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Promise of Genuine Immortality: AI or the Divine

Do we have a genuine promise of immortality? This is a question that impacts all of us. When I was growing up as a kid, I wanted to be taken seriously. Therefore, I could not wait to grow up to have a seat at the intellectual table. It seemed like it took forever to...

Why Do You Call Yourself a Christian?

Have you ever heard the tale of the elderly woman who wanted to restore an old painting and… well, didn’t? Meet Potato Jesus. The woman’s intentions were noble. I certainly respect her heart. But that doesn’t change the fact that she is not an artist and did not...

Why We Are Not Best Judges of What Is Good

"Avast yer jabberin, ya bunch a bilge rats!" The voice sounded strange as it reached into the hallway. The speaker was apparently trying to make a point. “Yer division a booty must be... “ he paused to consider his words, “more equitable if ye be wanting to sail with...

Why People Love a False Jesus

By Melissa Dougherty You know something I never see? I never see the average person say that Buddha was made up from stories of ancient pagan gods. Or that Gandhi was actually a Jewish mystic who was misunderstood. Or that Mohammad was an atheist. There’s usually only...

Has God Warmed Up to Religious Pluralism?

We live in an age of a prevailing belief known as “Religious Pluralism”, which says no one religion (especially Christianity) holds the exclusive title to “absolute truth.” Religious pluralism says all religions ultimately lead to one nebulous God, the Creator and...

Are Today’s Christians Confused About the Gospel?

A few weeks ago, I created a post that said, “I love apologetics but apologetics is not the gospel.” It wasn’t controversial at all. Just kidding. Come on! We’re talking about social media; the breeding ground of controversy. As a teacher, I often look for the...

The Danger of Promising Universal Salvation

If you’re going to contend that universalism is true, i.e., the belief that everyone will eventually end up in heaven, then you best beware of the consequences of doing so. Evacuating a Dying Planet To illustrate. Imagine you live on a planet called Elpis (in Greek...

The Shocking Effects of Grace

  In his book Rumors of Another World, Philip Yancey shares how Nelson Mandela, after coming into power as president of South Africa, took drastic measures to heal his apartheid-torn nation. Mandela appointed Archbishop Desmond Tutu to head the Truth and...

Ever Heard of the Kezazah Ceremony?

We’ve all heard the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. The boy cashes in early on his inheritance only to squander it all away. Eventually he comes to his senses and returns home. And yet, what we read is the shocking celebration of grace personified through the...

Three Ways to Recognize False Guilt

Lord knows we have enough true guilt going around that we hardly need to concern ourselves with this extra layer of toxic false guilt, which is seemingly all too ready to accuse us. But how can we know whether the guilt we are experiencing is true or false? What are...

“Being Good” Isn’t Enough For Salvation

By Al Serrato The point of Christian apologetics is to “defend” the faith, and the point of the faith is to proclaim the good news of salvation to the world. Salvation, naturally enough, means saving, and a person only needs saving when he is in some peril. But ask...

Missing Melanchthon

By Tim Stratton Recently I have been accused of “historical eisegesis.”[1] According to Wikipedia, “eisegesis is the process of interpreting text in such a way as to introduce one’s own presuppositions . . . It is commonly referred to as reading into the text.” This...

What, Me Worry?

By Al Serrato Alfred E. Neumann, the famous face of Mad Magazine for many decades, popularized this slogan. While he wasn't referring to the question of salvation, this saying does seem to describe the way many people view that question today. Yes, there may be a God;...

What Is Salvation All About?

By Jason Jimenez Ever wish you had a backup plan? Well, God did. Of course, that doesn’t imply God made a mistake. God is perfect, and everything He created was perfect (Gen. 1-2). He perfectly and freely made Adam and Eve perfect in His image. And yet, Adam and Eve...

El Apologista

By Terrell Clemmons Jorge Gil: Next Gen Apologist to the World Jorge Gil was born in 1982 to a single mother in Costa Rica. When he was one year old, she left him in the care of his grandparents and moved to the United States, where she died ten years later. In the...

Why Would God Make Me a Lesbian?

Could there be any more sensitive and provocative question in our culture today?  (Since we posted this video on YouTube two days ago it has averaged nearly 2,000 views per hour.)  A student posed the question at Towson State University.  Here is our four-minute...

Does Suicide Condemn Someone to Hell?

By Brian Chilton NOTE: We recently received a question related to this topic so we decided to reblog this entry. We believe this is an extremely important issue we need to deal with as a Christian community. Pastor Rick Warren and his family suffered a great loss as...

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