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Can We Know Anything about the Historical Jesus? Yes, and It’s Much More than You Think!

Can We Know Anything about the Historical Jesus? Yes, and It’s Much More than You Think!

By Brian Chilton In 2000, I made the difficult decision to step away from my faith. I entered into what I call theistic-leaning agnosticism, one step removed from pantheism. I believed that ...
Are the Gospels “hopelessly contradictory”?

Are the Gospels “hopelessly contradictory”?

By Erik Manning Critics of Christianity love to compile long lists of alleged contradictions in the gospels to shake the faith of unsuspecting church-goers. One of the more famous of these ...
“The Ring of Truth”

“The Ring of Truth”

By Tim Stratton What religion or worldview possesses the “Ring of Truth?” It is definitely not Islam or atheism! To be sure, this is not a deductive argument like the Kalam, Freethinking, or ...
Young People are Leaving the Church… Is Apologetics the Answer?

Young People are Leaving the Church… Is Apologetics the Answer?

By Jeremy Linn Over the past few months, I’ve been promoting an Apologetics conference which will equip young people to understand and defend the Christian worldview. As I've talked to local ...
John the Baptist in Josephus

John the Baptist in Josephus

By Ryan Leasure Several reasons exist for why we should trust the Gospels. Their eye-witness testimony, familiarity with the Palestinian world, embarrassing nature, early dating, and ...
Did God Command Genocide in the Old Testament?

Did God Command Genocide in the Old Testament?

By Ryan Leasure Richard Dawkins’ famous quote just about sums up how skeptics view the God of the Old Testament. He retorts: The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant ...
Bible study: Esther as an example of bravery and God’s providence

Bible study: Esther as an example of bravery and God’s providence

By Wintery Knight I’ve been listening to this FREE two-volume series on the book of Esther featuring pastor Alistair Begg. A whole bunch of interesting things stuck out to me, so I’ll write ...
Apologetic Methods and A Case for Classical Apologetics

Apologetic Methods and A Case for Classical Apologetics

By J. Brian Huffling In 2004 I began to pursue an MA in Christian Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary. I didn’t really know much about the topic, I just really wanted to know how to ...
Three Signs of the Church’s Spiritual Disorientation

Three Signs of the Church’s Spiritual Disorientation

By Bob Perry It is a scary thing to be disoriented. At best, it means you’re headed in the wrong direction. But if you’re flying airplanes, it means you have no reference to the ground. You ...
Is Apologetics “Anti-Faith”?

Is Apologetics “Anti-Faith”?

By Robby Hall Often, I see other Christians objecting to the use of apologetics altogether.  They will usually say that faith doesn't require evidence, or it's not faith. But is that the ...
Every Christian Should Begin to Master the Moral Argument Today

Every Christian Should Begin to Master the Moral Argument Today

By Erik Manning There’s a dizzying array of arguments for the existence of God. For a newbie looking to get into apologetics, it can be intimidating trying to figure out where to start. You ...
Did Jesus Have a Wife? – A Simple Response to The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife

Did Jesus Have a Wife? – A Simple Response to The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife

By Mikel Del Rosario The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife So your skeptical friend just heard about something called, “The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife.” But unlike the fiction Dan Brown created in the Da ...
How a Cold-Case Atheist Detective Became a Case-Making Christian

How a Cold-Case Atheist Detective Became a Case-Making Christian

By Terrell Clemmons I think it may be true," Jim Wallace said to his wife, Susie. He was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. "What may be true?" "Christianity." Why did she need to ...
How Naturalism Defeats Science As A Knowledge Discipline

How Naturalism Defeats Science As A Knowledge Discipline

By Luke Nix Introduction One of the core necessities of science is the constancy of the laws that govern this universe. The fact that the laws of physics have the same since the beginning of ...
The Education of Jesus of Nazareth

The Education of Jesus of Nazareth

By Brian Chilton Often, critical scholars make Jesus of Nazareth out to be a country bumpkin, one who was uneducated and unsophisticated. However, when one evaluates his life and teaching ...
You Can’t Make Your Kid a Christian

You Can’t Make Your Kid a Christian

By Natasha Crain I thrive on control. I love projects that can be broken into goals, tasks, and success or failure criteria. Nothing motivates me more than the opportunity to strive toward ...
When C.S. Lewis Warned Us About Alfie Evans and Charlie Gard

When C.S. Lewis Warned Us About Alfie Evans and Charlie Gard

By Bob Perry Unfortunately, everybody has heard about Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans. They were both born with eerily similar and rare genetic disorders. They both died before they reached age ...
The Kalam Cosmological Argument NOT Debunked

The Kalam Cosmological Argument NOT Debunked

By Evan Minton I discovered a YouTuber called "Rationality Rules" very recently. One of his many videos is "The Kalam Cosmological Argument Debunked - (First Cause Argument Refuted)" which you ...
How Can God be Sovereign over Evil and not Morally Culpable for It?

How Can God be Sovereign over Evil and not Morally Culpable for It?

By Ryan Leasure It’s not uncommon to hear those in the non-Reformed tradition make the claim that Reformed belief necessarily makes God blameworthy for evil. After all, if God has sovereignly ...
Who Made God? A Cosmological Argument for Kids

Who Made God? A Cosmological Argument for Kids

By Mikel Del Rosario Who Made God? Here’s a Simple Answer Watching Phil Vischer’s Jelly Telly show with my little boy reminded me that accessible apologetics training is for kids, too! One ...

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