Most of our top universities continue their liberal learning right through the graduation ceremony. Todd Starnes provides a complete listing of university graduation speakers from Harvard on down....

You Can’t Preach the Gospel without Freedom
When I hear Christians saying we ought not get involved in politics but just “preach the Gospel,” I show them this satellite picture of the Korean peninsula. Here we see a homogenous population of...
The End of Moral Relativism: A Chain of Perverts
If you are not familiar with the name Alfred Kinsey, you might want to look him up, and you might want to start with Judith Reisman's, Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of...

What Really Happened at Nicea?
For many years, the council of Nicea has been the subject of much confusion among laypeople. The misapprehensions which have come to be associated with the council of Nicea have, in part, been...
Apologetics Resources for Kids
I often get asked to recommend apologetics resources for kids. Our friends at Ratio Christi have put together a list of recommendations by age group, all the way down to elementary school. Click...

The Argument From Cosmic Fine Tuning
The concept of cosmic fine tuning relates to a unique property of our universe whereby the physical constants and laws are observed to be balanced on a ‘razor’s edge’ for permitting the emergence of...

Did They Really Exist? A Biblical and Scientific Defence of Adam and Eve
The historicity of Adam and Eve is a question which strikes at the heart of the Christian faith. If the primordial pair did not exist, then the historical and Biblical doctrine of the fall becomes...
Frank Turek Interviews William Lane Craig
During the National Conference on Apologetics at the end of October, I had the chance to sit down with Dr. William Lane Craig before an audience of about 1,700 and ask him about his recent trip to...
Staying Out of the Ditch
Occasionally we run across a philosophical or theological difficulty that threatens to drive us into a ditch, causing us to “ditch” our search for the truth in a particular matter. Common road...

Is Intelligent Design Science?
The purpose of this post is not to prove that Intelligent Design is true, nor that it is superior to naturalistic alternatives, but simply to raise awareness over some of the lines of evidence where...
The Bible: Embarrassing and True (Part 2)
Do the New Testament documents tell the truth about what really happened in the first century? As I wrote in my last column, authors claiming to write history are unlikely to invent...
The Bible: Embarrassing and True (Part 1)
What are your most embarrassing moments? You don’t want to admit them. And if you do admit them, you certainly won’t add to your shame by inventing embarrassing moments about yourself to make you...

Christians and Atheists Seeking the Same Thing?
Evangelical author Skye Jethani makes the insightful observation that some so-called Christians and some atheists have quite a bit in common when it comes to control. While some atheists (like...

In ancient wall, scholar sees proof for Bible
Back in 1993, archaeologists found an inscription in the Israeli town of Dan bearing the name of the Hebrew King David. This put to rest the theory that the David of the Bible was just a myth. Now...
Caroline Lois’ Story: A response to suffering.
by Caroline's Dad, Neil Mammen My sweet daughter Caroline Lois died in my arms last week. She was nine days old. We will bury her this week. This is Caroline’s story, starting with the reflections...
Big Apologetics Conference Coming Soon
Join me along with Chuck Colson, William Lane Craig, Greg Koukl, Hank Hanegraaff, Gary Habermas, Alex McFarland, as well as many others in Charlotte, NC on November 13-14 for the nation's largest...

Defining Atheism: “No belief in God” or “Belief in no God?”
"Atheist" is a translation of the Greek: atheos using the alpha privative "a" and the term for God "theos." It does not merge the alpha private with the ENGLISH TERM "theist." Rather "atheist" as a...

Worship, God, and Egomania
"God must be an egomaniac to command all humanity to worship Him and then send anyone to hell who doesn't worship him enough, right?" Perhaps you haven't heard the issue raised quite like that, but...
Religion Spoils Everything, Jesus Revives the Spoiled
As I drove back to Colorado Springs from Denver today, the fog was so thick I could barely see the car ahead of me, much less the usual splendor of the Rocky Mountains to the west. I was listening...
Christian Apologetics: Dr. William Lane Craig Answers Your Questions
As conducts seminars and debates on college campuses, we owe much to Dr. William Lane Craig. Dr. Craig is one of Christianity’s best intellectual defenders. He is the author of...