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Why Has the World Gone Mad? C.S. Lewis & Paul Tell Us

What explains the super extreme—even mad—positions we’ve seen people take publicly in recent years? For example, how did we go from abortion being “safe, legal, and rare” to “shout your abortion” and laws even allowing the murder of babies 28 days AFTER they are born?...

Infantile Rage vs. Human Nature | with Dr. David Berlinski

Dr. David Berlinski has never met a controversy he didn’t want to engage with. In this bonus episode, the provocative Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute and self-described secular Jew, joins Frank to discuss how human nature intersects with gender issues, truth,...

Jack Hibbs vs. Infanticide

Can you believe that California is about to pass a law that would allow people to literally murder their children up to 28 days AFTER birth? We are not making this up! See AB 2223. Pastor Jack Hibbs, of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, joins Frank to reveal this...

Is the Resurrection Unbelievable?

Can we really believe Jesus rose from the dead? If the Resurrection of Jesus didn’t really happen, then Christianity is false (as even the Apostle Paul admitted in 1 Cor. 15). On the other hand, if it really did happen 1,989 years ago (give or take a few years), then...

The Best NEW Ideas from the Best Apologists

Want to hear the latest and greatest news from the best of the best in the world of apologetics? Join us for a very special podcast episode from the 2022 National Conference on Christian Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary where Frank teams up with four...

Castrate Children? The President says “yes”!

President Biden said this week that all trans people are made in the image of God. He’s absolutely right. Everyone is. But the President then ignored the end of the verse: “God made them male and female”. The President then went on to affirm “gender-affirming care”...

The Bible Story You Are In

What do you think about when you hear the word “God”? Too many of us have false knowledge about God. We think God loves us more if we obey Him and less if we don’t. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there is a story in the Bible— a story you are...

Silencing of the Lambs | with Dr. Michael Brown

Are you FOR a free and respectful debate about controversial issues? Are you FOR the freedom to have your own political opinions without fear of losing your job? Are you FOR respecting people and their positions rather than calling them names or censoring them? Are...

Be a Monster or a Hero? John Cooper of Skillet

Do you have to have a degree in theology, philosophy, or apologetics in order to speak powerfully and accurately about how the church is being influenced by the culture? If you think so—if you think that all of this should be left to the professionals, to some kind of...

Should we expose false teachers?

There are some people in the Christian church that say we ought not to expose false teachers or publicly name names. Rather, we should just focus on preaching the gospel. Question: Suppose your pastor got up one Sunday and told the congregation that they’d just found...

How to Help Doubters

We have heard many stories of Christians deconstructing and deconverting their faith. So, what’s the best way to help doubters, and how can we engage seekers? In this show, Sean McDowell fills in for Frank Turek and is joined by Preston Ulmer, author of The Doubter’s...

The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis

The most influential apologist of the 20th century was once a hardened atheist. How did C.S. Lewis convert to become such a force for Christianity? Max McLean, writer and star of the brilliant new movie, "The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis"...

If God, Why Evil?

If God is all-good and all-powerful, why doesn’t He stop evil? Maybe it’s because an all-good and all-powerful God doesn’t actually exist! That’s what some atheists will claim. In this show, Frank addresses that claim and these questions: Does evil disprove God? If...

4 Questions to Show that Christianity is True

With so many people skeptical about God and the Bible, how can you actually show Christianity is true? In this podcast, Frank will show you how by summarizing the case he normally gives in his “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist” presentation. The 4 questions...

10 Reasons Why Socialism Fails

What is socialism and why doesn’t it work? In this special podcast, Frank shows that socialism doesn’t work because it ignores economics 101 in ten ways. It ignores basic truths about: Private Property (it drives economics) Rule of Law (necessary for a robust economy)...

Valentine’s Day Special: Why Love is Not a Feeling

In this special show done on Valentine’s day, Frank unpacks the difference between “being in love” and loving someone. Too many people think that once the feeling of “being in love” is gone that the relationship is over and they need to find someone else. But if we...

Faithfully Different and 4 False Beliefs

What are four major false beliefs that many people in our culture believe and are now creeping into the church? Beliefs that are so pervasive, you might not even recognize that you believe them! Natasha Crain joins Frank to reveal those four false beliefs and to...

9 Things That Science Will Never Explain

With all our technological advances, won’t science one day answer all of our questions and give us all of our knowledge? Saying God did something doesn’t get us anywhere. That’s God of the gaps reasoning! We just have to give science more time to figure everything...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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