President Biden said this week that all trans people are made in the image of God. He’s absolutely right. Everyone is. But the President then ignored the end of the verse: “God made them male and...

President Biden said this week that all trans people are made in the image of God. He’s absolutely right. Everyone is. But the President then ignored the end of the verse: “God made them male and...
Por Natasha Crain Mi blog y podcast han estado en pausa porque estaba terminando de escribir mi nuevo libro, Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture (Fielmente...
What do you think about when you hear the word “God”? Too many of us have false knowledge about God. We think God loves us more if we obey Him and less if we don’t. Nothing could be further from the...
Are you FOR a free and respectful debate about controversial issues? Are you FOR the freedom to have your own political opinions without fear of losing your job? Are you FOR respecting people and...
Por David Pallman En general, se entiende que el razonamiento circular es una falacia. La razón es que los argumentos circulares suponen lo que pretenden demostrar. Al menos una de las premisas de...
By Ryan Leasure This article is part 5 in a nine-part series on how we got our Bible. Part 1 considered inspiration and inerrancy. Part 2 looked at the unfolding of the Old Testament. Part...
Do you have to have a degree in theology, philosophy, or apologetics in order to speak powerfully and accurately about how the church is being influenced by the culture? If you think so—if you think...
Por Ryan Leasure No es raro que los cristianos hagan sombra al Antiguo Testamento. Estos cristianos dicen que aman a Jesús, pero que podrían prescindir de esos textos judíos primitivos. De hecho,...
By Mike Taylor Have you ever found yourself looking at someone else’s life on social media and wondering how they’re able to do all that they do? We see people on Instagram taking vacations, buying...
There are some people in the Christian church that say we ought not to expose false teachers or publicly name names. Rather, we should just focus on preaching the gospel. Question: Suppose your...
Por Ryan Leasure Si eres de una iglesia de los Apalaches que manipulan serpientes, lamento decepcionarte. Este no es ESE tipo de post. Por el contrario, es un post sobre cómo la Biblia retrata a las...
By Alisa Childers When my daughter Dyllan was a toddler, I exercised quite regularly at the YMCA. (And by "exercised," I mean that I read a book on the stationary bike and pedaled as slowly as...
We have heard many stories of Christians deconstructing and deconverting their faith. So, what’s the best way to help doubters, and how can we engage seekers? In this show, Sean McDowell fills in...
Por J. Brian Huffling El Problema El 22 de agosto de 2021, el Christian Post publicó un artículo en el que se afirmaba que más "del 60% de los cristianos nacidos de nuevo en Estados Unidos con...
By Bob Perry If you’re anything like me, you probably associate the word “myth” with an ancient fairy tale. The Greek and Roman pantheon of gods comes to mind — magical spells, curses, and...
In this show, Frank answers these listener questions: Why did God create people He knew would go to Hell? Why does the Creator have to be personal? How can we defend the odd laws in the Old...
Por Alisa Childers Cuando mi hija Dyllan era pequeña, me ejercitaba con bastante regularidad en el YMCA. (Y por "ejercitaba" quiero decir que leía un libro en la bicicleta estática y pedaleaba lo...
By Brian Chilton A cabin was nestled near the top of a mountaintop in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. This cabin served as a vacation home for my family and me. The evening was humid and...
The most influential apologist of the 20th century was once a hardened atheist. How did C.S. Lewis convert to become such a force for Christianity? Max McLean, writer and star of the brilliant new...
If God is all-good and all-powerful, why doesn’t He stop evil? Maybe it’s because an all-good and all-powerful God doesn’t actually exist! That’s what some atheists will claim. In this show, Frank...
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