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Unconditional Love or Unconditional Affirmation?

Human origin is a fascinating area of research today. With all the different models for the origins of humanity being proposed, I see an increase in the discussions, both scientific and theological. For everyone reading this post, this area of research should be of...

Is a Perfect Being Possible?

By Al Serrato Many atheists claim that the God described in the Bible is not possible. They raise philosophical challenges meant to show that inherent in the very nature of God are contradictions which make belief in him foolish. One such challenge I encountered went...

Was God’s Original Creation Perfect?

by Bob Perry There is, and probably always will be, a debate going on between sincere Christians about the age of the Universe. I think I’ve made my position on that issue very clear. But at the core of the disagreement between the so-called “Old Earth” (OE) and...

Improbable Planet by Hugh Ross ― Audio Book Highlight

By Luke Nix Introduction If you consume a large portion of your material through audio, it is hard to get past a good deal on an excellent audiobook. Twice every year runs a sale on most of their collection, and you can usually pick up these great...

Giving Atheists a Hand

By Al Serrato My seventh-grade nephew needed some help the other night on social studies. He was working on the Paleolithic Age - the Old Stone Age - a time when man first started working with stone and bone tools. That got me thinking about the greatest "tool" of all...

How We Can Know Who Created the Universe

By Al Serrato It is difficult to overstate the importance of the discovery of the Big Bang. After all, even without sophisticated philosophical arguments, most people intuitively recognize that all things that come into existence must have some preceding cause...

Systems Engineering in Nature

By Cathryn Buse Before I had children, I worked as a systems engineer at NASA at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL. Through my career, I met a lot of brilliant scientists and engineers who were committed Christians. But I also encountered a lot of...

Why We Can’t Know If The Universe Created Itself

By Al Serrato In the beginning, was… not the Word …. but the singularity event occurring in absolute nothingness and timelessness that spontaneously created all we see in the universe around us.  So said physicist Stephen Hawking anyway, in his popular book The Grand...

Is Earth Just A Pale Blue Dot?

By Ryan Leasure  In his book Pale Blue Dot, the late astronomer Carl Sagan had this to say about the above photograph taken aboard Voyager I: Because of the reflection of sunlight... Earth seems to be sitting in a beam of light as if there were some special...

20 Myths About Old Earth Creationism

By Luke Nix Introduction Last month I was alerted to a debate on Justin Brierley's podcast "Unbelievable." This debate was a discussion between a young-earth creationist (Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis) and an old-earth creationist (Jeff Zweerink of Reasons to...

Could The Universe Be Eternal?

By Ryan Leasure One of my favorite arguments for God’s existence is the Kalam Cosmological Argument. While this argument has historical roots, contemporary Christian philosopher William Lane Craig has popularized it more recently. The argument goes like this:...

We Live In A Beautiful World

By Bob Perry In classical thinking, saying that something is beautiful is not a matter of subjective opinion. It’s a way to identify an objective feature of the world. We don’t construct beauty; we discover it. And we try to mimic it. A lot of ink has gone to a paper...

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

By Alex McElroy I’ve never been much of an artist. I do, however, have great respect for those that possess the skill and patience to create a masterpiece. In fact, I admire anyone that can draw anything beyond a stick figure. I remember when I was growing up, my...

I am Special?

By Michael Sherrard There isn’t any reason to think that I am special, but I do. And we all do. That is of course unless life has beaten us up and cruel people have convinced us otherwise. But I am special. I know this. I’ve known this for quite some time. It this a...

Human Nature According to Darwin – A Christian Response

By Ken Mann The following is was delivered as a plenary session at a Biola on the Road conference in April 2017 at Faith Bible Church in Houston Texas. Introduction Charles Darwin. Evolution. Perhaps no other man and no other idea have had a wider influence on western...

Book Review: The Creator and the Cosmos

by Luke Nix Introduction Several years ago, when I was struggling with science/faith issues, I stumbled upon astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross' book "The Creator and the Cosmos." He had released the third edition of the book, and many people were recommending it for those...

Science, Stephen Hawking, And Free Minds

By Terrell Clemmons Last night my 11-year old daughter Sally asked me if I’d like to watch “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking” with her. How could a mom refuse that invitation? So we cozied up in our jammies and tuned in. It was a great show, and highly...

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