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Why the Best Explanation Can Be a Miracle

By Al Serrato We all intuitively seek the best explanation for a set of facts or circumstances. It’s called abductive reasoning. Detectives make use of this method of reasoning when endeavoring to solve a crime; they put the pieces together so that a picture of what...

Dismantling Doubt

Is God really there for me? God, do you see? Do you hear my prayer? Experiences such as job loss, broken relationships, mental illness, or any unyielding pain can stir up questions of doubt. Doubt is standing at your door desiring to chip away at your faith. During...

Are Miracles Impossible Because They Violate Natural Laws?

Are miracles possible? Many academics have ruled miracles out completely, claiming that miracles are a violation of the laws of nature. But is that conclusion reasonable? In this week's podcast episode, Frank provides reasonable arguments to defend the possibility of...

D.O.U.B.T.S.: An Evidential Filter For Miracle Claims

By Erik Manning When it comes to miracles, Christians are often accused of special pleading. We’re quick to accept Christian miracle claims, but we suddenly turn into Richard Dawkins when it comes to miracle claims made by other religions. Why should skeptics start...

What is the Difference Between Miracles and Magic

By Justin Angelos Seven years ago, I was the manager at a Men’s tailored clothing store. Part of my job was, counting the money each morning that was put into the safe the night before. One of the ladies I use to work with was an expert in spotting counterfeit money....

The Mind-Blowing Meaning Behind the Sign of Jonah

By Erik Manning Recently I stumbled across what I thought was a rather silly meme: Oof. Here’s the thing: No matter if you believe Jonah is historical or ahistorical (and some Christians, like C.S. Lewis, believed it was the latter), this meme misses the point....

You Might Be a Deist

By Brian Chilton Atlanta native Jeff Foxworthy made a name for himself as a stand-up comedian doing a routine called “You might be a redneck.” Some of these classic one-liners include, “If you have a set of salad bowls and they all say Cool Whip on the side, you might...

No, The Argument from Miracles Has Not Been Debunked (Pt. 2)

By Erik Manning Is the argument from miracles hopelessly fallacious? Stephen Woodford, AKA ‘Rationality Rules,’ believes so. In his popular YouTube video 'The Argument From Miracles-Debunked' Woodford says the argument from miracles commits four major fallacies. In my...

No, the argument from miracles has not been debunked (Pt. 1)

By Erik Manning Is the argument from miracles full of fallacies? Popular atheist YouTuber 'Rationality Rules' argues that’s the case. Rather than examining miracles on a report-by-report basis, he opts to say that the case for miracles is doomed from the start. This...

14 Ways I Teach Apologetics to My 5-Year-Olds

By Natasha Crain Recently, several people have asked me, “How do you actually do this apologetics stuff at home? How do you talk to your kids about these topics?” When I get the question, the person asking usually looks a bit baffled, as if they are asking how I build...

Do We Have Reasons to Believe in God’s Existence?

By Brian Chilton Recently, news agencies filled the airwaves and the internet with the news of Stephen Hawking’s last book to be published and released posthumously. The book released on October 16, 2018, is entitled Brief Answers to the Big Questions. Hawking argues...

Does Modern Science Disprove Miracles?

By Ryan Leasure Back in less civilized times, people believed lightning storms meant the gods were upset with them. An eclipse indicated God was about to bring judgment. Lack of rain meant the people needed to get right with their god. But we’ve moved on from all that...

The Case For Miracles Book Review

by Ryan Leasure I can still hear Al Michael’s voice in the background, “Do you believe in miracles?!?!” The United States victory over the heavily favored Russian hockey team in the 1980 Winter Olympics defied the odds. But as improbable as it was, should the “Miracle...

Why Don’t Miracles Happen More Often?

Frank continues his series on Miracles by examining the very difficult question: Why Don't Miracles Happen More Often? He opens this podcast talking about his dear friend and fellow apologist Nabeel Qureshi who converted from Islam to Christianity and was one of the...

Miracles with Dr. Craig Keener [Part 2]

Part 2: Most modern prejudice against biblical miracle reports depends on David Hume’s argument that uniform human experience precluded miracles. Yet current research shows that human experience is far from uniform. In fact, hundreds of millions of people today claim...

Miracles with Dr. Craig Keener [Part 1]

Most modern prejudice against biblical miracle reports depends on David Hume's argument that uniform human experience precluded miracles. Yet current research shows that human experience is far from uniform. In fact, hundreds of millions of people today claim to have...

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