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Seven Aspects of Jesus’s Life that are Historically Certain

By Brian Chilton When I had struggled with my faith, it was not in the area of science. I believed that science and faith can coexist, and I still do. The God who gave the special revelation of the Bible is also the same God who created the heavens and the earth from...

Book Review: The Beauty of Intolerance

By Luke Nix Introduction A few years ago, Sean McDowell gave a talk at the AMP Conference called "The Beauty of Intolerance." In the talk, he spoke of two different views on tolerance that seem to be clashing in today's society. He explained how the differences...

Reconciling a God of Love with the Problem of Evil

By Daniel Merritt Theologians and philosophers when engaged in explaining the mysteries of life, wrestle with two mysteries that challenge the mind and the soul. Those mysteries have to do with the problem of evil, which has two components: moral evil and natural...

Who Was Jesus? God? Man? Or Both?

By Ryan Leasure Who was Jesus? Can you think of a more important question? After all, it’s hardly controversial to suggest that he’s the most significant figure in history. And, I dare say, it’s not even close. Yet much confusion exists over his nature. This...

What the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Means for Christian Parents

By Natasha Crain I was tempted to not write anything at all about the same-sex marriage ruling. So much has been written on this in the last week that I don’t see how one more person’s take could possibly be valuable [Note: this post first appeared in 2015, but it's...

Lowder’s Comments to My Assessment of His Debate with Turek

By Jacobus Erasmus In 2016, Jeffery Jay Lowder[1] debated Frank Turek on the topic Naturalism vs theism. See here: In early 2017, I wrote two articles in which I assess Lowder’s opening statement (see here and here). It was brought to my attention that Lowder recently...

Were Jesus’ Temptations Real If He Couldn’t Sin?

By Ryan Leasure Historic Christianity affirms that Jesus Christ, though fully human, is also fully divine. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Rev. 22:13) — the eternal creator of all things (Jn. 1:3). The Nicene Creed (AD 325) declares of Jesus that...

The Top Ten Ways to Advance the Gospel at Holiday Dinners

Dreading those awkward family dinners this Christmas season? Unsure about how to tactfully bring up the real reason for Christmas? Here are the Top Ten ways to advance the Gospel at Holiday Dinners: Pray: Start praying now for opportunities and for hearts to be open....

60 Christmas Gift Ideas for Christian Kids and Adults

By Natasha Crain  I’ve recently had a lot of people asking for recommendations for Christmas gift ideas, for both kids and adults, so I’ve put together this detailed list of my top picks! They are almost all books, but there are a few other ideas as well. Gift ideas...

Is Genesis History?

By Luke Nix Introduction A couple of years ago the documentary "Is Genesis History?" was released. This documentary aims to defend the truth of the Christian worldview by defending the historicity of the early chapters of the Bible from a scientific perspective. The...

The Darwin Tales

By Terrell Clemmons It's Time to Remit Darwinian Storytelling to the Annals of History. Stephen Meyer was a young geophysicist working in the oil industry in Dallas, Texas, in 1985 when he saw that an interesting science conference was coming to town and he decided to...

Book Review: Always Be Ready – A Call To Adventurous Faith

By Luke Nix Introduction Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross is a well-known voice in the scientific and evangelical Christian communities for his scientific defenses of the Christian worldview. Over the last few decades, he has written incredible books powerfully defending...

Did Jesus Even Claim to Be God?

By J. Brian Huffling I sat down with some Jehovah’s Witnesses who were visiting with me. The elder who was leading our study stated that Jesus never claimed to be God. Jehovah’s Witnesses argue that Jesus is a created being. Liberal “Christians” argue that Jesus never...

Book Review: The Creator Revealed

By Luke Nix Introduction Today I am excited to bring you a review of a book that I have been anticipating for a little over a year and a half. In January 2017 particle physicist and University of Oklahoma professor, Dr. Michael G. Strauss (check out...

Why God Is Not In Time

By J. Brian Huffling Is God in time? This is a popular question. Does it matter? What does it mean for God to be in time or not? In this article, I will argue that the answer to this question is terribly important in maintaining a biblical and orthodox view of God. In...

Would A World Without Satan Lack Evil?

By Rajkumar Richard The question, “Would there be less evil in a world without Satan?” could be relevant, for if the answer to this question is a yes, then we could plausibly ask, “Why did God create angels, i.e., Satan if evil in this world would be lesser without...

Why Everyone Believes in Secure Borders and Why America Needs Them

If you say you’re for open borders, you’re not.  Not completely. Do you have locks on your doors?  How about on your car?  Got a fence so your kids can play safely?  Do you have passwords on your computers?  How about your bank accounts? Do you protect your credit...

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