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How To Become a Better Apologetics Communicator

Timothy Fox So you want to be an apologetics writer or speaker. Or maybe you already are one. How can you be a better communicator? Here are five quick pointers: Watch Your Language No, I don’t mean profanity. I mean your vocabulary. If you’re like me, you’re immersed...

The Omnipotence of God

By Tim Stratton One of my primary goals is to help others comprehend God accurately. I have previously written about the attribute of God’s perfect love for all people (See The Omnibenevolence of God). I spend much time on this specific attribute because so many...

Do God’s Commands Change?

After several presentations in different universities across the U.S. Frank unpacks some of the most commonly asked questions by his audience during the Q&A section of his I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist presentations. He also answers some questions...

¿Quién escribió el libro de Apocalipsis?

Por Brian Chilton Cuando era adolescente, recuerdo haber estado un poco asustado con el libro de Apocalipsis. El olor del limpiador facial para el acné llenó la habitación mientras me zambullía en misteriosas representaciones de ángeles de cuatro caras, bestias del...

Will There Only Be 144,000 People in Heaven?

By Brian G. Chilton At our church, we recently began a new series of messages on heaven. After the service, I received a wonderful question from one of our members, Allison Mathews. Allison said that she had heard that only 144,000 people would be in heaven, and...

¿Quién escribió el libro de Judas?

Por Brian Chilton En los últimos meses, hemos estado examinando a los autores y la información de los antecedentes para los libros del Nuevo Testamento. Para este artículo, examinaremos un pequeño libro hacia el final del Nuevo Testamento conocido como Judas. ¿Qué...

Can Science Explain Morality? No!

By Sean McDowell  Human beings have a universal belief in right and wrong. As C.S. Lewis has observed, moral codes from cultures throughout world history vary over what specific behavior they consider moral, but there is an underlying agreement that objective moral...

Book Review: Welcome to College

By Luke Nix. Introduction With today's culture ever-increasingly becoming hostile to the Christian worldview, it is vitally important that we prepare our children for the challenges they will encounter to what they believe. Jonathan Morrow wrote a book several years...

Are Religious Discussions Important?

By Brian Chilton An old adage claims that the two worst conversations to have with a person involve religion and politics. Since people hold deep emotional feelings pertaining to these two issues, the logic of the cliché claims that the two topics must be avoided....

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

As Frank quite often says, the new religion in America is the religion of sex, an old religion resurrected. The leading topics of controversy and conversation today are Abortion and the LGBTQ agenda. In this dialogue, our dear friend, colleague, and CIA Instructor Dr....

Reference Guide to the Biblical Symbolism of Colors

By Brian G. Chilton Understanding portions of Scripture, particularly prophecy and apocalyptic literature, requires the reader to understand the symbolic meaning of the devices used by the prophet or apostle. Last week, I posted a reference guide describing the...

Should God Reveal Himself More Clearly?

By Al Serrato God gave us free will so that we can freely choose Him, for freedom of choice is essential to love. But, the skeptic counters, many people do not believe God is real. Why doesn’t God reveal himself more clearly? This question has considerable surface...

The Left vs. Free Speech

Frank analyzes the debate between Jordan Peterson vs. Cathy Newman. They discuss topics such as gender, equality, pay gap and more. The crystal clear thinking and eloquence shown by Prof. Peterson puts the spotlight on the Left's position to subvert free speech. This...

Can You Have Purpose Without God?

By Luke Nix Introduction One of the more convincing reasons to believe that atheism is false comes from man's desire for life to have purpose. If there is no designer behind the universe, life in general, and our individual lives in particular, have no ultimate...

The Identity Argument for the Soul

By Evan Minton C.S Lewis once wrote "You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body".[1] Most Christians believe that we are not merely physical bodies, but that we are immaterial entities that live inside our bodies. We are embodied spirits. This view is...

God Behaving Badly? – Destruction of the Canaanites

By Timothy Fox This is the second article in my series God Behaving Badly? where I address passages of the Bible where God seems to do some immoral things. In the introductory article, I discussed what it means for an action to be immoral, that it goes against some...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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