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Dios y el tiempo real

Por William Lane Craig RESUMEN Si Dios es atemporal o temporal depende de si una Teoría A o una Teoría B del tiempo es correcta, donde la primera presenta hechos temporales y la segunda solo hechos atemporales. Dada la superioridad de la Teoría A, se deduce que Dios...

I Lost Motivation for my God-given Passion… Now What?

By Jeremy Linn You were driven. Each day you were excited to take another step forward. God seemed to be doing amazing things. Now, months later, your passion has disappeared. Each day you feel worn out and progressively waste more of your time. You wonder if God will...

Life is Like Football

Is Christianity a crutch that just makes people feel better? Is Christianity too binary? Too exclusive? Does God want to condemn most of his beautiful creation to a fiery Hell? What if Christianity doesn’t work for you? Doesn’t resonate with you? Green Bay Packers...

How Understanding Divine Omniscience Helps Anxiety

By Brian Chilton While apologetics is a major focus in my life, it is only eclipsed by a love for theology. I am a big picture kind of guy. That’s why systematic theology has always intrigued me. Systematic theology examines the major themes of Scripture and organizes...

Sacrifice and Redemption in the Skywalker Saga

By Timothy Fox With the release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the “Skywalker Saga” is officially complete (for better or worse), and we can now examine all nine episodes as a completed whole. (Spoilers ahead!) While all of the Star Wars movies carry similar...

Judaism 101 with Dr. Michael Brown

Here is our list of questions (we might not get to them all, but we will try to give people an overview of what Jews believe today and how we can best reach them for Jesus). What were the major sects of Judaism in the first century? Pharisees Sadducees Essenes Zealots...

Apologetics and a Different Kind of Persuasion

By Mikel Del Rosario A Different Kind of Persuasion Have you ever found yourself “in debate mode” while talking to a skeptical friend about Christianity? Perhaps this is because many of us have been equipped with apologetic content (arguments for God’s existence, the...

Natural-ly There Is A Problem With Evil

By Alex McElroy One of the most difficult issues to reconcile in life is the presence of evil. This is the case whether one has a theistic, agnostic or atheistic worldview. The existence of evil is undeniable both in our witness and experience but is evil objective in...

How to Respond to People who Mock Christianity

How would you answer these questions? How do you know what is important in the Bible? How can I find out if someone is a Christian without sounding confrontational? How can I deal with coworkers who mock Christianity? Does design lose its meaning if you’re saying...

Putting God on Trial

By Al Serrato “I can’t believe in a God who would allow so much evil and suffering in the world.” Have you encountered this challenge? Most anyone who has tried to defend the Christian worldview surely has. The person bringing this challenge will often claim to be...

How I Got into Apologetics (And How You Can Too!)

By Erik Manning I am often asked, “how did you get into apologetics?” For some believers, they’ll get interested in apologetics because of a crisis of faith. They’ll have intellectual hurdles that come up that they have to overcome. For me, I never was plagued with...

Jesus: The Greater Moses

By Ryan Leasure An untrained eye might miss it, but the Old Testament, properly read, points to Jesus. From Genesis forward, we see reference after reference to a coming Messiah who would one day crush the head of the serpent (Gen. 3:15). Certainly the covenants with...

Did Jesus Really Claim to Be God?

Sometimes you’ll hear Muslim apologists and other skeptics of Christianity ask, “Where does Jesus say, ‘I am God, worship me’”?  You won’t find Jesus using those words anywhere in the New Testament documents.  Instead, we read Jesus kept calling Himself “The Son of...

How Jeremiah 29:11 is Far Better When You Properly Interpret It

By Brian Chilton Certain verses in the Bible have become so popularized that they are often removed from their context. In so doing, the biblical passage loses the impact that it holds. Worse yet, the text may be given a message that it never intended to carry....

Living In A Post-Truth Culture

By Bob Perry I’ve made the case that truth, goodness, and beauty are objective features of the world we live in. Hopefully, you’ve found that to be interesting. But please don’t think this is just an esoteric triviality. It’s not. We are living in a post-truth...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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