By Brian Chilton Regardless of whether an event is recent or of antiquity, the researched event holds greater historical probability if it holds a higher number of eyewitnesses. The more eyes on the...
Missing Melanchthon
By Tim Stratton Recently I have been accused of “historical eisegesis.”[1] According to Wikipedia, “eisegesis is the process of interpreting text in such a way as to introduce one’s own...
Cancelling the Myth: Sharing the Gospel Online is Not Effective
Jorge Gil, Executive Director of, guest hosts this week’s episode of the I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist podcast. Jorge dives into the challenges of the digital mission...
A Matter of Days: Interpreting the First Chapter of Genesis
I have been publishing a series of articles addressing how one might best approach interpreting the early chapters of Genesis, and how science might illuminate Biblical texts and guide our...
Finding Common Ground In A Time of Stark Division
By Luke Nix "While We All Want to Believe That We Are Committed to Truth Rather Than A Narrative, Our Actions In Conversation—How We Mistreat Evidence, Mischaracterize Opposing Views And Arguments,...
Is the Bible Our Highest Authority?
By David Pallmann Many Christians believe that it is wrong to offer unbelievers evidence for the truth of Christianity.[1] They argue that the traditional method of apologetics dishonors Scripture...
The Key to Your Life in One Verse
John Stonestreet, President of the joins Frank to unpack one verse in the Bible that will determine the fate of your life. To the extent that you can control your life, this one...
The 5 Most Illogical People You Will Meet on the Internet
By Alisa Childers It has happened to many of us. We post an encouraging Bible verse like Psalm 145:9 on Facebook: "The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." By noon an atheist...
Are There Prophets In The Church Today?
By Jason Jimenez Turn on your T.V., and you are bound to come across a religious show with someone declaring they speak for God. Go to your local bookstore, and there I’m sure you will find several...
Giving Atheists a Hand
By Al Serrato My seventh-grade nephew needed some help the other night on social studies. He was working on the Paleolithic Age - the Old Stone Age - a time when man first started working with stone...
Your God is Too Small
Well, this is going to be provocative. Frank says that your God is too small if you can’t understand why Jesus is the only way. Your God is too small if you can’t imagine that God would disagree...
Christians Must Care Less about Our Cultural Reputation
By Natasha Crain Never have I written an article title that sounds less intuitive. Don’t we need to be concerned about our witness to the world? Isn’t that implied in the Great Commission? Shouldn’t...
The Christian Celebrity And The Psychopath
By Bob Perry If you were looking for a completely trustworthy Christian apologist to follow, would you pick someone who had risen to the status of global celebrity because of his unparalleled...
How Religion Is Being Twisted to Support Political Agendas—Interview with Dr Frank Turek
Joshua Philipp of the Epoch Times recently interviewed me on how religion, particularly Christianity, is being twisted to support political agendas. Josh asks excellent questions in this...
Resurrection Defense Series: Embarrassing Details
By Brian Chilton We began an investigation into the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. When investigating any claim of history, whether recent or of antiquity, historians use...
Jesus a Racist?
A “woke” pastor recently released a popular TikTok video charging Jesus with racism. After all, in Mark 7 Jesus appears to call a Canaanite woman a “dog.” On the face of it, that appears to be at...
No God, No Justice
By Karsten Friske The idea of protesting in an attempt to garner support to make a moral change is not new. With each movement, there exists a side that champions a series of issues and a...
Does God Treat Women like Second-Class Citizens in the Old Testament?
By Ryan Leasure Perhaps the most scathing statement ever made about the God of the Old Testament came from the pen of Richard Dawkins. He famously snarled: The God of the Old Testament is arguably...
Wanda, Westview, and Free Will
By Timothy Fox A lot can be said about Marvel’s first Disney+ series, WandaVision (Spoilers ahead!), from its weird, off-putting sitcom beginning to the broader impact the series’ events will have...
Return of the God Hypothesis PART 2 with Dr. Stephen Meyer
Dr. Stephen Meyer joins Frank for part 2 of the three major discoveries that comprise his excellent new book, Return of the God Hypothesis. They discuss the evidence for The beginning of the...