Por Ryan Leasure Este artículo es el quinto de una serie de nueve partes sobre cómo conseguimos nuestra Biblia. En la primera parte se analizó la inspiración y la inerrancia. En la segunda parte se...

Por Ryan Leasure Este artículo es el quinto de una serie de nueve partes sobre cómo conseguimos nuestra Biblia. En la primera parte se analizó la inspiración y la inerrancia. En la segunda parte se...
By Melissa Dougherty Some people see the King James Bible as far superior to other translations. They believe other translations are heretical, full of redactions with verses purposely and...
By Sherene Khouri Islam and Christianity claim to be monotheistic religions. They both believe in one supreme God; however, their concept of the nature of the divine being is different. The Islamic...
After four years of speaking to rooms overflowing with young people at Reality conferences across the country, Jon Noyes from Stand to Reason has some powerful insights to share on the topic of...
By John D. Ferrer Marriage is under fire... again. The red wave in November might have helped put out the fire, but not when the wave is just a trickle. Unless something wild happens in Arizona and...
Atheists and skeptics such as Bart Ehrman have enflamed fear and doubt regarding the reliability of the Bible for years by mentioning staggering numbers such as the roughly 500,000 variants found in...
Por Jason Jimenez Según el Discurso del Olivar (Mateo 24-25; Marcos 13; Lucas 21), Jesús profetizó que el mundo se oscurecería antes de regresar por su Esposa, la iglesia. Vemos el incremento de...
By JD Kline Question: I am curious whether Christians should study philosophy. Answer: At some point, you may have heard it said, “Christians should not study philosophy because the Bible warns...
In this mid-week bonus episode of the, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist podcast, Frank sits down with legendary philosopher, Dr. William Lane Craig, for a fascinating discussion on the...
By Al Serrato Several years ago, I had the privilege of meeting a World War II fighter pilot. Then in his late 80’s, in 1944 he took part in a key battle of the war in the Pacific, a last-ditch...
Could the secret to who we are lay hidden in the ancient past? Dr. Carmen Imes, associate professor of Old Testament Studies at Biola University, says "yes"! Specifically, Carmen directs us back to...
Por Colin Burgess Aristóteles abrió su obra filosófica, la Metafísica, con la siguiente frase: "Todos los hombres, por naturaleza, desean saber". Nada podría ser más cierto; es cuando uno empieza a...
By Josh Klein The Church of Satan was started by Anton Lavey in 1966[i] as an atheistic religious organization focused on hedonism and lawful citizenry. Adherents to the Church of Satan claim not to...
By Al Serrato The Oscar-winning blockbuster Avatar is back in theaters in anticipation of the release of a sequel, once again wowing audiences with its 3D special effects. The plot, an allegory...
What makes human life so valuable? What makes us different than everything else in God's creation? If there is no God, what's the purpose of life? Those are just some of the questions Frank and Dr....
Is all hope lost? Have we finally reached the point of no return in America? From at least the time of the ancient Hebrews, people have believed that objective truth exists and can be discovered....
Por Dr Jonathan McLatchie Un punto importante de controversia en relación con el libro de Hebreos es si un creyente genuino puede perder su salvación, o si el alejamiento de la fe simplemente...
By Natasha Crain In case you haven’t seen it yet, there’s a $100 million advertising campaign that launched this year across the United States and is aimed at helping rescue Jesus’s reputation from...
Like all informed citizens, Christians should be involved in politics at some level. But how is that possible? What about the separation of church and state? What about evangelism? Won’t we turn...
By Melissa Dougherty Some churches and people make Jesus a mascot. I’m sure a few people reading this might be scratching their heads, wondering what I mean by this. Others know exactly what I...
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