To COEXIST Is A Biblical Command
Along with my regular blog here at seanmcdowell.org, I am now featuring occasional guest posts from some students in the Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics that I personally had the privilege ...

Why Did God Write A Book?
By Evan Minton
Why did God write a book? By that, I mean why did God inspire authors to write documents which make up a compilation we call The Holy Bible? What were God's purposes in doing ...

Why Shouldn’t We Trust the Non-Canonical Gospel Attributed to John?
The Gospel of John is a reliable addition to the New Testament Canon, but this ancient document isn’t the only text attributed to this disciple of Jesus. Another slightly less ancient text ...

Is Faith Emotional or Logical?
By Luke Nix
So many people, both religious and non-religious, believe that faith is purely emotional, and in most contexts people imply the word "blind" before "faith". While few others believe ...

Why Did a “Good” God Create Hell?
By Al Serrato
Many people today accuse God of unfairness. Since God can foresee the future, they ask, why didn’t He simply never create all those he knows to be destined to spend eternity in ...

Responding To Free Will Critics
By Evan Minton
My article "5 Arguments For The Existence Of Free Will" became very popular. Tim Stratton liked it so much that he featured it as a guest post on his ...

What is the Most Powerful Evidence for the Christian Faith?
For the past three years I have been helping my father update his classic book Evidence that Demands a Verdict. There is no doubt that the evidence for Christianity has grown substantially since ...

When Teens Wish They Could “Unpost” (Interview with Jonathan McKee)
Have you ever regretted something you posted on social media? Don’t feel bad, 57% of Americans who use social media have posted something they regret afterward. And that’s just adults. Now jump ...

Learning from Academics Who Left Mormonism
Most of my readers know my personal connection to Mormonism; I have six half-brothers and sisters who were raised in the Mormon faith. When I first become interested in Christianity, I ...

What Hypocrisy Teaches Us
By Al Serrato
Christians are all hypocrites!
How often do apologists for the faith encounter that objection? Yes, there are hypocrites in the church, at least in the sense that none of us ...

10 Things to Say When Your Child Says They Don’t Believe in God Anymore
By Natasha Crain
This weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to speak at the ReTHINK Student Apologetics Conference (there are more of these conferences coming—be sure to check out the link ...

Yes, We Can Make the Case for Christianity with Music
At the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, we often talk about the importance of worldview. Each of us, as Christians, ought to allow our Christian beliefs to shape the way we think about ...

4 Major Reasons Why People Become Atheists
By Brian Chilton
The psalmist David wrote, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There’s no God.’ They are corrupt; they do vile deeds. There is no one who does good” (Psalm 14:1, CSB). The psalmist ...

The Importance of Defining Terms
By Luke Nix
A few years ago I listened to the podcast "The Word Nerds". This podcast helped me gain an appreciation for the power of the English language. In my conversations with ...

Are There “Limits” to God’s Power?
Christians claim God is “all-powerful”. Does this mean He can accomplish anything? Skeptics often test this notion by offering the following challenge: “Can the all-powerful Christian God create ...

Why Is God So Hidden?
As a young atheist, I denied the existence of God for practical, experiential reasons. During my elementary school years, I found it difficult to understand why anyone would believe in God ...

5 Earth-Shattering Events Linked to the Bible
In the recent update to my father’s classic book Evidence that Demands a Verdict, we begin with a chapter on the uniqueness of the Bible. Unquestionably, in comparison to every ...

Jesus on the Problem of Evil
By Aaron Brake
In Luke 13:1-5 we have Jesus’ clearest teaching on the problem of evil:[1]
Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had ...

Who Wrote the Book of Jude?
By Brian Chilton
Over the past few months, we have been examining the authors and background information for the books of the New Testament. For this article, we will examine a little book ...

Does God Just Want Me to Be Happy?
Along with my regular blog here at seanmcdowell.org, I am now featuring occasional guest posts from some students in the Biola M.A. in Christian Apologetics that I personally had the privilege ...