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The Importance Of A Balanced Faith

By Bob Perry It is very easy to get engrossed in all the arguments for God. People like me love to demonstrate the scientific and philosophical evidence for God. And there are good reasons for us to expose the ethical vacuum we create when we remove God from the...

What, Me Worry?

By Al Serrato Alfred E. Neumann, the famous face of Mad Magazine for many decades, popularized this slogan. While he wasn't referring to the question of salvation, this saying does seem to describe the way many people view that question today. Yes, there may be a God;...

Defund the Police?

Defund the police is one of the demands of the Black Lives Matter movement.  Is that the right solution to racism in the police force?  Should we defund all doctors if some commit malpractice? What does BLM believe?  How do they compare with the teaching of Christ? ...

Does Paul’s Silence About Jesus Prove That He Didn’t Exist?

By Erik Manning Over 99% of historical scholarship acknowledges that Jesus was a real person. It doesn't matter if that scholar is liberal or conservative, or Christian, atheist, agnostic or Jewish. The <1% of historians that believe Jesus is a myth are mostly...

The Cure for Racism

Frank and J. Warner Wallace address the racism issue head-on by answering: How can two white guys talk about this, especially when one is a cop? How has the debate about racism changed in the social media age? How has the use of data increased our polarization?...

Did Israelites ever live in Egypt?

By Mikel Del Rosario Engaging Skeptical Challenges to the Exodus When I was growing up, a lot of people I knew believed the Biblical narrative of the Exodus was at least based on a true story. Even skeptics accepted basic details like the Hebrews being enslaved in...

Is The Coronavirus A Sign Of The End Times?

By Jason Jimenez In the pages of prophetic Scripture, many signs point to the end of the age. Now, we must first understand that ever since Jesus ascended to heaven—we, the church, have been living in the end times. So, a pandemic like a coronavirus isn’t necessarily...

Jumping Into the Deep End of Divine Sovereignty

By Brian Chilton I have never been a great swimmer. Quite honestly, I swim like a rock—I sink to the bottom and do not resurface. My parents signed me up for swimming lessons when I was a kid. The swimming instructor asked all the kids to jump into his arms while...

The COVID-19 War

By Dr. Dan Eichenberger The United States incurred an unprovoked attack, and the enemy (COVID-19) has inflicted casualties. The President declared war and already invoked the Defense Production Act, essentially forcing private companies into the production of what the...

Does The Cambrian Explosion Disprove Darwinism?

By Ryan Leasure In The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin argued that “all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from someone primordial form.”1 Darwin suggested that this primordial life form gradually developed into new life forms,...

No, Dan Barker. Covid-19 Doesn’t Disprove God

By Erik Manning Not one to let a good crisis go to waste, former minister and atheist activist Dan Barker tells us that the coronavirus proves that the Christian God doesn’t exist. Why? Because God promises to answer prayer. People have prayed for COVID-19...

Agradar a Dios en medio del confinamiento

En este escrito quisiera compartirles algunas reflexiones que podemos aprender de algunas personas de la Biblia que pasaron por momentos muy difíciles y que podemos aplicar en nuestros días con respecto a estos momentos de encierro y aislamiento en nuestros hogares.*...

There’s More Than One Way To “Trust The Science”

I have made the case before that scientism is a dangerous belief system. And the COVID-19 Pandemic has done nothing but prove the point. In their response to the virus, many in power exhort us to “trust the science.” Listen to the doctors. Their wisdom...

The Redefinition of Love—Resulting From the Loss of Truth

By Rich Hoyer Most people agree that we should love one another. But what does it mean to love others? Love can’t mean what our culture says it means.  It can’t be untethered from a transcendent moral standard (i.e., God’s word and natural Law) and left to be defined...

¿Qué es el posmodernismo?

En vista de que dicha corriente filosófica se ha vuelto muy popular en estos días en las redes sociales, me ha sido menester escribir esta nota para explicar lo que en realidad es el posmodernismo; ya que suelo notar que muchas personas utilizan el adjetivo de “posmo”...

Three Actions You Can Take to Address Emotional Doubt

By Jeremy Linn A few weeks ago, my ministry had a Livestream discussion on the topic of doubt. I thought it would be a great idea to pull in the principles that came from the discussion into a short, sharable source. To explain the principles we covered, I'm going to...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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