't He simply just forgive us?" This objection was recently posed to me in the comment...

Resolving Christmas Conundrums

By Evan Minton Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and has been for as long as I've walked this Earth. As a kid, it was because I got a boatload of toys on Christmas morning that I got to play with as Mom and Dad prepared Christmas dinner for us and the rest of...

Being A Good Apologist Is More Than Knowing The Right Answers

By Evan Minton 1 Peter 3:15 says to "Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have, yet do so with gentleness and respect" and 2 Corinthians 10:5 says "We demolish argument and every pretension that sets itself up...

What Is The Cup That Jesus Asked The Father To Take Away?

By Evan Minton "Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, 'Pray that you will not fall into temptation.'  He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 'Father, if...

Should We Let Science Influence Our Doctrine Of Creation?

By Evan Minton Science is an amazing thing! It's enabled us to transcend so many of our previously existing barriers, from being able to walk on the moon to being able to carry on a live conversation with someone on the opposite side of the planet, from helping us...

Is An Evidence Based Belief On Shaky Grounds?

By Evan Minton "If you were talked into your belief, you can be talked out of it". This is what I read from one theologian in a book a while back. I cannot remember who said it, but that was a direct quote from the book. I think it came from one of the volumes of A.W...

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