A Substantial Conundrum Confronting The Chemical Origin Of Life
In ID circles we often discuss the sheer rarity of biologically relevant polypeptides with respect to combinatorial sequence space (and the related conundrum of macromolecular interdependence). ...
The Kinesin Motor: A Stunning Example of Cellular Nanotechnology
One of the most amazing examples of cellular nanotechnology is a molecular motor protein known as kinesin. Kinesin is responsible for transporting molecular cargo -- including chromosomes (e.g. ...
What's Wrong With The Zeitgeist Movie?
The Zeitgeist movie has been circulating on the internet since 2007. In the video its director, Peter Joseph, seeks to persuade viewers that the authors of the New Testament essentially ...
Did Nazareth Exist During The Life Of Jesus?
Did Nazareth exist during the life of Jesus? How can we know? What does the evidence say? These are questions to which Christians have been asked to give an answer on a more and more frequent ...
Does Isaiah 53 Speak About Jesus? A Response To Critics
I have always viewed the exquisitely detailed Messianic prophecy of Isaiah 53 as one of the most powerful and compelling reasons for thinking that Christianity is indeed true. Written some 700 ...
Hell is Not. . .
Hell is not a torture chamber! Hell is not run by Satan. Hell is not a place to see your buddies. Hell is not a place of repentance.Hell is not a place where everyone is punished equally. Hell ...
Is MacroEvolution True? An Atheist Makes His Case
We have had several conversations on this site over the years on the subject of macroevolution. Many of the comments affirming macroevolution have come from a very loyal and courteous ...
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
I often read books merely for content. It is rare that one provides pleasure as well, and it is the rarest of books that adds relevance and inspiration. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, ...
Could God’s Moral Commands Be Improved?
When we don't study the historical and literary context of a passage, we often draw the wrong conclusions. Such is the case with some atheists who complain about the apparent immorality of ...
The Declaration of Independence: A Theistic Document
In the Declaration of Independence, there are several theistic (not merely deistic) concepts. These include: A Creator, God-given moral rights, The Supreme Judge of the World (implying a day ...
The Dawkins Dilemma – Part 3
First, my apologies for having been away from the keyboard for the past 5 months. Unfortunately, my work activities have required that situation.
As you may recall, I started a series last ...
What's the Truth About Hell?
On "CrossExamined with Frank Turek" on American Family Radio on June 4 Frank discussed the topic "What's the Truth About Hell?" With Rob Bell's recent book, "Love Wins" the questions about ...
Mom Plays God: Brings Good from Evil
It’s often easy to spot militant atheists who attend my presentation called I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. They usually sit with their arms folded and scowls on their faces. During ...
Shariah: The Threat to America
My shocking and eye-opening interview with former U.S. Marine and FBI Counter-terrorism officer, John Guandolo, airs May 7 and May 8 on our Radio program. You can download for free the entire ...
Carry My Cross: The Passion of Christ
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mk 10:45). That includes you and me. Have you accepted the payment he made? He is risen.
Courage over Compromise: A Martyr for Christ
Shehbaz Bhatti, the only Christian in the Pakistani cabinet, was assassinated on March 2 by Muslim terrorists for opposing Pakistan's blasphemy laws. As he reveals in this short interview ...
The Atheist Inquisition
Two High Court judges in the UK have ruled that a Christian couple can no longer provide a home to foster kids under the age of ten. Why? Because the couple does not agree with homosexual ...
Slavery and Abortion: The Justifications are the Same
Today is the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, one the most famous cases in Supreme Court history. As we reflect on 52 million dead since the decision-- and are reminded of the horrific reality ...
Why are Atheists Angry at God?
Why are atheists angry at God? Joe Carter, web editor of First Things, cites studies recently published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that those who don't believe in God ...
The Resurrection of Debbie
Dr. Gary Habermas, world-renowned expert on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, discusses losing his 43 year old wife to stomach cancer. He has a perspective you might not expect. Profound.