In reading -- as one does -- the popular atheist material on the Internet with regards New Testament scholarship, I recently came across a very old argument which is often trotted out by people who...
What's Wrong With The Zeitgeist Movie?
The Zeitgeist movie has been circulating on the internet since 2007. In the video its director, Peter Joseph, seeks to persuade viewers that the authors of the New Testament essentially plagiarized...
Did Nazareth Exist During The Life Of Jesus?
Did Nazareth exist during the life of Jesus? How can we know? What does the evidence say? These are questions to which Christians have been asked to give an answer on a more and more frequent basis...
Gospel contradictions? Why they don’t exist. A Little Experiment to Teach Skeptics about trying to mindlessly refute the NT
A few years ago on an email list that is populated mainly by liberal Christians and non believers, I was challenged by an Atheist (Charles) to explain why there were so many inconsistencies in the...
Is the New Testament Reliable? Even Bart Ehrman Says Yes
UNC Chapel Hill Professor Bart Ehrman has made quite a name for himself as a critic of the New Testament documents. The conclusions he draws in his popular best-selling book Misquoting Jesus cast...
The Bible: Embarrassing and True (Part 2)
Do the New Testament documents tell the truth about what really happened in the first century? As I wrote in my last column, authors claiming to write history are unlikely to invent...
The Bible: Embarrassing and True (Part 1)
What are your most embarrassing moments? You don’t want to admit them. And if you do admit them, you certainly won’t add to your shame by inventing embarrassing moments about yourself to make you...

In ancient wall, scholar sees proof for Bible
Back in 1993, archaeologists found an inscription in the Israeli town of Dan bearing the name of the Hebrew King David. This put to rest the theory that the David of the Bible was just a myth. Now...
Bart Ehrman’s "Misquoting Jesus"
Some have come to doubt the reliability of the New Testament documents by reading Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus. But after reading Dr. Thomas Howe's response to that popular book, if you're fair...
Matthew’s "Raised Saints"
Some question why the dead “saints” who were “raised” after Christ’s resurrection are mentioned in Matthew (Mt. 27:52) but not anywhere else. This is a fair question. After all, if this really...
Resurrection Reported VERY Early
Some people say that the resurrection is myth. Unfortunately for them, scholars report that the earliest testimony for the resurrection goes back to the very year it supposedly occurred-- far too...
Earliest Church Found
The earliest church found to date has been found in Jordan. Click here.
CIA: Your Chance to Make an Impact with Christian Apologetics
If you have some expertise in the area of Christian Apologetics, we are looking for instructors to help us take I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist to students and churches around the...
The Resurrection: An Impact Event
The New Testament writers don’t just say that Jesus performed miracles and rose from the dead—they actually back up that testimony with dramatic action. First, virtually overnight they abandon many...
The Case for the Real Jesus
I think The Case for the Real Jesus is Lee Strobel's best book so far, and that's saying a lot. Josh McDowell claims, "Whatever Lee Strobel writes, God reads!" 🙂 David Limbaugh has posted a...
The Bible Changed? What about the Ending of Mark?
Why do most scholars think the last twelve verses of the Gospel of Mark (Mk. 16:9-20) were not written by Mark? Lee Strobel calls on manuscript expert Dr. Daniel Wallace to answer here. Wallace,...
The New Testament was Written Early
The default position among NT scholarship is that most of the NT documents were written after 70 A.D. I think the exact opposite is true-- most, if not all, of the NT documents were written BEFORE...