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Contradictions In The Life of a Christian

By Luke Nix Introduction The Christian Church is no stranger to hypocrisy. The Church is comprised of sinners who do not always practice what they preach, and sometimes such practice is in stark contradiction to what we preach. Some of the most heinous acts have been...

Five Tips for Teaching Christian Apologetics

By Doug Potter I have taught Christian apologetics to seventh graders through seminary students. I have done this in a Christian school, church, home, and graduate school; in-person and online. I even helped put it in print. I still find teaching apologetics...

Has God Failed You?

What kind of God would allow evil and suffering to good people? Didn’t God promise that your faith could move mountains? Then why haven’t your prayers been answered? And isn’t the Bible a bigoted and outdated book (just look at the transgender issue)? To address those...

¿Es la Biblia nuestra principal autoridad?

Por David Pallmann Muchos cristianos opinan que es incorrecto mostrar a los no creyentes evidencias de la verdad que hay en el cristianismo.[1] Estos cristianos consideran, que el método apologético tradicional es una afrenta a las Escrituras al no darle el respeto y...

What if MY truth contradicts YOUR truth?

Where do rights come from? Why are people claiming, “I have a right to live MY truth”? And why are they insisting that you have to live their truth? What can you say to such people? How can you show them that their truth might not be the truth? How can you love them...

More Hidden Themes in the Bible with Dr. Chip Bennett

Dr. Chip Bennett rejoins Frank for another fascinating and revealing look into the hidden themes of the Bible (if you haven’t heard the first show in this series, go back two weeks and listen to “Hidden Themes in the Bible"). This time Dr. Bennett further unpacks how...

Resurrection Defense Series: Transformation of Eyewitnesses

By Brian Chilton One of the most fascinating historical aspects of Jesus’s resurrection is the transformation it brought to individuals who claimed to have experienced the risen Jesus. Interestingly, these experiences occurred so early that Richard Bauckham contends...

¿Hay profetas en la Iglesia hoy en día?

Por Jasón Jiménez Enciende tu televisor y seguramente te encontrarás con programas religiosos con alguien declarando que habla en nombre de Dios. Ve a tu librería local, y allí, estoy seguro de que encontrarás varios libros escritos por personas que dicen haber...

3 Apologetics Strategies from the Book of Acts

By Alisa Childers ​"Do you understand what you're reading?" This simple question is credited with carrying Christianity into Ethiopia. (1) Acts chapter 8 tells of Philip being led to the desert by an angel to meet an officer from the court of the Queen of...

Why It Is A Mistake To Say That All Religions Are The Same

By Al Serrato Every year in America, thousands of crimes occur in which there are no witnesses and very little evidence. Sometimes, the perpetrator leaves behind a fingerprint impression - a latent print -somewhere at the crime scene. In the past, these prints...

Hidden Themes in the Bible with Dr. Chip Bennett

Have you ever had an “ah-ha” moment reading a Bible passage that you’ve read many times before? Have you ever noticed a pattern or a theme in the Bible that you didn’t see until someone showed it to you? Is the Bible a plain, one-dimensional text or a much richer...

Una celebridad cristiana versus un psicópata

Por Bob Perry Si estuvieras buscando seguir un apologista cristiano que fuese de tu total confianza, ¿elegirías a alguien que se encuentra en la categoría de celebridad mundial, debido a su incomparable habilidad para articular el evangelio?, ¿o te inclinarías por un...

Improbable Planet by Hugh Ross ― Audio Book Highlight

By Luke Nix Introduction If you consume a large portion of your material through audio, it is hard to get past a good deal on an excellent audiobook. Twice every year runs a sale on most of their collection, and you can usually pick up these great...

Is the Christian Left Hijacking the Church?

Pastor and author Lucas Miles joins Frank to discuss his new book, The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church.   Why has the church gone left?  Is the culture influencing the church rather than the church influencing the culture?  How should...

Las 5 personas más ilógicas que conocerás en Internet

Por Alisa Childers Nos ha pasado a muchos de nosotros. Publicamos un alentador versículo bíblico como el Salmo 145:9 en Facebook: "El Señor es bueno para con todos, y su compasión, sobre todas sus obras". Al mediodía un ateo de algún lugar en las redes sociales...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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