Some say there's no evidence for God, we can't see him, we can't use any type of scientific test to prove he exists, so how can we know this? Frank answer that question and then dives deep to answer...
Predestination vs Free Will
Have you been sending your questions to so Frank can answer them on this podcast? If not, why not? Here's this week's main question: How can we have freedom of the will if...
From a Sonnet to a Savior: Finding ways to present a reason for Christian faith
By Michael Sherrard A little while ago I was discussing a sonnet by Jon Donne with several high school students. (I know you discuss sonnets all the time.) The sonnet by Donne was one that mocked...
Why did God create Satan knowing that Satan would cause evil?
By Rajkumar Richard No one is spared of evil. We either reel under the effects of evil or feel the impact of evil upon our relatives, friends, and society at large. Some question God’s goodness on...
When Debating Atheists: Those Who Lack A Belief Lack An Argument
I just had a two hour plus debate with Dr. Michael Shermer, the publisher of Skeptic Magazine, on the question: “What better explains reality: Theism or Atheism?” Given the title of the debate,...
Why God Is Not In Time
By J. Brian Huffling Is God in time? This is a popular question. Does it matter? What does it mean for God to be in time or not? In this article, I will argue that the answer to this question is...
Did We Really Not Have A New Testament Canon Till The Fourth Century?
By Ryan Leasure Is it true the New Testament documents weren’t Scripture until the fourth century? That is, the books weren’t authoritative until church councils conferred authority upon them?...
El debate como un deber cristiano
Por Douglas Wilson Para muchos cristianos, parece una pregunta razonable preguntarse si es del todo rentable para nosotros el participar en los debates públicos. ¿Quién ha cambiado de opinión debido...
La omnibenevolencia y el odio de Dios
Hace algún tiempo Tim Stratton escribió un blog que trataba sobre la Omnibenevolencia de Dios. Tim dijo con respecto a Alá, que es un Dios que no es todo-amor, “y cualquier cosa que Alá haga es...
La paradoja de la omnipresencia
Una de las objeciones a la existencia de Dios es tratar de demostrar que su concepto es incoherente, y una manera de hacerlo es por medio de las paradojas de sus atributos. En este blog vamos a...
El Dragón del Garaje vs Dios
En el reciente debate entre Frank Turek y Michael Shermer, éste último trató de invalidar la hipótesis de Dios que presentó Frank como una explicación a algunos hechos sobre la realidad utilizando...
William Lane Craig’s Secret Weapon Is His Amazing Wife Jan
By Wintery Knight I want to draw your attention to a talk on “Vision in Life” given by Dr. William Lane Craig. Dr. Craig is the ablest defender of the Christian faith operating today. He has done...
Science And Imperialism
By Terrell Clemmons The Wall Street Journal commissioned Richard Dawkins and Karen Armstrong to respond independently to the question, “Where does evolution leave God?” Their answers became...
Lógica 05: 10 reglas de reemplazo
En la publicación anterior vimos acerca de las diez reglas de inferencia lógica para la construcción de un argumento válido. Ahora veremos 10 reglas de reemplazo que son útiles a la hora de...
Is Naturalism a Good Reason to Rally?
By Mikel Del Rosario Today, I’m featuring a special guest post from one of my former mentors, R. Scott Smith, Associate Professor of Ethics and Christian Apologetics at Biola University. Dr. Smith...
Are Nature and Scripture Compatible?
By Luke Nix The debate about the proper interaction of science and theology is raging as much as it has ever been. Hot tempers fly that result in ice-cold relationships. For as much discussion and...
4 cosas que deben suceder antes de que más padres cristianos se preocupen por las preguntas sobre la fe y la ciencia
Por Natasha Crain En mi último libro, Talking with Your Kids about God (Hablando con tus hijos sobre Dios), hay seis capítulos que se centran en el cruce entre la fe y la ciencia. Responden a las...
Q&A: Answering Questions Of An Agnostic Brother
By Evan Minton Hi Evan, I really like your work, really helped me. But I have a brother, he is agnostic, and he has a few objections I can’t answer (it’s so uncomfortable), so I decided to ask you....
8 Things Kids Should Know About Hell
By Natasha Crain Hell is probably not at the top of your list of things to talk about with your kids. On the surface, it seems to contradict all the messages about God’s love that we share with...
¿Por qué los científicos brillantes como Stephen Hawking no creen en Dios?
Por Natasha Crain El famoso físico, cosmólogo y autor Stephen Hawking murió. Era ampliamente conocido como uno de los científicos más brillantes de nuestro tiempo. También era ampliamente conocido...