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Is the Historical Jesus Fact or Fiction?

By Tim Stratton As a pastor who spends a lot of time on the college campus, I hear the following challenges quite often from young skeptics: “There is no good evidence to think that Jesus ever existed,” or “Christianity has pagan roots!” One might put these common...

Dr. Dan and Hope

Frank gets an update on coronavirus from Dr. Daniel Eichenberger, MD. What is he seeing in the hospitals? How are his patients doing? Why are the predictions so wildly different from model to model? (Because there are so many assumptions for which we don’t have good...

Teólogos y pensadores: 12 citas sobre Jesús

Por The Poached Egg "Jesús es absolutamente único en la historia. En la enseñanza, en el ejemplo, en el carácter, una excepción, una maravilla, y Él mismo es la evidencia del cristianismo" A.T. Pierson "Así que yo me quedo con Él, no con el que afirma ser sabio,...

Infinite Punishment for Finite Crimes?

By Al Serrato Trying to explain how a good God created Hell can be a daunting task for the Christian apologist. In my last post, I considered the challenge that God could not be “good” if he created a place of “torture.” I tried to make the case that there is a...

Are You Good Without God?

By Mikel Del Rosario While I was driving from Sacramento to the Bay Area, I saw a huge billboard that read, “Are you good without God? Millions Are.” I also noticed a theistic tagger added the words, “Also Lost?” at the end of the message. At first, I wondered if the...

Cinco Razones para creer que el Molinismo es Verdad (parte I)

Por Evan Minton Los no Molinistas usualmente acusan a los Molinistas de leer filosofía sobre la Biblia. Ellos dicen que el Molinismo es una teoría filosófica que no se encuentra en las páginas de la Escritura, y esta es una de las razones por las cuales ellos rechazan...

Why Studying Evolution Will Likely Challenge Your Kids’ Faith

By Natasha Crain I saw the following post in a Christian Facebook group: My daughter is starting her second semester of college tomorrow. She got ahold of her syllabus and found the following quote from the professor. “Except to one whose reason is blinded by...

Evil is a powerful argument FOR God

Many are asking the questions, “If there is a good God, why does he allow viruses?  Why doesn’t he stop evil?”  In fact, some are claiming that evil proves that God doesn’t exist. But Frank lays out the case that evil is a powerful argument FOR God.  He cites twenty...

Dr. Dan Treats a Coronavirus Patient

Dr. Dan Eichenberger, MD, is back to shoot more sanity into a sensationalized situation.  As Christians, we are commanded to obey what our government wants us to do in this situation.  But that doesn’t mean we have to buy into the fear caused by a media that is hyping...

Is it time to run and hide?

Is it time to run and hide?  Should you cut yourself off from other people because of the coronavirus?  Is the level of concern reasonable or overblown? Dr. Dan Eichenberger, MD, is Frank’s guest, and he gives a shot of sanity into our sensationalized environment. ...

20 Myths About Old Earth Creationism

By Luke Nix Introduction Last month I was alerted to a debate on Justin Brierley's podcast "Unbelievable." This debate was a discussion between a young-earth creationist (Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis) and an old-earth creationist (Jeff Zweerink of Reasons to...

The Cure For Spiritual Disorientation

By Bob Perry I have made the case that the church is suffering from spiritual disorientation. There are many Christians who are flying through this life in much the same way as a pilot who is spatially disoriented. Like that pilot, they’ve lost all reference to the...

Por qué el cristiano NO debe rechazar la filosofía (parte II)

Por Xavier González En la parte I el autor aborda los comúnes objeciones presentadas por algunos cristianos que consideran anti bíblica la filosofía. Consecuencias al negar la filosofía En un artículo de FreeThinkingMinistries (FTM), menciona alrededor de 5 problemas...

Evidence for the Exodus

How many times have you heard that there is no evidence for the exodus, particularly no evidence from Egypt?  That claim is demonstrably false!  Archaeologist Dr. Titus Kennedy joins Frank along with Dr. Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute to review a list of...

White-Knuckling It

By Brady Cone As a man who loves Jesus, is in a heterosexual marriage and still experiences some same-sex attraction that is lingering from my previous gay life, I spend a lot of time talking to Christian men about what life as a same-sex attracted (SSA) Christian man...

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