Why does God take some believers "before their time" and put us through so much pain and suffering during our time on earth? Shouldn't He reward us for good behavior? In this midweek podcast...
In Defense of Marriage
Language is complex. Language provides the building blocks for communication in society. What certain words or phrases mean within a given context helps to shape the understanding of the culture at...
The Common Sense Crusade | with Calvin Robinson
In today's world, popularity trumps truth. Many Christians are hiding under their desks and many pastors are hiding behind the lectern in fear of being cancelled. They're not interested in actually...
¿Quién hizo a Dios?
Por Bobby Conway Alguna vez has platicado con un escéptico y éste saca la pregunta trampa que no pasa de moda: “¿Y bien, quién hizo a Dios?” Preguntar “¿Quién hizo a Dios?” es como preguntar “¿Qué...
The Resurrection of Jesus: The Evidential Contribution of Luke-Acts
Any discussion of the evidence for the resurrection must first ascertain what the original apostolic witnesses claimed and whether those claims are best explained by the resurrection, or by some...
Free Will or Calvinism: Which Should You Choose? | with Dr. Leighton Flowers
God knows all things, but does His foreknowledge impact our free will? Often a hot button topic amongst Christians, Calvinism focuses heavily on God’s sovereignty, predestination, and election. But...
Resurrection: Fact or Fiction – An Easter Sermon
By Bobby Conway Following Easter Sunday, it didn't take long for skeptics to fabricate fictitious claims to debunk Christ’s resurrection. It’s easy to understand why. These critics knew that if they...
Is There Scientific Evidence for the Resurrection?
Science is often viewed as the standard to determine all truth, which begs the question, does science even have the ability to do that? During last week’s episode, Frank walked us through the...
Cuando tu oponente hace trampas, ¿qué debes hacer?
Por John D. Ferrer Es posible que hayas oído la frase "cambiar es un juego limpio". Si tu adversario en el campo de fútbol o de baloncesto te empuja y te da codazos, es justo que tú le devuelvas el...
Is it Hateful to Say Jesus is the Only Way?
By Ryan Leasure Is it hateful or arrogant to claim that Jesus is the only way of salvation? Charles Templeton thought so. He argued: "Christians are a small minority in the world. Approximately four...
How Did Thomas Aquinas Prove the Existence of God? | with Dr. David Haines
Do we need deep scientific knowledge in order to make arguments for the existence of God? Or can we demonstrate a general, objective, rational case for God's existence using common observations...
Is Hell An Eternal Restraining Order?
By Al Serrato Making sense of the existence of a place like Hell is a common struggle for the Christian apologist. Almost immediately, we are placed on the defensive, being asked to justify how a...
How Can We Be S.U.R.E. That God Exists?
What’s more likely? That no one created something from nothing, or that someone created something from nothing? If you ask an atheist or an agnostic this question, the answer may shock you....
What is Divine Omnipresence?
By Brian Chilton The term omnipresence describes the all-presence of God. Omnipresence is a compound word comprised of the word “omni”, meaning “all,” and “presence” which defines a person or...
The Case for Criticizing False Teachers – Plus Q&A
Every writer of the New Testament warned against false teachers. Even so, it seems that most people today are under the impression that it is a bigger sin to warn people of false teaching than to...
Can Moral Guilt Feelings Ever Be Objective?
By Bobby Conway The feeling of moral guilt is a universal experience – that inward gnaw or inner ouch that we have done something wrong. It is that feeling a line has been crossed, a law has been...
How to Speak the Truth on Same Sex Marriage (Even If the World Hates You For It)
“If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.” The words of Athanasius remain relevant even in modern times, as society continues to pressure the church to abandon Christian...
Cinco señales de la madurez espiritual
Por Melissa Dougherty Todos queremos ser sabios en nuestro andar espiritual. Deseamos progresar y tomar buenas decisiones que resulten benéficas a largo plazo. Anhelamos vivir sabiamente en todas...
Five Reasons Why 30% of Students Aren’t Dropping Out of Church
By Jason Jimenez As American culture grows increasingly more secular, churches are no longer carrying the kind of authority and influence they once had. Church is no longer a top priority for the...
What Does it Mean to be Unequally Yoked?
Many people see “unequally yoked” in a Bible verse or hear it in conversation and seem to have one of two thoughts come into their mind: (1) Make sure I’m equally yoked with my spouse, or (2) Why...