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Who Wrote the Gospel of Mark?

By Brian Chilton Last week, we began a series on the authorship of the New Testament documents as we discussed the Gospel of Matthew. This week, we continue our series as we consider the authorship of the Gospel of Mark. We will consider the internal and external...

The Price of Denying Free Will

By Timothy Fox Every time I turn around I find someone else denying that humans have free will. From scientists to philosophers to theologians, it’s the cool new trend. We aren’t actually making free choices. We have been programmed either by God or our DNA to act in...

God, Evil and the London Attack

If you’d had the knowledge and power to stop the terrorist attack in London, would you have done so? Of course. In fact, if you could have stopped it but didn’t, we would call you morally deficient. We would partially blame you for the attacks! What does this say...

Is Religion the Practice of Avoiding Truth?

By Luke Nix Introduction A month or so ago, I came across an interesting challenge to Christianity. A skeptic told me that religion was an exercise in avoiding truth- a willful delusion. He observed that many Christians (and religious people, in general) tend to...

Who Wrote the Gospel of Matthew?

By Brian Chilton Over the course of the new few weeks, we will discuss the reasons for accepting the traditional viewpoints for New Testament authorship. We will begin with the Gospel of Matthew today and will then move towards the other three Gospels before looking...

Was Paul the Founder of Christianity?

By Brian Chilton Skeptics, such as Gerd Ludemann, charged Paul for being the actual founder of Christianity. Such ideas come from either a belief that Jesus never addressed difficult topics, or a belief that Paul was too radical in his teachings for it to have come...

The Art of Raising Kids Who Will Not Bow to the Idol of Science

By Natasha Crain There’s a new hero in town. He’s thought to be all-powerful, always right, and everyone’s best friend. If anyone says something that could possibly be construed as being opposed to this hero, they are to be quickly shamed and put in their place. You...

Did Long Distance Make Paul’s Witness List Unfalsifiable?

By Evan Minton In chapter 8 of my book Inference To The One True God, in my blog post "The Minimal Facts Case For Jesus' Resurrection PART 1" and in my blog post "A Quick Case For Jesus' Resurrection", I make the case that we know many people had experiences of the...

God’s Love & the Euthyphro Dilemma

By Tim Stratton Question Dear Tim,In your article The Omnibenevolence of God you pointed out that on the Islamic view, Allah is quite similar to some Calvinistic views of God. Regarding this view, you said: “God is not all-loving, and whatever Allah does is simply...

Jesús, la Biblia, el Corán y la Ley de no contradicción

Por Derrick Stokes En el Corán, el Evangelio, o Injil, se considera que es de Dios y es incorruptible. La Biblia dice que la Escritura es inspirada por Dios. Sin embargo, contrastan lo que dicen sobre Jesús. Llega la Ley de la no contradicción. La Ley de la no...

Skeptics Can’t Have It Both Ways

By Brent Hardaway Former L.A. County District Attorney and agnostic Vince Bugliosi believes that the problem of evil is fatal to believing in Christianity. “I’m an agnostic only on the issue of whether there is a God, a supernatural being who created the universe. I’m...

Does Scripture Ground Morality, Hope, and Meaning?

By Luke Nix   Introduction I saw this meme on social media the other day. It states "Scripture abandoned in the culture leads to relative morality, hopelessness, and meaninglessness." It caught my attention because of how its author attempts to ground morality, hope,...

The Wisdom Chronicle

The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you. Blessings, J. Whiddon 1071 HEAVEN “When Fred arrived at the...

Does The Minimal Facts Approach Dishonor God’s Word?

By Evan Minton The Minimal Facts Approach is an approach to establishing the truth of Jesus' resurrection using two criteria; (1) they must be facts that have a lot of evidence in their favor, and (2) these facts must be universally or nearly universally agreed upon...

How to Become a True Student and a Better Apologist

By Michael C. Sherrard This is a bit exaggerated, but I’m not sure that anybody is actually interested in learning anything anymore. We live in a political and religious playground filled with thumbs in ears and shouts of “nah nah nah nah, I can’t hear you.” Most...


By Tim Stratton It seems commonplace today for entire groups of people to be painted with a broad brushstroke and labeled as being afraid or fearful. The word “phobia” or “phobic” is often attached to the end of another word which is supposed to represent a group who...

The Difference Between What A View Asserts And Implies

By Luke Nix  Introduction In any discussion in which we are defending a particular view, we must present both a positive case and the negative case. The positive case shows the evidence for the view we are defending, while the negative case shows the problems with the...

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