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The Wisdom Chronicles

The Wisdom Chronicles

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies ...
On Talking Snakes and Donkeys

On Talking Snakes and Donkeys

By Evan Minton One criticism that's become extremely common from atheists is the mention of talking animals in The Bible, specifically the snake in the garden of Eden and Balaam's donkey. In ...
Can Christians claim to have the One, True God?

Can Christians claim to have the One, True God?

By Ryan Pauly You don’t have to spend very much time interacting with atheists on the internet before you hear this objection: “There are almost 5,000 gods being worshiped by humans, but don’t ...
LGBTQ Contradictions

LGBTQ Contradictions

“People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive,” said Blaise Pascal. Indeed, attraction, not reason, is the engine of ...
Can God Create A Rock So Heavy That He Cannot Lift It?

Can God Create A Rock So Heavy That He Cannot Lift It?

By Evan Minton Many times when talking with non-believers, they will appeal to some sort of one-liner or meme to render their unbelief a more credible position than the reality of an ...
3 Key Things Skeptics Will Say to Shame Your Kids for Being Christians

3 Key Things Skeptics Will Say to Shame Your Kids for Being Christians

By Natasha Crain I haven’t blogged in the last couple of weeks because my family and I were on vacation. We went on a wonderful trip to the island of Grand Cayman! I successfully managed to ...
Where Are The Watchmen?

Where Are The Watchmen?

By Michael C. Sherrard Why is it that the church is always playing catch up? Things keep sneaking up on us. We hear the talk of same-sex marriage, and the next thing we know it is law in our ...
What To Teach Kids About Unanswered Prayer

What To Teach Kids About Unanswered Prayer

By Natasha Crain My son Nathan wasn’t feeling well recently so we all prayed together for him to feel better. The next night at prayer time, Kenna pointed out that we prayed for him already ...
The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies ...
The 5 Worst Beliefs a Christian Parent Can Have in an Imploding Society

The 5 Worst Beliefs a Christian Parent Can Have in an Imploding Society

By Natasha Crain America is changing fast, and not in the direction we’d like. In light of recent events, I don’t think I need to detail all the signs that point to an imploding society. We ...
Just Listen

Just Listen

By Timothy Fox “Everyone should be slow to speak, quick to listen….” James 1:19 I admit, I hate asking Christians for advice or to share my troubles. They just don’t listen! You pour out your ...
Don’t Be Afraid to Be the Cause of Your Kids’ Questions About Christianity

Don’t Be Afraid to Be the Cause of Your Kids’ Questions About Christianity

By Natasha Crain A couple of weeks ago, I started teaching a 5-week “Introduction to Apologetics” class to adults at a local church. In the first session, we talked about the evidence for the ...
Are Christians Less Intelligent Than Atheists? Here’s What All Those Studies REALLY Say

Are Christians Less Intelligent Than Atheists? Here’s What All Those Studies REALLY Say

By Natasha Crain Today I want to shed light on a nasty little “fact” that regularly makes the rounds online: Studies show that Christians are less intelligent than atheists. This ...
The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies ...
30 Things You Can Do This Summer to Deepen Your Kids’ Faith

30 Things You Can Do This Summer to Deepen Your Kids’ Faith

By Natasha Crain It’s now officially summer! For many families, that means a (slightly) less hectic schedule for a few glorious weeks. At the same time, it can mean small-scale panic at ...
5 Things Christian Parents Must Do to Raise Godly Children in a Secular World

5 Things Christian Parents Must Do to Raise Godly Children in a Secular World

By Natasha Crain In the last couple of years, I’ve had the opportunity to speak at several Christian conferences and churches on the importance of parents teaching their kids apologetics (how ...
The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies ...
Islamic Terror, Homosexuality, & the Consequences of Ideas

Islamic Terror, Homosexuality, & the Consequences of Ideas

By Tim Stratton Sunday morning I awoke to horrific news on my Facebook feed: an Islamic terrorist brutally gunned down over fifty of our fellow human beings at a gay nightclub in Orlando, ...
Keeping the Slaughter of Canaan in Context

Keeping the Slaughter of Canaan in Context

By Shannon Byrd Are the conquest narratives in the Old Testament any different from what we are currently viewing with ISIS throughout the Middle East and Europe? Questions like this often come ...
What The Fighting Over Gender Issues Is Really About

What The Fighting Over Gender Issues Is Really About

By Michael Sherrard Do you have a hard time understanding how rational people can really think that genderless bathrooms are a good idea? Are you confused about what is happening culturally? ...

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