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The Atheist Inquisition

Two High Court judges in the UK have ruled that a Christian couple can no longer provide a home to foster kids under the age of ten.  Why?  Because the couple does not agree with homosexual ...

Slavery and Abortion: The Justifications are the Same

Today is the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, one the most famous cases in Supreme Court history.   As we reflect on 52 million dead since the decision-- and are reminded of the horrific reality ...

Why are Atheists Angry at God?

Why are atheists angry at God?  Joe Carter, web editor of First Things, cites studies recently published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that those who don't believe in God ...

The Resurrection of Debbie

Dr. Gary Habermas, world-renowned expert on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, discusses losing his 43 year old wife to stomach cancer.  He has a perspective you might not expect.  Profound.

The Dawkins Dilemma – Part 2

Those of you who read Part 1 hopefully understand my concern is that in his book “The God Delusion” Dr. Richard Dawkins has set out to divert people from any religious views they and move them ...
Is Intelligent Design Science?

Is Intelligent Design Science?

The purpose of this post is not to prove that Intelligent Design is true, nor that it is superior to naturalistic alternatives, but simply to raise awareness over some of the lines of evidence ...

The Dawkins Dilemma – Part 1

It is the ultimate responsibility of the scientific and engineering communities to convey information in a clear, honest and accurate manner. To do otherwise is not only unethical but can ...
Jesus, Christians and Politics: Why They Go Together

Jesus, Christians and Politics: Why They Go Together

The United States Congress was in a rare joint session. All 435 representatives and 100 senators were in attendance, and the C-SPAN-TV cameras were rolling. The members were gathered together to ...

Ambiguity in Islam

Islam is a touchy subject. But it's also a historical subject, a cultural and worldview subject, and it's a subject of ethics and politics. For that reason, wisdom demands we discuss and learn ...

The Euthyphro Dilemma

Excerpt from "Jesus Is Involved In Politics! Why aren't You? Why Isn't Your Church?" Rational Free Press 2010 (c) Neil MammenAvailable on Amazon and at Socrates ...

Gospel contradictions? Why they don’t exist. A Little Experiment to Teach Skeptics about trying to mindlessly refute the NT

A few years ago on an email list that is populated mainly by liberal Christians and non believers, I was challenged by an Atheist (Charles) to explain why there were so many inconsistencies in ...

Parasitic Evil and Independent Good

[Stepping away from the cultural commentary and scientific or political headlines. This is a philosophy lesson, drawn heavily from 4th century metaphysics. I hope you enjoy this blast from the ...

Is the New Testament Reliable? Even Bart Ehrman Says Yes

UNC Chapel Hill Professor Bart Ehrman has made quite a name for himself as a critic of the New Testament documents.  The conclusions he draws in his popular best-selling book Misquoting Jesus ...

The Top Ten Same Sex Marriage False "Facts"

When one judge overturned the will of more then seven million Californians last week in Perry vs. Schwarzenegger, he listed 80 supposed “findings of fact” (FF) as evidence that Proposition 8 ...

Gay Totalitarianism vs. Christian Liberty

Two Christian graduate students at public universities (Eastern Michigan University and Augusta State University)  are being expelled from their counseling programs for their religious and moral ...

Podcast Test with Download Button

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris ...

Obama Administration OKs First Tax-Funded Abortions Under Health Care Law

As predicted by all reasonable people who knew that Obama's executive order was disingenuous, elective abortion will now be paid for with your tax dollars.  The Obama administration has just ...

Judicial Activism vs. Liberty

(This column first appeared on Elena Kagan called the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy “a moral injustice of the first order.” A moral injustice of the first order?  ...

Liberals Flunk Econ 101

John Zogby recently interviewed nearly 5,000 American adults and asked them eight basic questions about economics.  The eight questions have easily provable answers. Here are the bottom line ...

Is God Good? (A Short Film)

Here is animated short film called, "Is God Good?"  In less than two minutes, it succinctly addresses how human freedom relates to the problem of evil (with some brilliant animated ...

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