Por Bob Perry Si estuvieras buscando seguir un apologista cristiano que fuese de tu total confianza, ¿elegirías a alguien que se encuentra en la categoría de celebridad mundial, debido a su...

Por Bob Perry Si estuvieras buscando seguir un apologista cristiano que fuese de tu total confianza, ¿elegirías a alguien que se encuentra en la categoría de celebridad mundial, debido a su...
By Elliott Crozat Introduction Why the case against abortion is weak, ethically speaking is an engaging article on an issue often confined to academic journals.[1] I am grateful for the report,...
Nearly a year ago, I published a series of three articles in which I reviewed sections of Bart Ehrman’s book Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And Why We Don’t...
By Luke Nix Introduction If you consume a large portion of your material through audio, it is hard to get past a good deal on an excellent audiobook. Twice every year ChristianAudio.com runs a sale...
Pastor and author Lucas Miles joins Frank to discuss his new book, The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church. Why has the church gone left? Is the culture influencing the...
Por Alisa Childers Nos ha pasado a muchos de nosotros. Publicamos un alentador versículo bíblico como el Salmo 145:9 en Facebook: "El Señor es bueno para con todos, y su compasión, sobre todas sus...
Por el Dr. Doug Potter He enseñado apologética cristiana a una gran variedad de alumnos, desde niños de 11 años hasta estudiantes de seminario. Lo he hecho en diferentes lugares; en la escuela...
By Brian Chilton Historians use various methodologies to determine the credibility of a historical story. One criterion is called the “criterion of multiple attestation.”[1] Reginald Fuller calls...
By Ryan Leasure The Gospel according to John has received more scrutiny than the other Gospels put together. Case in point, dating back to the 1920s, critical scholars have argued that the apostle...
By Bob Perry “What is God’s will for my life?” This is a common question to hear from someone who is pondering a difficult life decision. Making big decisions can be confusing. But using “God’s...
How do we know the New Testament writers actually told the truth? Could the New Testament story be invented? Building on two previous shows, Frank gives five reasons why it takes more “faith" to...
By Wintery Knight We were having a discussion about whether the Bible teaches that sex before marriage is morally wrong, and someone said “impure thoughts counts as adultery… there isn’t a virgin...
By Timothy Fox In my last blog post, I shared some of the most important books regarding cultural issues that I read in the year since the COVID lockdowns began in March 2020. While those books...
By Mia Langford Apologetics is having an overdue moment in the spotlight, thanks in part to challenges from media influence on the culture. Dr. Ray Ciervo, apologist, pastor, and SES Alum, joins us...
How do we know that the writers of the Gospels and Acts were eyewitnesses? One way we can tell is through a study of names in the New Testament. It may sound boring, but it’s actually fascinating....
By Jason Jimenez Biden, the 46th president, is America’s second Catholic President. The first was John F. Kennedy—when he became President in 1961. From the start of his campaign, Biden wanted...
By Ryan Leasure Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is one of the most well-known stories in the Gospels. Yet, for some reason, Matthew, Mark, and Luke don’t mention it. This head-scratching absence...
By Alisa Childers Two men. Both grew up in Christian homes in suburban America. Both have famous Evangelical fathers. Both made personal decisions for Christ and became actively involved and...
Is the US Military going woke? Is it getting too political? If it is, why should Christians care? Some say that the Pentagon’s "Countering Extremist Working Group” is targeting conservatives, and...
By Brian Chilton Gary Habermas is no stranger to those who study the historicity of Jesus’s resurrection. He is a world-renowned scholar on the resurrection who serves as a Research Scholar teaching...
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