Bart Ehrman is a professor of religious studies at UNC-Chapel Hill in North Carolina. He is well known for his best-selling popular-level books that are critical of the core tenets of evangelical...

By Andrew Cowley Defining and explaining the meaning of “sanctification” and “justification” can be a daunting task—yet a task that every believer should thoroughly dedicate themselves to. It is...
What comes to your mind when you hear “cancel culture”? Words that come to mind are rash, hostile, judgmental, unforgiving, graceless, and subjective. Join Frank as he unpacks some problems with...
By Timothy Fox I’ve always enjoyed reading. And when the COVID lockdowns began in March 2020, there wasn’t much else to do for a long time. I took full advantage of this, though, and over the next...
By Wintery Knight I think it’s important for American Christians to learn lessons about what happens to religious liberty by looking at what happens to Christians in other times and places when...
By Mia Langford The “omnis” of theology – omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, etc. – are under increasing attack, and not just from what are recognized as more theologically liberal camps of...
What does it really mean to be free? Does it mean that you're free of all restraints? If it does— as many in our culture seem to think— then exercising that kind of freedom will lead to your demise....
By Bob Perry History shows that prudence and wisdom are rarely on the side of new ways of looking at Scripture. This is especially true of the “progressive” bent toward remaking Jesus in a...
By Alisa Childers It's that time of year again—the time when Christians come together to celebrate the pinnacle of our faith, the resurrection of Jesus. It's also the time when news outlets like...
By Al Serrato Many years ago, when I was younger and much less wise, I decided it would be a good father-son project to invest in an older car that I could restore. (Note to fathers: it’s a much...
Justin Brierley, host of the wildly successful debate podcast from the UK called Unbelievable? joins Frank to reveal why he’s still a Christian after hearing atheist arguments for the last 15 years....
By Ryan Leasure Modern critics doubt that eyewitnesses stand behind the four Gospels. In fact, they argue that the first followers of Jesus told others about Jesus who told others about Jesus who...
By Brian Chilton Regardless of whether an event is recent or of antiquity, the researched event holds greater historical probability if it holds a higher number of eyewitnesses. The more eyes on the...
By Tim Stratton Recently I have been accused of “historical eisegesis.”[1] According to Wikipedia, “eisegesis is the process of interpreting text in such a way as to introduce one’s own...
Jorge Gil, Executive Director of, guest hosts this week’s episode of the I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist podcast. Jorge dives into the challenges of the digital mission...
I have been publishing a series of articles addressing how one might best approach interpreting the early chapters of Genesis, and how science might illuminate Biblical texts and guide our...
By Luke Nix "While We All Want to Believe That We Are Committed to Truth Rather Than A Narrative, Our Actions In Conversation—How We Mistreat Evidence, Mischaracterize Opposing Views And Arguments,...
By David Pallmann Many Christians believe that it is wrong to offer unbelievers evidence for the truth of Christianity.[1] They argue that the traditional method of apologetics dishonors Scripture...
John Stonestreet, President of the joins Frank to unpack one verse in the Bible that will determine the fate of your life. To the extent that you can control your life, this one...
By Alisa Childers It has happened to many of us. We post an encouraging Bible verse like Psalm 145:9 on Facebook: "The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." By noon an atheist...
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