Por Ken Mann La pregunta se hace de diferentes maneras. ¿Son la religión y la ciencia compatibles? ¿Está la ciencia y la fe en conflicto? La respuesta depende de lo que uno ha definido adecuadamente...
Reading The Bible Among Other Things
By Evan Minton So you’ve just gone to the bookstore and got a stack of books you really want to dive into. However, you are also a dedicated Christian who wants to nourish yourself on God’s holy,...
Should You Force Your Kids To Go To Church?
By Natasha Crain A reader of this blog posed this question on the Facebook page because her boys –ages 10, 12 and 15– are uninterested in church. It’s a very important question that I wanted to...
Book Review: Scientism and Secularism by J. P. Moreland
By Timothy Fox (Orthodox Fox) J. P. Moreland is one of the most prominent Christian thinkers of our time, and I’ve been greatly impacted by his works, such as Love Your God With All Your...
An Insight Into Why Young Adults Are Leaving Christianity
By Michael C. Sherrard Sociologists, apologists, and the media have well articulated the abandoning of religion by many young adults. The church is aware of the attack on the faith of teenagers. It...
Everything is Connected
Join Frank on a fascinating survey of history from 1453 to the Pilgrims to Thanksgiving with none other than historian Bill Federer. This episode for the CrossExamined podcast is packed with...
33 Reasons Why We Need Apologetics
By Jeremy Linn I’ve written a bunch about what Apologetics is - a rational defense of the Christian faith - and what it all involves. But the “What” of Apologetics doesn’t matter if there are no...
Secular Leftists Demand Christian Student Senator Resign For Disagreeing With Them
By Wintery Knight I had to blog about this story about a tough girl at UC Berkeley who is taking a lot of heat for her Christian beliefs. It would have been easier for her to keep them private. But...
Exclusion in the Name of Inclusion
Decades ago the free speech movement was born in the campus of UC Berkeley. Today the story is the complete opposite. Only a few weeks ago a student senator by the name of Isabella Chow abstained...
How to defend Christianity in a soundbite world
The task of defending the truth of Christianity today is becoming increasingly difficult, especially since now technology allows us to "extract" a phrase or two and interpret it any way we want....
Definiendo el argumento ontológico modal
Por Max Andrews ARGUMENTO ONTOLÓGICO[1] Este es el argumento ontológico que aboga por la existencia de un ser esencial, omnisciente, omnipotente y moralmente perfecto: La propiedad de ser...
Thriving in Your Career as an Ambassador of Jesus
By Mikel Del Rosario Faith in the Spotlight Can you thrive in your career while staying true to your beliefs? As Christians, we are vocational ambassadors representing Jesus in all that we do. But...
The Darwin Tales
By Terrell Clemmons It's Time to Remit Darwinian Storytelling to the Annals of History. Stephen Meyer was a young geophysicist working in the oil industry in Dallas, Texas, in 1985 when he saw that...
The BGV Theorem: An Unexpected Asset for Christian Theism
By Brian Chilton Turn on the Discovery Channel or the Science Channel, and you may find interesting theories pertaining to how the universe came to be. Some propose that an eternal multiverse gave...
If God Created The Universe, Who Created God?
By Evan Minton This is a question that many, many atheists have asked Christians whenever Christians try to argue for God as Creator and Designer of the universe (by using, for example, The Kalam...
If Kids Don’t Understand Why Miracles Don’t Discredit the Bible, Their Faith Will Be Easily Crushed
By Natasha Crain “The light of common sense, thrown on the stories of making snakes out of rods, of the Red Sea dividing itself, of Christ’s making wine from water, curing blind men by rubbing spit...
Apologetics is Not For The Heart
By Richard Eng Growing up, my Dad taught me apologetics. He was really excited about it, and good at it too. As someone who studied under Norman Geisler at Southern Evangelical Seminary, my Dad got...
Evidencias del ajuste fino del universo
Por Hugh Ross Más de una docena de parámetros para el universo tienen que tener valores que caen dentro de rangos definidos estrechamente para que exista vida de cualquier tipo[1]. Constante de la...
Objeciones al argumento del ajuste fino del universo
Por Huge Ross Cuando se trata de las características de ajuste fino del universo, los no-teístas se encuentran en un aprieto. La evidencia es demasiado significativa y concreta como para dejar de...
Ok… Quiero números, ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que el universo sea el resultado de la casualidad?
Por Scott Youngren "Una interpretación de sentido común de los hechos, sugiere que un superintelecto ha jugado con la física, así como con la química y la biología, y que no hay fuerzas ciegas sobre...