It’s Logically Impossible To Avoid Logic
By Alex McElroy
The only foundation upon which one should build their life is the truth. The truth should be sound, logical, and justifiable. Most, if not all, people would agree with that ...

The World On The Other Side of This Pandemic
By Bob Perry
The world is an unpredictable place. But we pretend it isn’t. We like to envision our future and plan our steps, pretending we know how we’ll get there. But the stories we write ...

Is the Historical Jesus Fact or Fiction?
By Tim Stratton
As a pastor who spends a lot of time on the college campus, I hear the following challenges quite often from young skeptics: “There is no good evidence to think that Jesus ever ...

How Investigating Paul’s Conversion Turned A Skeptic Into A Christian Apologist
By Erik Manning
Here’s a very simple proof for Christianity. I’m warning you though, you’re going to be tempted to dismiss it because it’s sneakily uncomplicated. Are you ready for it? OK, ...

Infinite Punishment for Finite Crimes?
By Al Serrato
Trying to explain how a good God created Hell can be a daunting task for the Christian apologist. In my last post, I considered the challenge that God could not be “good” if he ...

Can A Person Be A Committed Christian While Ignoring Apologetics?
By Wintery Knight
I would like to describe a situation that arises frequently that concerns me. The situation I describe below brings out a flaw I see in the way that rank-and-file Christians ...

Are You Good Without God?
By Mikel Del Rosario
While I was driving from Sacramento to the Bay Area, I saw a huge billboard that read, “Are you good without God? Millions Are.” I also noticed a theistic tagger added the ...

Why Studying Evolution Will Likely Challenge Your Kids’ Faith
By Natasha Crain
I saw the following post in a Christian Facebook group:
My daughter is starting her second semester of college tomorrow. She got ahold of her syllabus and found the ...

Messianic Convergence in the Gospels: A New Way to Frame the Argument from Old Testament Fulfilment
Anyone who has spent considerable time studying the gospels can tell that they are literally saturated with Old Testament fulfilment and allusions. Indeed, the early church used two primary ...

20 Myths About Old Earth Creationism
By Luke Nix
Last month I was alerted to a debate on Justin Brierley's podcast "Unbelievable." This debate was a discussion between a young-earth creationist (Ken Ham of Answers ...

The Cure For Spiritual Disorientation
By Bob Perry
I have made the case that the church is suffering from spiritual disorientation. There are many Christians who are flying through this life in much the same way as a pilot who is ...

White-Knuckling It
By Brady Cone
As a man who loves Jesus, is in a heterosexual marriage and still experiences some same-sex attraction that is lingering from my previous gay life, I spend a lot of time talking ...

Why Your Kids May Become Atheists No Matter What You Do (and Why That Shouldn’t Discourage You)
By Natasha Crain
My 5-year-old and I were playing the game Connect Four the other day and, for the first time ever, she was in a position to beat me. I absolutely won’t let my kids win a game ...

Why Most Doubts About God Are Emotional, Not Intellectual (Part II)
By Mike Taylor
How to Deal with Emotional Doubt
Most of the time in our lives, it’s not the facts of the situations around us that are important; it’s how we process those facts. Similarly, the ...

Could The Universe Be Eternal?
By Ryan Leasure
One of my favorite arguments for God’s existence is the Kalam Cosmological Argument. While this argument has historical roots, contemporary Christian philosopher William Lane ...

El Apologista
By Terrell Clemmons
Jorge Gil: Next Gen Apologist to the World
Jorge Gil was born in 1982 to a single mother in Costa Rica. When he was one year old, she left him in the care of his ...

Why Most Doubts About God Are Emotional, Not Intellectual (Part I)
By Mike Taylor
If we're honest, we would all admit that we have doubts about God to some degree or another. I mean, on some level, it almost feels like human nature to resist fully trusting ...

13 Good Historical Reasons For The Early Dating Of The Gospels
By Erik Manning
Skeptics like Bart Ehrman will use Apollonius of Tyana as a challenge to Jesus’ uniqueness. Apollonius lived in the first century. His birth was supernatural. He also performed ...

The Impact of Divine Omnipresence to a Believer’s Life and Beyond
By Brian Chilton
While God used apologetics to bring me back to faith, God uses theology to humble, awe, and comfort me before his amazing presence. Theology is a passion of mine. My resume ...

Is Hell Torment or Torture and Is there a Difference?
By Al Serrato
Making a case for Christianity can be challenging in this secular culture. And what can be more challenging than explaining –no, than defending - the existence of a place ...