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An Intro to Arguments for God’s Existence

By J. Brian Huffling Does God exist? This has been one of the most asked questions in history with the most profound implications. As Norman Geisler used to say, our view of God’s existence is most important since it determines what we think about everything else....

Does The Cambrian Explosion Disprove Darwinism?

By Ryan Leasure In The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin argued that “all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from someone primordial form.”1 Darwin suggested that this primordial life form gradually developed into new life forms,...

Is Earth Just A Pale Blue Dot?

By Ryan Leasure  In his book Pale Blue Dot, the late astronomer Carl Sagan had this to say about the above photograph taken aboard Voyager I: Because of the reflection of sunlight... Earth seems to be sitting in a beam of light as if there were some special...

Could The Universe Be Eternal?

By Ryan Leasure One of my favorite arguments for God’s existence is the Kalam Cosmological Argument. While this argument has historical roots, contemporary Christian philosopher William Lane Craig has popularized it more recently. The argument goes like this:...

No, it’s not wrong to argue for God’s existence.

By Erik Manning There are dozens of arguments for the existence of God. To rattle off just a few: there’s the moral argument, ontological, religious experience, miracles, consciousness, reason, desire, and the families of cosmological arguments and design arguments....

Materialism Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on Earth

By Bob Perry As I’ve discussed elsewhere, Darwinian Evolution tells a great story. But that story is wholly disconnected from the actual evidence of life on Earth. That’s especially true when it comes to the origin of life. To be fair, Darwinian Evolution insists it...

God & Evil: A Rapid-Fire Response

By Timothy Fox The problem of evil (pain or suffering) is probably the number one argument against the existence of God. While it is definitely not a problem that can be answered quickly and simply, I’d like to offer some short, rapid-fire responses that can be used...

We Live In A Beautiful World

By Bob Perry In classical thinking, saying that something is beautiful is not a matter of subjective opinion. It’s a way to identify an objective feature of the world. We don’t construct beauty; we discover it. And we try to mimic it. A lot of ink has gone to a paper...

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

By Alex McElroy I’ve never been much of an artist. I do, however, have great respect for those that possess the skill and patience to create a masterpiece. In fact, I admire anyone that can draw anything beyond a stick figure. I remember when I was growing up, my...

7 Independent Lines of Evidence for God’s Existence

By Luke Nix Introduction- Why Is God's Existence So Important? One of the most heated debates in any setting is the existence of God. If God exists, then He is the foundation for objective morality. One's view of morality governs their thinking in everything from...

The Kalam Cosmological Argument NOT Debunked

By Evan Minton I discovered a YouTuber called "Rationality Rules" very recently. One of his many videos is "The Kalam Cosmological Argument Debunked - (First Cause Argument Refuted)" which you can watch here. One of my patrons brought this video to my attention and...

Knowledge and Certainty: Can You Know that God Exists?

Mikel Del Rosario Do you have to be absolutely certain about something like “God exists” before you can say that you actually know it? Christians who talk about the evidence for God sometimes get frustrated when skeptics challenge a basic premise like “everything that...

Lowder’s Comments to My Assessment of His Debate with Turek

By Jacobus Erasmus In 2016, Jeffery Jay Lowder[1] debated Frank Turek on the topic Naturalism vs theism. See here: In early 2017, I wrote two articles in which I assess Lowder’s opening statement (see here and here). It was brought to my attention that Lowder recently...

The Darwin Tales

By Terrell Clemmons It's Time to Remit Darwinian Storytelling to the Annals of History. Stephen Meyer was a young geophysicist working in the oil industry in Dallas, Texas, in 1985 when he saw that an interesting science conference was coming to town and he decided to...

The BGV Theorem: An Unexpected Asset for Christian Theism

By Brian Chilton Turn on the Discovery Channel or the Science Channel, and you may find interesting theories pertaining to how the universe came to be. Some propose that an eternal multiverse gave rise to our modern universe. Others will hold that eternal wiggling...

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