How does a man facing his own premature death exude an uplifting combination of grace, love and truth? My friend Nabeel Qureshi, who has done that for more than a year, died at age 34 on Saturday....
Remembering Nabeel Qureshi
By Brian Chilton The Christian community lost a wonderful man of God this past Saturday, September 16, 2017. Nabeel Qureshi entered his eternal home after a year-long battle with stomach cancer at...
Who Wrote the Letters of John?
By Brian Chilton The website has devoted substantial time in exploring the identity of the authors of the New Testament texts. This journey continues as we explore the three letters attributed to...
Humorous Bible Translation Errors…and What They Mean for Biblical Reliability
Jewish and Christian scribes took inordinate care in copying the Bible from one generation to the next. For a variety of reasons, we can have great confidence that our present Bibles have...
Mathematical Apologetics: Discovering Divine Attributes in Math
By Brian Chilton On today’s podcast, Brian discusses how one discovers the mark of the divine in math. In the book Faith and Learning: A Handbook for Christian Higher Education, edited by David S....
Who Wrote the Book of Hebrews?
By Brian Chilton Throughout the past several weeks, we have been exploring who the authors of the books of the New Testament were. Already we have seen that there are good reasons for supporting the...
Who Wrote the Gospel of John?
By Brian Chilton For the past few weeks, we have investigated the authors of the Gospels and the book of Acts. In this article, we examine the evidence for the Gospel of John. Who wrote the Fourth...
Right Behavior. Does It Exist?
By Michael C. Sherrard How do you know if your idea of right behavior is truer than mine? I ask, of course, because nearly every day I’m confronted, as are you I'm sure, by someone who insists that...
Who Wrote the Letters of Peter?
By Brian Chilton Over the past few months, we have been investigating the authors and backgrounds of the New Testament books. In this article, we will look into the letters attributed to Peter....
College Is Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth
In 2015, Oklahoma Wesleyan University president Everett Piper wrote a provocative article entitled, “This is Not A Day Care. It’s A University!” The article was quoted in the Washington Post,...
How Does Christianity Fulfill our Deepest Aspiration? Author Interview
My friend and Biola colleague Greg Ganssle has written a fascinating new book called Our Deepest Desires: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations. Professor Ganssle takes a unique...
Debating Atheists: Arrival of the Universe (Part 2/5)
By Dan Grossenbach In the previous post of this short blog series found here, I explained how four facts agreed upon by the majority of non-Christian experts can be used to build a strong case for...
7 Reasons Why I Came Back to the Christian Faith
By Brian Chilton On today’s podcast, host Brian Chilton discusses his personal journey back to the Christian faith. Brian was saved at the age of 7 and was called into the gospel ministry at 16...
The Incompatibility of Christianity and Racism
By Brian Chilton This past Saturday, I returned home from our church’s annual Vacation Bible School. The topic for this year’s VBS was on putting on the full armor of God. When I sat down in my...
Debating Atheists: Introduction (part 1/5)
By Dan Grossenbach On November 27, 2016, I debated a local atheist leader, retired podiatrist Dr. Gil Shapiro, the spokesperson of Freethought Arizona (video here). I’ve blogged on general...
Who Wrote the Letter of James?
By Bryan Chilton As you know, we have been examining the authorship of the New Testament letters over the past few weeks. Thus far, we have learned that good reasons exist to accept the apostles...
Did God Use Evolution? Is the Earth Old? New Book Review
Questions related to origins are some of the most divisive in the church today: How old is the earth? Is there good evidence for intelligent design? Did God use evolution?Sadly, rather than...
Why Apologetics Won’t Work
By Dan Grossenbach If apologetics is so great and its arguments compelling, why isn’t everyone convinced of Christianity? This is where the doctrine of election debate between Calvinists and...
Freedom Through Obedience: A Lesson from Star Wars
Personal autonomy has become the reigning virtue of our day. If it feels true to you, then it must be true for you. As SCOTUS Justice Anthony Kennedy famously said, "At the heart of liberty is the...
Making Apologetics Personal: A Quick Lesson from John 4
It’s no secret that I love apologetics. I love to read apologetics blogs, study apologetics books, and have apologetics conversations. But there is a constant temptation I have to battle that I...