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Freedom Through Obedience: A Lesson from Star Wars

Personal autonomy has become the reigning virtue of our day. If it feels true to you, then it must be true for you. As SCOTUS Justice Anthony Kennedy famously said, "At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the...

Making Apologetics Personal: A Quick Lesson from John 4

It’s no secret that I love apologetics. I love to read apologetics blogs, study apologetics books, and have apologetics conversations. But there is a constant temptation I have to battle that I believe is common among many apologists: the temptation to simply study...

Objections to Objective Morality

By Cole James I took a philosophy class while I was in college. The topic of this class was on contemporary moral issues, so you know we got into some heated topics. I heard every objection under the sun to objective morality. Everything from it was not very...

Did Paul Write All Thirteen Letters Attributed to Him?

By Brian Chilton In the New Testament, thirteen letters are attributed to the apostle Paul. Paul is, of course, the individual who had persecuted the church, but became a Christian missionary after an encounter with the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus. But, did...

Miracles Are Useless, If…

By Rajkumar Richard The Bible is replete with miracles[1]. Sincere Christians who worship the Triune God will objectively believe every recorded miracle in the Bible. Miracles are intended to glorify God, meet human needs and establish the supernatural basis of...

God, Patience, and Creation

By Luke Nix   Introduction One of the challenges skeptics raise against God as the Creator is the idea that He took entirely too long to create: God is inefficient and wasteful with time, if He did, indeed, take 13+ billion years to create the universe. Why did God...

Do Your Kids Know Why They Should WANT God to Exist?

By Natasha Crain I’ve written over 250 blog posts here since 2011. People still come across my old posts by searching for something on Google, so nearly every day I receive new comments on a wide variety of old posts. Many of the comments are from atheists. As I read...

¿Quién escribió el Evangelio de Mateo?

Por Brian Chilton En el curso de las siguientes semanas, discutiremos las razones para aceptar los puntos de vista tradicionales para la autoría del Nuevo Testamento. Hoy comenzaremos con el Evangelio de Mateo y luego nos moveremos hacia los otros tres Evangelios...

So you say you want a Revolution, what about Romans 13?

By Steve Williams Many Christians believe that the first section of Romans 13 – verses 1-7 — forbids any form of resistance to government… even when it clearly goes tyrannical. If one analyzes this passage of the Bible carefully, however, as The USA’s founding fathers...

Objective Morality: Much Ado About Nothing?

Earlier this year, an early-morning storm passed through our area, causing schools to open late. Some counties announced they would open schools one hour late. Others announced that school would begin at 9:30 am. Our county? Officials announced that school would begin...

The Contingency Argument For God’s Existence

By Evan Minton Why does anything at all exist? Why isn't there just nothing? This is the first philosophical question I ever remember asking myself. I remember lying in bed at night when I was about 6 years old, and I asked and pondered this very question. I thought...

Who Wrote the Gospel of Luke and Acts?

By Brian Chilton We have been engaged in a series of articles discussing the authorship of the books of the New Testament. In this article, we consider the Third Gospel, the Gospel of Luke. Who wrote the Gospel? What clues do we have from the internal and external...

¿Por qué un Dios bueno permitiría el mal natural?

Como agente de policía y detective de homicidios, he visto mi parte justa de injusticias y dificultades. Cada vez que se me pide que defienda la existencia de Dios a la luz del mal que observamos en nuestro mundo, tomo una respiración profunda y trato de separar la...

El precio de negar el libre albedrío

Por Timothy Fox Cada vez que me doy la vuelta, encuentro a alguien que niega que los humanos tengan libre albedrío. Desde los científicos, filósofos a los teólogos, es la nueva tendencia fresca. En realidad, no estamos tomando decisiones libres. Hemos sido programados...

Should We Be Moral Relativists?

By Rajkumar Richard INTRODUCTION This is a short introductory essay to defend objective moral values. In philosophy, the term ‘objective,’ is defined as the existence of an object independent of human mind (mind-independency); “the object would “be there,” as it is,...

Why Does God Love Satan?

By Rajkumar Richard The question, “Does God love Satan?” seemingly yields diametrically conflicting answers from conservative Christian theologians. Some assert that God cannot love Satan. In contrast, others claim that God loves Satan. So does God love Satan or not? ...

El amor de Dios y el dilema de Eutifrón

Por Tim Stratton PREGUNTA Estimado Tim: En tu artículo "La Omnibenevolencia de Dios" señalaste que en el punto de vista islámico, Alá es muy similar a algunas opiniones calvinistas de Dios. En relación con este punto de vista, dijiste: "Dios no es todo-amor, y...

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