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Does Jesus Devastate An Old Earth?

By Luke Nix Introduction Science and faith issues are no doubt a hot topic of discussion when it comes to defending the truth of Christianity. Many Christians hold many different views about the timing and mechanism of God's creative acts. Some views hold numerous...

20 Myths About Old Earth Creationism

By Luke Nix Introduction Last month I was alerted to a debate on Justin Brierley's podcast "Unbelievable." This debate was a discussion between a young-earth creationist (Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis) and an old-earth creationist (Jeff Zweerink of Reasons to...

Did God Use Evolution? Is the Earth Old? New Book Review

Questions related to origins are some of the most divisive in the church today: How old is the earth? Is there good evidence for intelligent design? Did God use evolution?Sadly, rather than discussing differences in a sober and gracious manner, conversations are often...

How Old is the Universe?

How old is the universe? All Christians agree that "God created the heavens and the earth," but WHEN? Join Frank in this special midweek podcast episode as he unpacks the age-old question that everyone won't stop talking about! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST, be...

How We Got Our Bible: Old Testament Canon and Apocrypha

By Ryan Leasure This is part three of a nine-part series on how we got our Bible. Part one addressed the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. Part two explained the formation and preservation of the Old Testament text. This post will address issues surrounding the...

How We Got Our Bible: Old Testament Formation

By Ryan Leasure This is the second in a series of  nine posts addressing the question of how we got our Bible. Last post dealt with the question of inspiration and inerrancy. This week we turn our attention to the formation of the Old Testament. Introductory Matters...

Is Earth Just A Pale Blue Dot?

By Ryan Leasure  In his book Pale Blue Dot, the late astronomer Carl Sagan had this to say about the above photograph taken aboard Voyager I: Because of the reflection of sunlight... Earth seems to be sitting in a beam of light as if there were some special...

Materialism Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on Earth

By Bob Perry As I’ve discussed elsewhere, Darwinian Evolution tells a great story. But that story is wholly disconnected from the actual evidence of life on Earth. That’s especially true when it comes to the origin of life. To be fair, Darwinian Evolution insists it...

Did God Command Genocide in the Old Testament?

By Ryan Leasure Richard Dawkins’ famous quote just about sums up how skeptics view the God of the Old Testament. He retorts: The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving...

14 Ways I Teach Apologetics to My 5-Year-Olds

By Natasha Crain Recently, several people have asked me, “How do you actually do this apologetics stuff at home? How do you talk to your kids about these topics?” When I get the question, the person asking usually looks a bit baffled, as if they are asking how I build...

Atheism: The Old Vs. the New

By J. Brian Huffling Introduction Ever since humans have walked the earth, they have been plagued with many and various questions. Perhaps the most vexing question one can ask is, “How did we get here?” The question of origins, both of the universe and of life on...

5 Earth-Shattering Events Linked to the Bible

In the recent update to my father’s classic book Evidence that Demands a Verdict, we begin with a chapter on the uniqueness of the Bible. Unquestionably, in comparison to every book ever written, the Bible stands out as unique in a number of areas including...

The Probability of a Past Event is One

In recent posts (here and here), I considered some of the difficulties inherent in defining what constitutes a miracle or recognizing an event as miraculous. The skeptic usually approaches the issue with the set presupposition that miracles, however defined, are not...

The New Cultural Christianity

A few months ago I wrote an article on the West’s move towards a post-Christian culture (Post-Christianity: What’s That?). Since the article’s publication at least two prominent atheists decried the fall of Christianity in the West. One claims to have converted to...

Character Matters

Character and morality often intersect in their definitions. Even for the non-Christians, all people are given a moral compass from the time of our birth. As image bearers of God, a person is able to recognize right from wrong. Though these matters have been declared...

Promise of Genuine Immortality: AI or the Divine

Do we have a genuine promise of immortality? This is a question that impacts all of us. When I was growing up as a kid, I wanted to be taken seriously. Therefore, I could not wait to grow up to have a seat at the intellectual table. It seemed like it took forever to...

Church Matters

Gospel-centered churches are as important as ever, with powerful worldly forces at work actively competing with Christ for the souls of men.[1] The world buys our attention and convinces us that purpose exists in tangibles, accolades, relationships, drugs, fame, and...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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